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Clinical medicine

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians ca. 503.1
2 Nature Reviews Drug Discovery ca. 122.7
3 Lancet ca. 98.4
4 New England Journal of Medicine ca. 96.2
5 Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology ca. 81.1
6 Nature Reviews Disease Primers ca. 76.9
7 JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association ca. 63.1
8 World Psychiatry ca. 60.5
9 Nature Medicine ca. 58.7
10 Annals of Oncology ca. 56.7
11 Cancer Cell ca. 48.8
12 Lancet Neurology ca. 46.5
13 Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology ca. 45.9
14 Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology ca. 44
15 Journal of Clinical Oncology ca. 42.1
16 Nature Reviews Cardiology ca. 41.7
17 Lancet Oncology ca. 41.6
18 Nature Reviews Genetics ca. 39.1
19 Lancet Respiratory Medicine ca. 38.7
20 European Heart Journal ca. 37.6
21 Lancet Infectious Diseases ca. 36.4
22 Circulation ca. 35.5
23 Nature Genetics ca. 31.7
24 Nature Reviews Endocrinology ca. 31
25 Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology ca. 30.9
26 Cancer Discovery ca. 29.7
27 Journal of Hematology & Oncology ca. 29.5
28 Nature Reviews Rheumatology ca. 29.4
29 Nature Reviews Nephrology ca. 28.6
30 Annual Review of Pathology-Mechanisms of Disease ca. 28.4
31 Nature Reviews Neurology ca. 28.2
32 Cell Metabolism ca. 27.7
- Molecular Cancer ca. 27.7
- Nature Immunology ca. 27.7
35 Intensive Care Medicine ca. 27.1
36 Annual Review of Immunology ca. 26.9
37 Journal of Hepatology ca. 26.8
- Nature Biomedical Engineering ca. 26.8
39 Gastroenterology ca. 25.7
40 Immunity ca. 25.5
41 Lancet Public Health ca. 25.4
- MMWR-Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ca. 25.4
43 European Urology ca. 25.3
44 JAMA Pediatrics ca. 24.7
45 Lancet Planetary Health ca. 24.1
46 Lancet Digital Health ca. 23.8
47 Nature Cancer ca. 23.5
48 Gut ca. 23
49 JAMA Internal Medicine ca. 22.5
- JAMA Psychiatry ca. 22.5
- JAMA Oncology ca. 22.5
52 Endocrine Reviews ca. 22
53 Cellular & Molecular Immunology ca. 21.8
54 Journal of the American College of Cardiology ca. 21.7
55 Nature Human Behaviour ca. 21.4
- Annual Review of Public Health ca. 21.4
57 Nature Neuroscience ca. 21.2
58 Blood ca. 21
- Journal of Thoracic Oncology ca. 21
60 Cell Host & Microbe ca. 20.6
61 JAMA Neurology ca. 20.4
62 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases ca. 20.3
63 Cancer Communications ca. 20.1
64 Lancet Child & Adolescent Health ca. 19.9
- Lancet Global Health ca. 19.9
66 Annals of Internal Medicine ca. 19.6
67 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine ca. 19.3
- Pharmacological Reviews ca. 19.3
69 Nature Metabolism ca. 18.9
70 Progress in Retinal and Eye Research ca. 18.6
71 Bioactive Materials ca. 18
72 Annual Review of Clinical Psychology ca. 17.8
73 Science Immunology ca. 17.6
74 Periodontology 2000 ca. 17.5
75 IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering ca. 17.2
76 American Journal of Bioethics ca. 17
77 European Journal of Heart Failure ca. 16.9
78 Trends in Cognitive Sciences ca. 16.7
- Trends in Ecology & Evolution ca. 16.7
80 Behavioral and Brain Sciences ca. 16.6
- European Respiratory Journal ca. 16.6
82 Circulation Research ca. 16.5
83 Neuro-Oncology ca. 16.4
84 Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics ca. 16.3
85 Drug Resistance Updates ca. 15.8
- Science Translational Medicine ca. 15.8
87 JAMA Surgery ca. 15.7
88 Lancet Haematology ca. 15.4
89 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews ca. 15.2
90 Annual Review of Medicine ca. 15.1
- American Journal of Psychiatry ca. 15.1
92 Lancet Rheumatology ca. 15
93 Molecular Neurodegeneration ca. 14.9
94 Diabetes Care ca. 14.8
- Kidney International ca. 14.8
- Human Reproduction Update ca. 14.8
- JAMA Cardiology ca. 14.8
- Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network ca. 14.8
99 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ca. 14.7
- Neuron ca. 14.7
