Field of Research: Engineering » Category: Construction & Building Technology

Construction & Building Technology

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Median citations
1 Cement & Concrete Composites12
- Sustainable Cities and Society12
- Cement and Concrete Research12
4 Automation in Construction11
5 Construction and Building Materials8
6 Building and Environment7
- Energy and Buildings7
8 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology6
- Indoor Air6
10 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management5
- International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials5
- Building Simulation5
13 Structural Control & Health Monitoring4
- Journal of Constructional Steel Research4
- Journal of Structural Engineering4
16 Journal of Building Engineering3
- Building Research and Information3
- Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering3
- Materials and Structures3
- Indoor and Built Environment3
21 Journal of Building Physics2
- Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities2
- Road Materials and Pavement Design2
- Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology2
- Journal of Building Performance Simulation2
- Leukos2
- Science and Technology for the Built Environment2
- Structural Concrete2
- Advances in Structural Engineering2
- Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering2
- International Journal of Architectural Heritage2
- International Journal of Pavement Engineering2
33 Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials1
- Lighting Research & Technology1
- Materiales de Construccion1
- Advances in Civil Engineering1
- Architectural Engineering and Design Management1
- Building Services Engineering Research & Technology1
- Case Studies in Construction Materials1
- International Journal of Steel Structures1
- Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering1
- Magazine of Concrete Research1
- Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings1
- Advances in Cement Research1
- Buildings1
46 PCI Journal0
- Stahlbau0
- Structural Engineering International0
- ACI Structural Journal0
- Bauingenieur0
- Beton- und Stahlbetonbau0
- Informes de la Construccion0
- Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings0
- ACI Materials Journal0
- Bauphysik0
- International Journal of Ventilation0