
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Ecology and Evolution5248
2 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution3929
3 Diversity-Basel3702
4 Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences2272
5 Global Change Biology2270
6 Molecular Ecology2010
7 Global Ecology and Conservation1942
8 Regional Studies in Marine Science1787
9 Ecosphere1741
10 Biological Conservation1704
11 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment1628
12 Ecological Informatics1389
13 Marine Ecology Progress Series1312
14 Ecology1283
15 Ecological Economics1233
16 Nature Ecology & Evolution1219
17 Biogeosciences1210
18 Applied Ecology and Environmental Research1189
19 Ecological Modelling1155
20 Frontiers in Forests and Global Change1095
21 Fire-Switzerland1093
22 Restoration Ecology1075
23 Biological Invasions1072
24 Journal of Applied Ecology1065
25 Functional Ecology1042
26 Evolution1040
27 Ecological Engineering1029
28 ISME Journal1009
29 Methods in Ecology and Evolution989
30 Ecology Letters983
31 Journal of Ecology966
32 Journal of Biogeography961
33 Landscape and Urban Planning910
34 Journal of Animal Ecology896
35 Biodiversity and Conservation890
36 Oecologia875
37 Microbial Ecology848
38 Ecological Applications841
39 Molecular Ecology Resources811
40 Conservation Biology803
41 Global Ecology and Biogeography788
42 Freshwater Biology780
43 Diversity and Distributions776
44 Trends in Ecology & Evolution749
45 Oikos746
46 Journal of Wildlife Management734
47 Landscape Ecology711
48 Oryx707
49 Journal of Arid Environments697
50 American Naturalist677
51 Austral Ecology668
52 Journal for Nature Conservation653
53 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology629
54 Flora628
55 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology613
56 Ecography610
57 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment582
58 Biotropica575
59 Journal of Evolutionary Biology566
- People and Nature566
- Polar Biology566
62 Environmental Biology of Fishes560
63 BMC Ecology and Evolution554
64 African Journal of Ecology549
65 Behavioral Ecology545
66 Ecology and Society542
67 Urban Ecosystems535
68 Ecotoxicology529
69 Ecosystem Services516
70 International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife505
71 Wetlands502
72 Ecohydrology486
73 Rangeland Ecology & Management476
74 Current Opinion in Insect Science459
75 Journal of Natural History458
76 European Journal of Wildlife Research424
77 Basic and Applied Ecology408
78 Plants People Planet407
79 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology403
80 Journal of Vegetation Science392
81 Plant Ecology390
82 Ecological Research389
83 Ecosystems387
84 Animal Conservation370
85 Conservation Physiology365
86 Heredity360
87 Contemporary Problems of Ecology358
88 Neobiota342
89 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology341
90 Wildlife Research338
91 Aquatic Ecology337
92 Polar Science335
93 Journal of Chemical Ecology326
94 Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology308
95 AoB Plants306
96 Applied Vegetation Science301
97 Ecological Processes285
98 European Journal of Soil Biology275
99 Movement Ecology271
100 Fungal Ecology262
101 Tropical Ecology260
102 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation257
103 Southeastern Naturalist254
104 International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology248
105 Northeastern Naturalist243
106 Evolutionary Ecology241
107 Russian Journal of Ecology240
108 Natural Areas Journal235
109 Arctic Science233
110 Freshwater Science232
- Western North American Naturalist232
112 Marine Biology Research227
113 Chemistry and Ecology225
114 Fire Ecology215
115 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation209
116 Ecological Monographs208
117 Plant Species Biology206
118 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability205
119 Ecological Management & Restoration202
120 Food Webs200
121 Theoretical Population Biology196
122 Landscape and Ecological Engineering193
123 Acta Amazonica192
124 Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management189
125 Pedobiologia188
126 Mammal Review183
127 Paleobiology182
128 Community Ecology179
129 Ecological Restoration177
130 New Zealand Journal of Ecology172
131 Animal Biotelemetry165
132 Journal of Tropical Ecology160
133 African Journal of Range & Forage Science157
134 Southwestern Naturalist156
135 Ecological Complexity153
136 Population Ecology151
137 Polar Record146
138 Journal of Biological Dynamics134
139 Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics133
140 Journal of Freshwater Ecology124
- Aquatic Invasions124
142 Theoretical Ecology117
143 Polar Research113
144 eco.mont-Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research112
145 Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics105
146 Northwest Science103
147 Biology Letters96
148 Rangeland Journal92
149 Ecoscience91
150 Chemoecology90
151 American Midland Naturalist89
152 Aquatic Microbial Ecology75
153 African Journal of Wildlife Research74
154 Polish Journal of Ecology63
155 Wildlife Biology48
156 Phytocoenologia31
157 Compost Science & Utilization30