
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering834
2 Architectural Design504
3 International Journal of Architectural Heritage408
4 Planning Perspectives357
5 Frontiers of Architectural Research350
6 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians322
7 Nexus Network Journal263
8 EGA-Revista de Expresion Grafica Arquitectonica243
9 Journal of Architectural Education241
10 Archnet-IJAR International Journal of Architectural Research233
11 Journal of Architecture227
12 Journal of Green Building195
13 Open House International192
14 arq190
15 Urban Morphology181
16 Design Issues167
17 Denkmalpflege159
18 Architectural Science Review152
19 ARQ-Architectural Research Quarterly131
- International Journal of Islamic Architecture131
21 Architectural Theory Review119
22 Urban Design International118
23 Journal of Landscape Architecture106
24 Architectural History96
25 Journal of Interior Design91
26 Proyecto Progreso Arquitectura85
27 Prostor82
28 Metu Journal of the Faculty of Architecture80
29 Revista 18079
30 Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes74
31 Journal of Architectural Conservation53
32 Vernacular Architecture49
33 Architectura-Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte der Baukunst37
34 Arquitetura Revista31
35 Studies in History and Theory of Architecture-Studii de Istoria Si Teoria Arhitecturii23