Water Resources

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Water Research20.299
2 Desalination13.741
3 npj Clean Water12.730
4 International Soil and Water Conservation Research11.922
5 Water Research X11.605
6 Agricultural Water Management11.325
7 Water Resources and Industry10.184
8 CATENA9.819
9 Journal of Hydrology9.787
10 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences9.733
11 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water9.648
12 Applied Water Science9.575
13 Environmental Modelling & Software8.819
14 Journal of Water Process Engineering8.678
15 Ocean & Coastal Management8.212
16 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction7.865
17 Water Resources Research7.802
18 Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk7.157
19 Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences6.929
20 Water Resources Management6.758
21 Exposure and Health6.701
22 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology6.680
23 Advances in Water Resources6.622
24 International Journal of Sediment Research6.168
25 Natural Hazards5.804
26 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment5.488
27 International Journal of Disaster Risk Science5.454
28 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth5.170
29 Journal of Flood Risk Management5.146
30 Water5.139
31 Environmental Toxicology5.127
32 Environmental Earth Sciences5.027
33 Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management4.964
34 Environmental Geochemistry and Health4.788
35 Water Science and Technology4.749
36 Hydrological Processes4.742
37 Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques4.574
38 Hydrology Research4.206
39 Irrigation Science4.182
40 Water Resources and Economics4.128
41 Water Air and Soil Pollution4.122
42 Journal of Water and Climate Change4.039
43 Journal of Hydro-Environment Research3.986
44 Hydrogeology Journal3.893
45 Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology3.676
46 Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies3.674
47 Mine Water and the Environment3.662
48 Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems3.610
49 Water Environment Research3.528
50 Natural Hazards Review3.524
51 Water Supply3.475
52 Soil and Water Research3.357
53 Journal of Hydrologic Engineering3.276
54 Ecohydrology3.218
55 Vadose Zone Journal3.204
56 Urban Water Journal3.153
57 Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology3.148
58 Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice3.099
59 Water Policy3.040
60 China Ocean Engineering3.023
61 Wetlands Ecology and Management3.000
- Journal of Hydraulic Engineering3.000
63 Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering2.941
64 International Journal of Water Resources Development2.932
65 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation2.914
66 Journal of the American Water Resources Association2.895
67 Environmental Fluid Mechanics2.804
68 Journal of Water SAnitation and Hygiene for Development2.737
69 Water and Environment Journal2.722
70 Journal of Hydraulic Research2.715
71 Groundwater2.524
72 River Research and Applications2.487
73 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering2.268
74 Water International2.234
75 Lake and Reservoir Management1.971
76 Irrigation and Drainage1.955
77 Canadian Water Resources Journal1.943
78 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management1.580
79 Water Resources1.410
80 Clean-Soil Air Water1.300
81 Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation1.216
82 Water Economics and Policy1.213
83 Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental1.131
84 Grundwasser1.070
85 Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua0.505
86 Journal Awwa0.327
87 Wasserwirtschaft0.200