
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Agronomy for Sustainable Development11.591
2 Agricultural Water Management11.582
3 Postharvest Biology and Technology11.038
4 Crop Journal10.050
5 Industrial Crops and Products9.685
6 Rice9.476
7 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology9.183
8 Field Crops Research9.092
9 Global Change Biology Bioenergy8.406
10 Theoretical and Applied Genetics8.266
11 European Journal of Agronomy7.627
12 Rice Science6.835
13 Agronomy-Basel6.251
14 Pest Management Science6.210
15 Plant and Soil6.113
16 Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science6.085
17 Plant Phenomics5.381
18 Agriculture-Basel5.220
19 Crop Protection5.169
20 Molecular Breeding4.767
21 Irrigation Science4.508
22 Plant Pathology4.313
23 Plant Soil and Environment4.155
24 Paddy and Water Environment4.129
25 Agronomy Journal4.056
26 Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science4.055
27 Weed Science4.033
28 Gesunde Pflanzen3.897
29 Plant Production Science3.886
30 Agroforestry Systems3.865
31 Crop Science3.823
32 International Journal of Plant Production3.772
33 European Journal of Plant Pathology3.580
34 Grass and Forage Science3.500
35 Mycobiology3.382
36 Sugar Tech3.361
37 Euphytica3.301
38 International Agrophysics3.267
39 Breeding Science3.204
40 Potato Research3.086
41 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science3.051
42 Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis2.960
43 Weed Research2.915
44 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture2.849
45 Plant Breeding2.846
46 Plant Protection Science2.773
47 Italian Journal of Agronomy2.745
48 American Journal of Potato Research2.734
49 Phytoparasitica2.722
50 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution2.703
51 Cereal Research Communications2.658
52 Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research2.654
53 Seed Science and Technology2.577
54 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science2.486
55 Experimental Agriculture2.462
56 Weed Technology2.290
57 Irrigation and Drainage2.272
58 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science2.093
59 Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding2.076
60 Canadian Journal of Plant Science1.822
61 Turkish Journal of Field Crops1.691
62 Grassland Science1.667
63 Revista Caatinga1.621
64 Cahiers Agricultures1.608
65 Acta Scientiarum-Agronomy1.575
66 Weed Biology and Management1.549
67 Journal of Plant Registrations1.412
68 Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales1.301
69 Journal of Seed Science1.023
70 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology1.018
71 Allelopathy Journal0.996
72 Ciencia Rural0.945
73 Genetika-Belgrade0.820
74 Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture0.782
75 Bioscience Journal0.624
76 Biotechnologie Agronomie Societe et Environnement0.602
77 Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana0.491
78 Legume Research0.286