101 Trends in Neurosciences ca. 14.6
102 Journal of Infection ca. 14.3
103 Clinical and Molecular Hepatology ca. 14
- Progress in Lipid Research ca. 14
105 Trends in Pharmacological Sciences ca. 13.9
106 Clinical Psychology Review ca. 13.7
107 Trends in Genetics ca. 13.6
108 Journal of Clinical Investigation ca. 13.3
109 Ophthalmology ca. 13.1
- Trends in Immunology ca. 13.1
111 Drugs ca. 13
- Alzheimers & Dementia ca. 13
113 Hepatology ca. 12.9
- Blood Cancer Journal ca. 12.9
115 Lancet HIV ca. 12.8
- Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering ca. 12.8
- JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging ca. 12.8
- Trends in Molecular Medicine ca. 12.8
- Biomaterials ca. 12.8
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ca. 12.8
- Leukemia ca. 12.8
122 Allergy ca. 12.6
- Journal of Experimental Medicine ca. 12.6
124 Ageing Research Reviews ca. 12.5
- Cancer Research ca. 12.5
- International Journal of Surgery ca. 12.5
127 Theranostics ca. 12.4
- npj Digital Medicine ca. 12.4
129 Gut Microbes ca. 12.2
130 Radiology ca. 12.1
- Nature Reviews Urology ca. 12.1
- Molecular Therapy ca. 12.1
- Seminars in Cancer Biology ca. 12.1
- Annual Review of Neuroscience ca. 12.1
135 JACC: Cardiooncology ca. 12
- Pharmacology & Therapeutics ca. 12
137 JACC-Cardiovascular Interventions ca. 11.7
138 British Journal of Sports Medicine ca. 11.6
- Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology ca. 11.6
- Liver Cancer ca. 11.6
141 Endoscopy ca. 11.5
- JAMA Dermatology ca. 11.5
- Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics ca. 11.5
144 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ca. 11.4
- Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research ca. 11.4
- Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism ca. 11.4
- Arthritis & Rheumatology ca. 11.4
148 Endocrine Pathology ca. 11.3
149 Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology ca. 11.2
- Sleep Medicine Reviews ca. 11.2
151 Molecular Biology and Evolution ca. 11
- British Journal of Dermatology ca. 11
153 Clinical Microbiology and Infection ca. 10.9
- Medicinal Research Reviews ca. 10.9
155 Metabolism-Clinical and Experimental ca. 10.8
- International Journal of Oral Science ca. 10.8
- Translational Neurodegeneration ca. 10.8
158 Medical Image Analysis ca. 10.7
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ca. 10.7
160 Brain ca. 10.6
161 Journal of Controlled Release ca. 10.5
- JAMA Network Open ca. 10.5
163 Pulmonology ca. 10.4
- Genome Medicine ca. 10.4
165 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ca. 10.3
- JACC-Heart Failure ca. 10.3
- Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer ca. 10.3
168 Cardiovascular Research ca. 10.2
169 Environmental Health Perspectives ca. 10.1
- American Journal of Hematology ca. 10.1
171 Clinical Cancer Research ca. 10
- Advanced Healthcare Materials ca. 10
173 JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute ca. 9.9
174 eBioMedicine ca. 9.7
- Journal of Sport and Health Science ca. 9.7
- Journal of Physiotherapy ca. 9.7
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer ca. 9.7
- Radiologia Medica ca. 9.7
179 Cancer Treatment Reviews ca. 9.6
- Molecular Psychiatry ca. 9.6
- American Journal of Public Health ca. 9.6
- eClinicalMedicine ca. 9.6
- Biological Psychiatry ca. 9.6
- Clinical Nuclear Medicine ca. 9.6
185 Experimental and Molecular Medicine ca. 9.5
- Biomarker Research ca. 9.5
- JHEP Reports ca. 9.5
- Chest ca. 9.5
- Current Obesity Reports ca. 9.5
190 Canadian Medical Association Journal ca. 9.4
- Journal of Cachexia Sarcopenia and Muscle ca. 9.4
- Acta Biomaterialia ca. 9.4
- American Journal of Kidney Diseases ca. 9.4
- Experimental Hematology & Oncology ca. 9.4
195 Acta Neuropathologica ca. 9.3
- Sports Medicine ca. 9.3
- Journal of Neuroinflammation ca. 9.3
198 Autoimmunity Reviews ca. 9.2
- Angiogenesis ca. 9.2
- Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ca. 9.2
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)