Water Resources

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Water Research ca. 11.4
2 npj Clean Water ca. 10.4
3 Desalination ca. 8.3
4 International Soil and Water Conservation Research ca. 7.3
5 Water Research X ca. 7.2
6 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water ca. 6.8
7 Journal of Water Process Engineering ca. 6.3
8 Agricultural Water Management ca. 5.9
- Journal of Hydrology ca. 5.9
10 Applied Water Science ca. 5.7
11 CATENA ca. 5.4
12 Ocean & Coastal Management ca. 4.8
- Environmental Modelling & Software ca. 4.8
14 Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies ca. 4.7
15 Water Resources Research ca. 4.6
16 Water Resources and Industry ca. 4.5
- Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk ca. 4.5
- Exposure and Health ca. 4.5
19 Environmental Toxicology ca. 4.4
20 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ca. 4.2
21 Advances in Water Resources ca. 4
22 Water Resources Management ca. 3.9
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment ca. 3.9
24 Water Air and Soil Pollution ca. 3.8
25 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology ca. 3.5
- International Journal of Sediment Research ca. 3.5
- Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology ca. 3.5
28 Natural Hazards ca. 3.3
29 Environmental Geochemistry and Health ca. 3.2
30 Irrigation Science ca. 3.1
31 Journal of Flood Risk Management ca. 3
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth ca. 3
- Water ca. 3
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management ca. 3
35 International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ca. 2.9
36 Environmental Earth Sciences ca. 2.8
- Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques ca. 2.8
- Hydrological Processes ca. 2.8
39 Journal of Water and Climate Change ca. 2.7
- Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology ca. 2.7
41 Journal of the American Water Resources Association ca. 2.6
42 Vadose Zone Journal ca. 2.5
- Ecohydrology ca. 2.5
- Water Science and Technology ca. 2.5
- Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems ca. 2.5
- Water Environment Research ca. 2.5
47 Hydrogeology Journal ca. 2.4
- Journal of Hydro-Environment Research ca. 2.4
49 Water Resources and Economics ca. 2.3
- Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics ca. 2.3
51 Journal of Hydroinformatics ca. 2.2
- Journal of Hydrologic Engineering ca. 2.2
- Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ca. 2.2
54 Mine Water and the Environment ca. 2.1
- Journal of Hydraulic Engineering ca. 2.1
56 Groundwater ca. 2
- International Journal of Water Resources Development ca. 2
58 Water Supply ca. 1.9
59 Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation ca. 1.8
- Natural Hazards Review ca. 1.8
- China Ocean Engineering ca. 1.8
- Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice ca. 1.8
63 River Research and Applications ca. 1.7
- Soil and Water Research ca. 1.7
- Water and Environment Journal ca. 1.7
- Canadian Water Resources Journal ca. 1.7
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics ca. 1.7
- Journal of Hydraulic Research ca. 1.7
69 Urban Water Journal ca. 1.6
- Irrigation and Drainage ca. 1.6
- Water International ca. 1.6
- Wetlands Ecology and Management ca. 1.6
- Journal of Water SAnitation and Hygiene for Development ca. 1.6
- Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering ca. 1.6
75 Clean-Soil Air Water ca. 1.5
- Water Policy ca. 1.5
77 Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering ca. 1.4
78 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management ca. 1.1
- Grundwasser ca. 1.1
- Lake and Reservoir Management ca. 1.1
81 Water SA ca. 1
- Water Economics and Policy ca. 1
- Desalination and Water Treatment ca. 1
84 Water Resources ca. 0.9
85 Journal Awwa ca. 0.7
86 Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental ca. 0.4
87 Wasserwirtschaft ca. 0.2