1 |
Cities | 2194 |
2 |
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening | 1424 |
3 |
Landscape and Urban Planning | 909 |
4 |
Journal of Urban Affairs | 844 |
5 |
Urban Studies | 754 |
6 |
Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science | 661 |
7 |
Habitat International | 626 |
8 |
European Planning Studies | 527 |
9 |
Journal of Urban Planning and Development | 496 |
10 |
Housing Studies | 452 |
11 |
Urban Geography | 447 |
12 |
Local Environment | 421 |
13 |
Journal of the American Planning Association | 378 |
14 |
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment | 366 |
15 |
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | 337 |
16 |
Journal of Urban History | 327 |
17 |
Regional Science and Urban Economics | 310 |
18 |
Journal of Planning Education and Research | 288 |
19 |
Journal of Urban Economics | 283 |
20 |
Housing Policy Debate | 262 |
21 |
Urban Education | 246 |
22 |
Urban Affairs Review | 235 |
23 |
Real Estate Economics | 200 |
- |
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | 200 |
25 |
Open House International | 192 |
26 |
International Journal of Housing Policy | 185 |
27 |
Journal of Planning Literature | 182 |
28 |
Education and Urban Society | 175 |
29 |
Planning Theory & Practice | 173 |
30 |
Urban Policy and Research | 164 |
31 |
Urban Research & Practice | 159 |
32 |
Journal of Housing Economics | 157 |
33 |
International Journal of Urban Sciences | 151 |
- |
Housing Theory & Society | 151 |
35 |
Environment and Urbanization | 137 |
36 |
European Urban and Regional Studies | 136 |
37 |
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography | 132 |
38 |
Journal of Urban Technology | 128 |
39 |
Economic Development Quarterly | 124 |
40 |
City & Community | 119 |
41 |
Urban Design International | 118 |
42 |
International Regional Science Review | 90 |