Journal Rankings
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
51 | European Review | 170 |
52 | Social Science Japan Journal | 160 |
53 | Pacific Review | 153 |
54 | Contemporary Pacific | 151 |
55 | China Information | 150 |
56 | Social Dynamics-A Journal of African Studies | 146 |
57 | Asia Pacific Viewpoint | 145 |
58 | East European Politics | 144 |
59 | Middle East Critique | 143 |
60 | Journal of Asian Public Policy | 142 |
61 | Journal of Eastern African Studies | 141 |
- | African Affairs | 141 |
63 | IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies | 140 |
64 | London Journal | 138 |
65 | Critical Asian Studies | 134 |
66 | Bilig | 133 |
67 | European Security | 132 |
68 | Contemporary Southeast Asia | 129 |
69 | Post-Soviet Affairs | 118 |
70 | Korea Observer | 105 |
- | Pacific Focus | 105 |
72 | Africa Spectrum | 102 |
- | India Review | 102 |
- | Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs | 102 |
75 | Modern China | 101 |
76 | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | 100 |
77 | Pacific Affairs | 99 |
78 | Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies | 98 |
79 | African Studies | 81 |
80 | Asian Journal of Social Science | 35 |