1 |
Educational Psychologist | 28 |
2 |
Educational Psychology Review | 15 |
3 |
Studies in Educational Evaluation | 10 |
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Journal of Educational Psychology | 10 |
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Learning and Instruction | 10 |
6 |
Child Development | 9 |
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Contemporary Educational Psychology | 9 |
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Journal of School Psychology | 9 |
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Journal of the Learning Sciences | 9 |
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Reading Research Quarterly | 9 |
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Metacognition and Learning | 9 |
12 |
Cognition and Instruction | 8 |
13 |
Learning and Individual Differences | 7 |
14 |
Scientific Studies of Reading | 6 |
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British Journal of Educational Psychology | 6 |
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Educational Psychology | 6 |
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Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | 6 |
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School Mental Health | 6 |
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Instructional Science | 6 |
20 |
Discourse Processes | 5 |
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Early Education and Development | 5 |
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Journal of Counseling Psychology | 5 |
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School Psychology International | 5 |
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Social Psychology of Education | 5 |
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Creativity Research Journal | 5 |
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Gifted Child Quarterly | 5 |
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Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities | 5 |
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Journal of Creative Behavior | 5 |
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Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | 5 |
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Journal of Literacy Research | 5 |
31 |
Reading and Writing | 4 |
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Revista de Psicodidactica | 4 |
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European Journal of Psychology of Education | 4 |
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High Ability Studies | 4 |
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Psicologia Educativa | 4 |
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Psychology of Music | 4 |
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Training and Education in Professional Psychology | 4 |
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Behavioral Disorders | 4 |
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Canadian Journal of School Psychology | 4 |
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Educational and Psychological Measurement | 4 |
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Journal of Research in Reading | 4 |
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Journal of School Violence | 4 |
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Language Assessment Quarterly | 4 |
44 |
School Psychology | 3 |
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Zeitschrift fuer Entwicklungspsychologie und Padagogische Psychologie | 3 |
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Applied Measurement in Education | 3 |
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Journal for the Study of Education and Development | 3 |
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Journal of Experimental Education | 3 |
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Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment | 3 |
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Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development | 3 |