Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management ca. 11.9
2 Tourism Management ca. 10.9
3 Annals of Tourism Research ca. 10.4
4 International Journal of Hospitality Management ca. 9.9
5 Journal of Sport and Health Science ca. 9.7
6 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management ca. 9.1
7 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management ca. 8.9
8 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing ca. 8.2
9 Journal of Travel Research ca. 8
- Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health ca. 8
11 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management ca. 7.6
12 Tourism Review ca. 7.3
- Tourism Management Perspectives ca. 7.3
14 Journal of Sustainable Tourism ca. 6.9
15 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ca. 6.4
16 Information Technology & Tourism ca. 6.3
17 Current Issues in Tourism ca. 5.7
18 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology ca. 5.3
19 Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education ca. 4.8
20 Journal of Vacation Marketing ca. 4.5
21 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research ca. 4.4
22 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research ca. 4.3
23 International Journal of Tourism Research ca. 4.1
- Tourism Geographies ca. 4.1
25 Sport Management Review ca. 3.7
26 Tourism Economics ca. 3.6
- Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism-Research Planning and Management ca. 3.6
- European Sport Management Quarterly ca. 3.6
29 Journal of Sport Management ca. 3.5
30 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly ca. 3.4
31 Tourist Studies ca. 3.3
32 Communication & Sport ca. 3.2
33 Psychology of Sport and Exercise ca. 3.1
- Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism ca. 3.1
35 International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship ca. 3
36 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology ca. 2.7
37 Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology ca. 2.6
38 Journal of Leisure Research ca. 2.5
- Journal of Sport & Social Issues ca. 2.5
- International Review for the Sociology of Sport ca. 2.5
41 Leisure Studies ca. 2.3
- Sport Education and Society ca. 2.3
- International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ca. 2.3
44 Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change ca. 2.2
- Leisure Sciences ca. 2.2
46 Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology ca. 2
- Sociology of Sport Journal ca. 2
48 Journal of Sports Economics ca. 1.8
49 Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science ca. 1.7
50 Sport Psychologist ca. 1.6
51 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching ca. 1.5
- Sport in Society ca. 1.5
53 Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport ca. 1.4
54 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport ca. 1.2
55 International Journal of the History of Sport ca. 0.8