Social sciences

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Journal of Financial Economics38.110
2 American Economic Review34.519
3 Quarterly Journal of Economics32.762
4 Nature Sustainability29.393
5 Tourism Management25.675
6 Technological Forecasting and Social Change25.260
7 Review of Financial Studies23.773
8 npj Digital Medicine23.226
9 Nature Climate Change23.207
10 Sustainable Production and Consumption22.942
11 Educational Psychologist22.544
12 Energy Economics21.730
13 Computers & Education21.160
14 International Journal of Hospitality Management21.154
15 Technology in Society21.058
16 Business Strategy and the Environment20.513
17 International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education20.483
18 Journal of Finance19.525
19 Educational Research Review19.025
20 Energy Policy18.665
21 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management18.258
22 Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions18.138
23 Journal of Public Economics17.640
24 Landscape and Urban Planning17.440
25 Annals of Tourism Research17.303
26 Review of Finance17.153
27 British Journal of Sports Medicine16.565
28 Journal of Economic Perspectives16.282
29 Implementation Science16.281
30 Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review16.136
31 Journal of Sport and Health Science16.012
32 Resources Policy15.973
33 Annual Review of Economics15.946
34 Energy Research & Social Science15.740
35 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management15.682
36 Annual Review of Political Science15.653
37 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics15.605
38 Journal of Econometrics15.510
39 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management15.180
40 Environmental Impact Assessment Review15.137
41 Journal of Medical Internet Research15.043
42 One Earth15.025
43 Annual Review of Resource Economics14.984
44 Transport Reviews14.874
45 European Transport Research Review14.756
46 Internet and Higher Education14.683
47 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management14.641
48 Ecosystem Services14.639
49 Land Use Policy14.479
50 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance14.378
51 Journal of Sustainable Tourism14.301
52 Econometrica14.253
53 Sports Medicine13.976
54 Review of Economic Studies13.939
55 Review of Educational Research13.916
56 JMIR mHealth and uHealth13.896
57 Computers Environment and Urban Systems13.771
58 Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment13.740
59 World Development13.695
60 International Organization13.609
61 Journal of Medical Systems13.512
62 International Journal of Nursing Studies13.434
63 Transport Policy13.419
64 Journal of Political Economy13.397
65 Journal of Economic Literature13.220
66 International Journal of Forecasting13.195
67 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change13.066
68 Journal of Advertising13.010
69 Transportation Research Part B-Methodological13.008
70 Educational Researcher12.980
71 European Research on Management and Business Economics12.966
72 Oeconomia Copernicana12.959
73 Ecological Economics12.842
74 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing12.807
75 Food Policy12.803
76 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management12.581
77 European Societies12.578
78 British Journal of Educational Technology12.568
79 Annual Review of Sociology12.457
80 Accident Analysis and Prevention12.443
81 International Journal of Stem Education12.320
82 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening12.312
83 Journal of Monetary Economics12.142
84 Information Technology & Tourism12.097
85 Economic Analysis and Policy11.916
86 Tourism Management Perspectives11.905
87 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions11.899
88 Health Affairs11.777
89 Journal of Travel Research11.757
90 American Sociological Review11.723
91 Financial Innovation11.546
92 Sustainable Development11.428
93 Pragmatics11.363
94 Health Policy and Planning11.321
95 Journal of Air Transport Management11.319
96 International Journal of Advertising11.231
97 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics11.195
98 Cities11.194
99 Journal of Financial Stability11.110
100 Journal of Transport Geography11.093
101 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology11.073
102 Journal of Accounting & Economics10.962
103 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology10.899
104 Journal of Rural Studies10.803
105 Borsa Istanbul Review10.755
106 Habitat International10.652
107 Sports Medicine-Open10.565
108 Climate Policy10.557
109 Telecommunications Policy10.547
110 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy10.454
111 Journal of Environmental Psychology10.398
112 Progress in Human Geography10.382
113 Journal of Educational Computing Research10.368
114 Computer Assisted Language Learning10.353
115 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences10.180
116 Journal of Development Economics10.133
117 Tourism Review10.126
118 Policy and Society10.116
119 Journal of Social Issues10.074
120 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management9.991
121 Review of Economics of the Household9.912
122 Journal of Urban Economics9.859
123 Journal of Economic Surveys9.849
124 International Journal of Health Services9.837
125 Social Science & Medicine9.779
126 Journal of Research on Technology in Education9.766
127 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment9.710
128 World Politics9.694
129 Digital Journalism9.602
130 Learning and Instruction9.600
131 Annual Review of Criminology9.595
132 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy9.590
133 China Economic Review9.581
134 Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory9.516
135 Travel Behaviour and Society9.515
136 Review of Economics and Statistics9.484
137 Current Issues in Tourism9.476
138 Science Communication9.387
139 Economic Modelling9.373
140 International Journal of Medical Informatics9.262
141 Journal of Nursing Management9.253
142 Big Data & Society9.193
143 Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money9.170
144 Small Business Economics9.094
145 Communication Methods and Measures9.080
146 Education for Chemical Engineers9.048
147 International Journal of Management Education8.942
148 JMIR Serious Games8.894
149 Technological and Economic Development of Economy8.892
150 Journal of the European Economic Association8.878
151 Human Resources for Health8.856
152 Internet Interventions-The Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health8.801
153 Technology Pedagogy and Education8.766
154 Addictive Behaviors8.741
155 Journal of Business Ethics8.638
156 Journal of Population Economics8.631
157 Journal of Computing in Higher Education8.617
158 Transportation Science8.545
159 Nurse Education Today8.536
160 International Review of Economics & Finance8.459
161 Emerging Markets Review8.447
162 Health Policy and Technology8.432
163 Public Relations Review8.414
164 Interactive Learning Environments8.290
165 Research in Transportation Economics8.265
166 Education and Information Technologies8.260
167 Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja8.240
168 Political Analysis8.239
169 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology8.235
170 Human Resource Management Journal8.227
171 Science and Engineering Ethics8.209
172 American Political Science Review8.191
173 Feminist Economics8.129
174 Journal of Community Health8.124
175 Journal of Banking & Finance8.111
176 Utilities Policy8.083
177 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition8.077
178 System8.072
179 Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice8.036
180 Journal of Communication8.021
181 International Journal of Drug Policy8.002
182 Health Technology Assessment7.991
183 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews7.982
184 International Journal of Manpower7.979
185 West European Politics7.956
186 Sport Management Review7.938
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning7.938
188 Economic Journal7.926
189 Studies in Educational Evaluation7.917
190 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education7.913
- Comunicar7.913
- Substance Abuse7.913
193 New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development7.910
194 Maritime Economics & Logistics7.896
195 Human Relations7.893
196 Journal of Science Education and Technology7.874
197 Hematology-American Society of Hematology Education Program7.852
198 Journal of Health and Social Behavior7.840
199 Recall7.822
200 American Economic Review-Insights7.809
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)