Psychology, Applied

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior ca. 14.3
2 Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice ca. 11.5
3 Journal of Applied Psychology ca. 9.4
4 Journal of Management ca. 9.3
5 Leadership Quarterly ca. 9.1
6 Psychology & Marketing ca. 8.9
- Organizational Research Methods ca. 8.9
8 Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health ca. 8
9 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ca. 6.4
10 Journal of Organizational Behavior ca. 6.2
11 Human Resource Management ca. 6
12 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology ca. 5.9
13 Work and Stress ca. 5.6
14 Journal of Vocational Behavior ca. 5.2
15 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology ca. 4.9
- Applied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Internationale ca. 4.9
17 Personnel Psychology ca. 4.7
18 Journal of Consumer Psychology ca. 4
- Group & Organization Management ca. 4
- Human Resource Development Quarterly ca. 4
- European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology ca. 4
22 Journal of Counseling Psychology ca. 3.8
- Applied Psychology-Health and Well Being ca. 3.8
24 Journal of Business and Psychology ca. 3.7
25 Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour ca. 3.5
26 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes ca. 3.4
- Media Psychology ca. 3.4
- Career Development International ca. 3.4
29 Personnel Review ca. 3.3
- German Journal of Human Resource Management-Zeitschrift fuer Personalforschung ca. 3.3
31 European Journal of Psychological Assessment ca. 3.2
32 Organizational Dynamics ca. 3.1
- Applied Ergonomics ca. 3.1
- Psychology of Sport and Exercise ca. 3.1
- Journal of Managerial Psychology ca. 3.1
36 Small Group Research ca. 3
- Stress and Health ca. 3
38 Human Factors ca. 2.9
39 Journal of Career Assessment ca. 2.8
40 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology ca. 2.7
- Work Aging and Retirement ca. 2.7
- Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied ca. 2.7
43 Journal of Interpersonal Violence ca. 2.6
- Journal of Career Development ca. 2.6
- Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology ca. 2.6
- International Journal of Selection and Assessment ca. 2.6
47 Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology-Revista de Psicologia del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones ca. 2.4
48 International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ca. 2.3
- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science ca. 2.3
- Journal of Counseling and Development ca. 2.3
51 Journal of Personnel Psychology ca. 2.2
52 International Journal of Stress Management ca. 2.1
- Career Development Quarterly ca. 2.1
54 Ergonomics ca. 2
- Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology ca. 2
56 Counseling Psychologist ca. 1.9
57 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making ca. 1.8
58 Journal of Employment Counseling ca. 1.6
- Sport Psychologist ca. 1.6
- Psychology of Music ca. 1.6
61 International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching ca. 1.5
62 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development ca. 1.4
- Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport ca. 1.4
- Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology ca. 1.4
- Journal of Educational Measurement ca. 1.4
66 European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee ca. 1.3
- International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology ca. 1.3
68 British Journal of Guidance & Counselling ca. 1
- Behavioral Sciences & the Law ca. 1
- Zeitschrift fuer Arbeits-Und Organisationspsychologie ca. 1
71 Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling ca. 0.8
- Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development ca. 0.8
73 Negotiation and Conflict Management Research ca. 0.5
74 Zeitschrift fuer Sportpsychologie ca. 0.4
75 Gedrag & Organisatie ca. 0.3