Education, Scientific Disciplines

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 International Journal of Stem Education12.134
2 Education for Chemical Engineers8.400
- Anatomical Sciences Education8.400
4 Journal of Science Education and Technology7.682
5 Nurse Education Today7.533
6 CBE-Life Sciences Education7.287
7 Hematology-American Society of Hematology Education Program6.117
8 Journal of Surgical Education5.736
9 Medical Teacher5.709
10 Journal of Engineering Education5.667
11 Physical Review Physics Education Research5.599
12 Journal of Chemical Education5.429
13 Computer Applications in Engineering Education5.356
14 Advances in Health Sciences Education5.312
15 BMC Medical Education5.184
16 Academic Medicine5.160
17 ACM Transactions on Computing Education4.860
18 Medical Education4.618
19 Teaching and Learning in Medicine4.283
20 European Journal of Dental Education3.980
21 Chemistry Education Research and Practice3.908
22 IEEE Transactions on Education3.712
23 Advances in Physiology Education3.447
24 International Journal of Technology and Design Education3.420
25 Engineering Studies3.254
26 Journal of School Health2.926
27 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education2.568
28 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education2.301
29 Journal of Cancer Education2.273
30 Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions2.186
31 Journal of Biological Education1.836
32 Journal of Veterinary Medical Education1.573
33 European Journal of Physics1.567
34 American Journal of Physics1.501
35 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior1.485
36 Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research1.168
37 Physics Teacher0.837
38 American Biology Teacher0.536