Philosophy & Religion

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Science and Engineering Ethics8.569
2 Journal of Business Ethics8.421
3 Ethics and Information Technology6.570
4 BMC Medical Ethics6.052
5 Journal of Responsible Innovation6.006
6 Medicine Health Care and Philosophy5.213
7 Nursing Ethics4.974
8 Public Understanding of Science4.880
9 Social Studies of Science4.688
10 Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics4.384
11 British Journal for the Philosophy of Science4.317
12 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C-Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences4.304
13 Journal of Medical Ethics4.224
14 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality4.193
15 Science & Education4.164
16 Biology & Philosophy4.082
17 Neuroethics4.059
18 Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance4.052
19 Agriculture and Human Values4.030
20 Journal of Religion & Health3.912
21 Synthese3.858
22 Ethics & Behavior3.512
23 Journal of Bioethical Inquiry3.435
24 Science As Culture3.434
25 Minerva3.431
26 HEC Forum3.223
27 Journal of Political Philosophy3.154
28 American Journal of Bioethics3.031
29 Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics2.981
30 Journal of Medicine and Philosophy2.964
31 Engineering Studies2.825
32 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science2.811
33 European Journal for Philosophy of Science2.725
34 History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences2.660
35 International Journal for the Psychology of Religion2.654
36 Environmental Values2.610
37 Biosemiotics2.586
38 Bioethics2.540
39 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences2.517
40 New Genetics and Society2.427
41 Health Care Analysis2.422
42 Business Ethics Quarterly2.420
43 Social Epistemology2.350
44 Philosophy & Public Affairs2.317
45 Philosophy Compass2.314
46 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming2.289
47 Nanoethics2.218
48 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion2.182
49 Philosophy of Science2.119
50 Politics Philosophy & Economics1.955
51 Hastings Center Report1.880
52 Nous1.875
53 Review of Religious Research1.814
54 Journal of Philosophical Logic1.804
55 Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics1.682
56 Philosophical Psychology1.671
57 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport1.662
58 Monist1.656
59 Canadian Journal of Philosophy1.642
60 Social Compass1.597
61 Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics1.561
62 Journal for General Philosophy of Science1.560
63 Osiris1.550
- Journal of the American Philosophical Association1.550
65 Religion Brain & Behavior1.548
66 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic1.544
67 Logica Universalis1.538
68 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice1.536
69 Episteme-A Journal of Individual and Social Epistemology1.521
70 International Journal of Childrens Spirituality1.515
71 Axiomathes1.496
72 Foundations of Science1.474
73 Human Studies1.455
- Journal of Philosophy1.455
75 Foundations of Chemistry1.443
76 Archive for the Psychology of Religion-Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie1.437
77 Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education1.426
78 Journal of Media Ethics1.425
79 Philosophical Studies1.417
80 Human Geography1.412
81 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine1.409
82 American Philosophical Quarterly1.380
83 Pacific Philosophical Quarterly1.371
84 Australasian Journal of Philosophy1.351
85 Philosophical Explorations1.348
86 Politics and Religion1.347
87 Topoi-An International Review of Philosophy1.340
88 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming1.316
89 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research1.301
90 Inquiry-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy1.299
91 History of the Human Sciences1.295
92 Centaurus1.282
93 Continental Philosophy Review1.234
94 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences1.233
95 Archive for History of Exact Sciences1.219
96 Sociology of Religion1.208
97 Economics and Philosophy1.196
98 Journal of Psychology and Theology1.195
99 Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal1.194
100 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic1.193
101 Science and Technology Studies1.192
102 Logic Journal of the Igpl1.191
- Journal of Logic and Computation1.191
104 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte1.178
105 Erkenntnis1.177
106 Argumentation1.168
107 Ethics1.149
108 British Journal of Religious Education1.135
109 Journal of Logic Language and Information1.130
110 Journal of Mathematical Logic1.107
111 Res Publica-A Journal of Moral Legal and Political Philosophy1.101
112 Journal of Social Philosophy1.092
113 Utilitas1.090
114 Review of Symbolic Logic1.081
115 Studies in Philosophy and Education1.067
116 Journal of Applied Philosophy1.063
117 Religions1.061
118 Ethik in der Medizin1.046
119 History of Science1.045
120 Historical Materialism-Research in Critical Marxist Theory1.023
121 Philosophical Papers1.021
122 Endeavour0.981
123 Ethics & International Affairs0.977
124 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic0.963
125 Journal of the History of Biology0.954
126 Analysis0.953
127 Developing World Bioethics0.947
128 Husserl Studies0.941
129 Thought-A Journal of Philosophy0.940
130 Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences0.938
131 HTS Teologiese Studies-Theological Studies0.926
132 Journal of the History of the Neurosciences0.918
- Midwest Studies in Philosophy0.918
134 Nexus Network Journal0.916
135 Philosophical Review0.914
136 Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology0.913
137 History of Geo- and Space Sciences0.911
138 Studia Logica0.910
139 East Asian Science Technology and Society-An International Journal0.898
140 Informal Logic0.890
141 International Studies in the Philosophy of Science0.873
142 Christian Bioethics0.866
143 Philosophy & Social Criticism0.859
144 Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism0.857
145 Journal of Symbolic Logic0.847
146 Philosophia0.837
147 Philosophy of the Social Sciences0.833
148 Mind0.831
149 Philosophical Quarterly0.799
150 Ethics & Global Politics0.797
151 Method & Theory in the Study of Religion0.777
152 Historia Mathematica0.775
153 Ratio0.767
154 Review of Faith & International Affairs0.759
155 Hypatia-A Journal of Feminist Philosophy0.745
156 Isis0.743
157 Philosophical Issues0.742
158 Religion0.706
- European Journal of Philosophy0.706
160 Algebra and Logic0.702
161 Journal for the History of Astronomy0.699
162 Bulletin of the History of Medicine0.692
163 Asian Philosophy0.685
164 Metaphilosophy0.654
165 Ergo-An Open Access Journal of Philosophy0.639
166 Analytic Philosophy0.635
167 Journal of Value Inquiry0.631
168 British Journal for the History of Philosophy0.625
169 Law and Philosophy0.602
170 Ambix0.595
- British Journal for the History of Science0.595
172 International Journal of Philosophical Studies0.592
173 Religious Education0.582
174 Zygon0.580
175 Science in Context0.574
176 Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences0.571
177 Early Science and Medicine0.564
178 Medical History0.563
179 History and Philosophy of Logic0.549
180 Rhetoric Society Quarterly0.547
181 Archive for Mathematical Logic0.546
182 Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies0.544
183 British Journal of Aesthetics0.542
184 Theoria-Revista de Teoria Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia0.532
185 Southern Journal of Philosophy0.528
186 Filozofia Nauki0.527
187 Kantian Review0.526
188 Philosophy0.519
189 Historical Records of Australian Science0.514
190 Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie0.513
191 NTM0.508
192 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic0.505
193 Cryptologia0.504
194 Historia Ciencias Saude-Manguinhos0.501
195 Journal of Philosophical Research0.493
196 Environmental Ethics0.492
- Religious Studies0.492
- Theoria-A Swedish Journal of Philosophy0.492
199 Journal of Religious Ethics0.488
200 Res Philosophica0.480
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)