Social sciences

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Sustainability59245
2 Value in Health15176
3 Innovation in Aging14580
4 Healthcare9557
5 Land7574
6 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise7268
7 Journal of Personalized Medicine6312
8 BMC Health Services Research5770
9 Journal of Medical Internet Research4334
10 SAGE Open3809
11 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation3793
12 BMC Medical Education3699
13 BMC Geriatrics3573
14 Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine3439
15 Social Science & Medicine3260
16 Resources Policy3240
17 Journal of Healthcare Engineering3233
18 Supportive Care in Cancer3094
19 Technological Forecasting and Social Change3047
20 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management2928
21 Drug and Alcohol Dependence2855
22 Journal of General Internal Medicine2812
23 Arthroscopy-The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery2804
24 Gait & Posture2757
25 Education and Information Technologies2643
26 Energy Economics2479
27 International Journal of Integrated Care2471
28 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery2466
29 Academic Medicine2429
30 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society2428
31 Children and Youth Services Review2388
32 Journal of Chemical Education2387
33 Annals of Palliative Medicine2332
34 Land Use Policy2254
35 Applied Economics2253
36 Energy Policy2221
37 Cities2117
38 Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports2008
39 Journal of Advanced Nursing1968
- Journal of Clinical Nursing1968
41 Patient Education and Counseling1925
42 Marine Policy1924
43 Applied Economics Letters1918
44 American Journal of Sports Medicine1854
45 Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy1853
46 Energy Research & Social Science1827
47 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization1820
48 American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry1793
49 Economics Letters1791
50 BMC Nursing1774
51 Child Abuse & Neglect1679
52 International Review of Economics & Finance1677
53 Nursing Open1666
54 Journal of Interpersonal Violence1655
55 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research1579
56 Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment1572
57 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior1555
58 American Journal of Nursing1546
59 Perspectives on Politics1533
60 Accident Analysis and Prevention1527
61 Journal of Palliative Medicine1510
62 Addiction1474
63 Nurse Education Today1471
64 Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare1466
65 Journal of Pediatric Nursing-Nursing Care of Children & Families1456
66 Digital Health1447
67 AIDS and Behavior1437
68 American Journal of Bioethics1434
69 Sustainable Production and Consumption1417
70 Journal of Applied Physiology1407
71 Economic Modelling1403
72 Physics Teacher1394
73 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening1376
74 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology1361
75 Business Strategy and the Environment1348
76 World Development1343
77 Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research1329
78 Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport1324
79 JNP- the Journal for Nurse Practitioners1317
80 International Journal of Drug Policy1315
81 Addictive Behaviors1313
82 Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas1308
83 Forensic Science International1305
84 Systems1301
85 Journal of American College Health1286
86 Risk Management and Healthcare Policy1284
87 Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences1256
88 Medical Education1252
89 Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review1249
90 Technology in Society1233
- Ecological Economics1233
92 Medical Teacher1221
93 Ethnic and Racial Studies1219
94 Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing1217
95 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education1214
- International Psychogeriatrics1214
97 Nature Climate Change1208
98 BMC Medical Research Methodology1206
99 International Affairs1198
100 Journal of Business Ethics1180
101 Teaching and Teacher Education1176
102 Managerial and Decision Economics1175
103 Archives of Sexual Behavior1166
104 Geriatric Nursing1159
105 Current Issues in Tourism1148
- Transport Policy1148
107 New Media & Society1144
108 Psychiatric Services1142
109 Quality of Life Research1141
110 Journal of Rural Studies1136
111 Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice1131
112 Journal of the Knowledge Economy1128
113 European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing1126
114 Journal of Surgical Education1121
115 British Journal of Sports Medicine1114
116 Health & Social Care in the Community1113
117 Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte1100
118 Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific1097
119 European Journal of Applied Physiology1092
120 Health Affairs1089
121 Health Expectations1087
122 Technology and Health Care1081
- JMIR mHealth and uHealth1081
124 Journal of Forensic Sciences1079
125 International Journal of Hospitality Management1078
126 Sustainable Development1076
127 Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja1072
128 Journal of Medical Ethics1070
129 Economic Analysis and Policy1065
130 AORN Journal1061
131 British Journal of Social Work1059
132 Telemedicine and E-Health1053
133 Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma1045
134 Journal of Nursing Management1032
135 Environmental Impact Assessment Review1025
136 Geriatrics & Gerontology International1022
137 Nurse Education in Practice1016
138 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research1013
139 Interactive Learning Environments1012
- American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation1012
141 International Journal of Medical Informatics1011
142 Health Communication999
143 Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour992
144 Journal of Pragmatics990
145 International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care988
146 Contemporary Sociology-A Journal of Reviews986
147 Substance Use & Misuse983
148 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports976
149 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction973
150 Knee968
151 JOGNN-Journal of Obstetric Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing962
- Journal of Sports Sciences962
153 BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care957
154 Journal of Transport Geography954
155 Geoforum952
156 Midwifery949
- Socio-Economic Planning Sciences949
158 Journal of Banking & Finance945
159 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management942
- Journal of Asian Studies942
161 Psycho-Oncology936
- International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance936
163 Social Indicators Research934
164 Women and Birth930
165 Journal of Econometrics925
166 Journal of Womens Health915
- Landscape and Urban Planning915
168 International Journal of Legal Medicine908
169 BMC Palliative Care896
170 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management893
171 System888
172 npj Digital Medicine885
173 Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences884
174 Slavic Review876
175 International Journal of Nursing Studies874
176 Clinical Biomechanics870
- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences870
178 One Earth868
179 Heart & Lung867
180 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies866
181 Health Services Research865
182 Aging & Mental Health863
183 Risk Analysis862
184 Tobacco Induced Diseases861
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute861
186 PM&R854
187 Journal of Transport & Health847
188 North American Journal of Economics and Finance840
189 OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying838
190 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management837
191 Journal of Urban Affairs836
192 European Economic Review835
193 Tobacco Control833
194 Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP832
195 International Journal of Emerging Markets829
196 Journal of Applied Gerontology825
197 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness824
198 Drug and Alcohol Review822
199 Thinking Skills and Creativity820
200 Pain Management Nursing814
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)