
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics30.286
2 ISME Journal21.261
3 Global Change Biology17.651
4 Trends in Ecology & Evolution17.247
5 Landscape and Urban Planning16.878
6 Ecosystem Services14.833
7 Nature Ecology & Evolution14.494
8 Ecology Letters13.501
9 Ecological Economics12.550
10 Biology Letters11.646
11 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment11.604
12 Ecological Monographs11.399
13 Molecular Ecology Resources11.284
14 Methods in Ecology and Evolution10.920
15 Global Ecology and Biogeography10.794
16 International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology10.758
17 Current Opinion in Insect Science9.893
18 Ecography9.230
19 Biological Conservation9.206
20 Ecological Informatics9.085
21 Landscape Ecology8.669
22 Molecular Ecology8.636
23 Journal of Ecology8.568
24 Ecological Applications8.378
25 Neobiota8.137
26 Biogeosciences8.032
27 Journal of Applied Ecology8.031
28 Conservation Biology8.009
29 Ecological Processes7.807
30 Ecological Engineering7.775
31 Diversity and Distributions7.764
32 Mammal Review7.683
33 Ecological Complexity7.575
34 People and Nature7.548
35 Functional Ecology7.473
36 Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences7.364
37 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment7.113
38 Heredity6.900
39 Ecology6.866
40 Plants People Planet6.813
41 Journal of Animal Ecology6.623
42 Basic and Applied Ecology6.574
43 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation6.385
44 Microbial Ecology6.360
45 Ecosystems6.230
46 Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics6.120
47 European Journal of Soil Biology6.105
48 Oikos5.627
49 Journal of Arid Environments5.591
50 Ecology and Society5.577
51 Journal of Biogeography5.493
52 Applied Vegetation Science5.488
53 Ecological Modelling5.434
54 Wildlife Biology5.312
55 Restoration Ecology5.194
56 American Naturalist5.174
57 Ecosphere5.095
58 Global Ecology and Conservation5.071
59 Ecotoxicology5.064
60 Journal of Vegetation Science5.026
61 Movement Ecology5.018
62 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability5.000
63 Fire Ecology4.958
64 Fungal Ecology4.836
65 Biodiversity and Conservation4.806
66 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution4.795
67 Journal of Evolutionary Biology4.790
68 Evolution4.758
69 Marine Ecology Progress Series4.726
70 AoB Plants4.644
71 Arctic Science4.558
72 Behavioral Ecology4.552
73 Animal Conservation4.538
74 Oecologia4.518
75 Biological Invasions4.426
76 Frontiers in Forests and Global Change4.407
77 Paleobiology4.352
78 Animal Biotelemetry4.327
79 Rangeland Ecology & Management4.292
80 Ecology and Evolution4.281
81 Freshwater Biology4.105
82 Journal of Chemical Ecology4.061
83 BMC Ecology and Evolution3.987
84 Journal for Nature Conservation3.838
85 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology3.786
86 Conservation Physiology3.764
87 Freshwater Science3.759
88 Ecological Management & Restoration3.757
89 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology3.710
90 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology3.643
91 International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife3.634
92 Aquatic Microbial Ecology3.627
93 Fire-Switzerland3.608
94 Ecohydrology3.568
95 Diversity-Basel3.518
96 Urban Ecosystems3.488
97 Wetlands3.466
98 Journal of Biological Dynamics3.440
99 Pedobiologia3.415
100 Biotropica3.412
101 Polar Science3.397
102 Food Webs3.375
103 Aquatic Ecology3.318
104 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology3.146
105 Polar Biology3.129
106 Landscape and Ecological Engineering3.067
107 Plant Ecology3.051
108 Aquatic Invasions2.984
109 Evolutionary Ecology2.942
110 Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology2.919
111 Chemistry and Ecology2.907
112 Tropical Ecology2.858
113 Polar Research2.850
114 Wildlife Research2.808
115 Chemoecology2.800
116 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation2.785
117 European Journal of Wildlife Research2.771
118 Ecological Research2.748
119 Flora2.672
120 Ecoscience2.670
121 Theoretical Ecology2.641
122 Austral Ecology2.539
123 Theoretical Population Biology2.480
124 Journal of Wildlife Management2.477
125 Environmental Biology of Fishes2.316
126 African Journal of Range & Forage Science2.236
127 Journal of Tropical Ecology2.144
128 Marine Biology Research2.070
129 Regional Studies in Marine Science1.964
130 Journal of Freshwater Ecology1.887
131 Community Ecology1.844
132 African Journal of Ecology1.807
133 Oryx1.802
134 Acta Amazonica1.771
135 Rangeland Journal1.696
136 Phytocoenologia1.613
137 Polar Record1.603
138 American Midland Naturalist1.562
139 Population Ecology1.543
140 Russian Journal of Ecology1.533
141 Plant Species Biology1.519
142 Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management1.413
143 Ecological Restoration1.333
144 Journal of Natural History1.328
145 Contemporary Problems of Ecology1.235
146 Compost Science & Utilization1.200
147 African Journal of Wildlife Research1.162
148 Southeastern Naturalist1.161
149 Applied Ecology and Environmental Research1.016
150 Western North American Naturalist0.897
151 Northeastern Naturalist0.885
152 Natural Areas Journal0.847
153 Polish Journal of Ecology0.667
154 New Zealand Journal of Ecology0.593
155 Northwest Science0.544
156 Southwestern Naturalist0.410
157 eco.mont-Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research0.366