Regional & Urban Planning

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Technological Forecasting and Social Change22.208
2 Landscape and Urban Planning15.887
3 Sustainable Development12.472
4 Computers Environment and Urban Systems12.189
5 Journal of Rural Studies10.364
6 Habitat International9.910
7 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management6.015
8 Regional Studies5.986
9 Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning5.899
10 Growth and Change5.314
11 Futures5.180
12 Journal of the American Planning Association4.742
13 European Planning Studies4.679
14 Local Environment4.466
15 Journal of Regional Science4.279
16 European Urban and Regional Studies4.178
17 Journal of Urban Planning and Development4.043
18 Housing Studies3.908
19 Journal of Planning Literature3.798
20 Papers in Regional Science3.758
21 Journal of Environment & Development3.632
22 Urban Design International3.533
23 Planning Theory3.509
24 Planning Theory & Practice3.386
25 International Journal of Housing Policy3.353
26 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research3.328
27 International Regional Science Review3.275
28 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science3.258
29 Annals of Regional Science3.053
30 Local Government Studies3.032
31 Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy2.953
32 Society & Natural Resources2.866
33 Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space2.862
34 Housing Theory & Society2.719
35 Journal of Housing and the Built Environment2.625
36 International Development Planning Review2.547
37 Journal of Planning Education and Research2.093
38 Urban Policy and Research1.771
39 disP1.347