
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Nature Climate Change ca. 29.6
2 Reviews of Geophysics ca. 25.2
3 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine ca. 16.2
4 Nature Geoscience ca. 15.7
5 Annual Review of Marine Science ca. 14.3
6 Biochar ca. 13.1
7 International Journal of Mining Science and Technology ca. 11.7
8 Water Research ca. 11.4
9 Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences ca. 11.3
10 Remote Sensing of Environment ca. 11.1
11 Earth-Science Reviews ca. 10.8
12 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing ca. 10.6
13 npj Clean Water ca. 10.4
14 Soil Biology & Biochemistry ca. 9.8
15 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change ca. 9.4
- Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ca. 9.4
17 Current Climate Change Reports ca. 9.3
18 npj Climate and Atmospheric Science ca. 8.5
- Geoscience Frontiers ca. 8.5
20 Desalination ca. 8.3
21 Communications Earth & Environment ca. 8.1
22 Landscape and Urban Planning ca. 7.9
23 Plant Phenomics ca. 7.6
- International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ca. 7.6
25 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ca. 7.5
26 Earths Future ca. 7.3
- International Soil and Water Conservation Research ca. 7.3
28 Gondwana Research ca. 7.2
- Water Research X ca. 7.2
30 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ca. 7
31 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society ca. 6.9
- Engineering Geology ca. 6.9
33 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water ca. 6.8
34 Georisk-Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards ca. 6.5
- Advances in Atmospheric Sciences ca. 6.5
36 Advances in Climate Change Research ca. 6.4
37 Global Ecology and Biogeography ca. 6.3
- Journal of Water Process Engineering ca. 6.3
39 Soil & Tillage Research ca. 6.1
- Weather and Climate Extremes ca. 6.1
41 Urban Climate ca. 6
- Science China-Earth Sciences ca. 6
- GIScience & Remote Sensing ca. 6
44 Agricultural Water Management ca. 5.9
- Journal of Hydrology ca. 5.9
46 Landslides ca. 5.8
- Environmental Research Letters ca. 5.8
48 Applied Water Science ca. 5.7
49 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ca. 5.6
- International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials ca. 5.6
- International Journal of Coal Geology ca. 5.6
- Geoderma ca. 5.6
- Acta Geotechnica ca. 5.6
54 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering ca. 5.5
- Economic Geology ca. 5.5
56 Global Biogeochemical Cycles ca. 5.4
- CATENA ca. 5.4
58 Applied Clay Science ca. 5.3
- Computers and Geotechnics ca. 5.3
60 Pedosphere ca. 5.2
- Journal of Applied Crystallography ca. 5.2
62 Limnology and Oceanography Letters ca. 5.1
- Biology and Fertility of Soils ca. 5.1
64 Soil Use and Management ca. 5
65 Surveys in Geophysics ca. 4.9
- Minerals Engineering ca. 4.9
- Transportation Geotechnics ca. 4.9
68 Earth and Planetary Science Letters ca. 4.8
- Climate Risk Management ca. 4.8
- Environmental Modelling & Software ca. 4.8
- Applied Soil Ecology ca. 4.8
- Geology ca. 4.8
- Natural Resources Research ca. 4.8
- Journal of Climate ca. 4.8
- Climatic Change ca. 4.8
- Ocean & Coastal Management ca. 4.8
77 Elementa-Science of the Anthropocene ca. 4.7
- Geotextiles and Geomembranes ca. 4.7
- Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies ca. 4.7
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing ca. 4.7
81 Geophysical Research Letters ca. 4.6
- Ocean Engineering ca. 4.6
- Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review ca. 4.6
- Water Resources Research ca. 4.6
85 Exposure and Health ca. 4.5
- GPS Solutions ca. 4.5
- Atmospheric Research ca. 4.5
- Water Resources and Industry ca. 4.5
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ca. 4.5
- Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk ca. 4.5
91 Geo-Spatial Information Science ca. 4.4
- Mineralium Deposita ca. 4.4
- Environmental Toxicology ca. 4.4
- Drones ca. 4.4
- Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems ca. 4.4
96 Journal of Geographical Sciences ca. 4.3
- Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics ca. 4.3
- Applied Ocean Research ca. 4.3
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science ca. 4.3
100 International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ca. 4.2
- Computers & Geosciences ca. 4.2
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering ca. 4.2
- Atmospheric Environment ca. 4.2
- Remote Sensing ca. 4.2
- Geotechnique ca. 4.2
106 Journal of Earth Science ca. 4.1
107 European Journal of Soil Science ca. 4
- Advances in Water Resources ca. 4
- Global and Planetary Change ca. 4
- Climate Services ca. 4
- Landscape Ecology ca. 4
- Geoscience Letters ca. 4
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters ca. 4
114 Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets ca. 3.9
- Journal of Geodesy ca. 3.9
- Journal of Aerosol Science ca. 3.9
- Water Resources Management ca. 3.9
- Biogeochemistry ca. 3.9
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment ca. 3.9
- Geological Society of America Bulletin ca. 3.9
- Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth ca. 3.9
- Plant and Soil ca. 3.9
- Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation ca. 3.9
- Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources ca. 3.9
- Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ca. 3.9
126 Progress in Oceanography ca. 3.8
- Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres ca. 3.8
- Water Air and Soil Pollution ca. 3.8
- Limnology and Oceanography ca. 3.8
- Cold Regions Science and Technology ca. 3.8
- Climate Dynamics ca. 3.8
- Space Weather-The International Journal of Research and Applications ca. 3.8
- IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering ca. 3.8
- Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering ca. 3.8
135 International Journal of Digital Earth ca. 3.7
- Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences ca. 3.7
- European Journal of Soil Biology ca. 3.7
- European Journal of Remote Sensing ca. 3.7
- Marine and Petroleum Geology ca. 3.7
- Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment ca. 3.7
- Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences ca. 3.7
142 Bulletin of Volcanology ca. 3.6
- Chemical Geology ca. 3.6
- Land Degradation & Development ca. 3.6
145 Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface ca. 3.5
- Progress in Earth and Planetary Science ca. 3.5
- International Journal of Climatology ca. 3.5
- Journal of Cultural Heritage ca. 3.5
- Astrobiology ca. 3.5
- Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology ca. 3.5
- Journal of Contaminant Hydrology ca. 3.5
- Geothermics ca. 3.5
- Journal of Metamorphic Geology ca. 3.5
- Journal of Petrology ca. 3.5
- Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition ca. 3.5
- Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology ca. 3.5
- International Journal of Sediment Research ca. 3.5
158 Journal of Geochemical Exploration ca. 3.4
- Rhizosphere ca. 3.4
- Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate ca. 3.4
- International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ca. 3.4
- Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ca. 3.4
- Journal of Biogeography ca. 3.4
164 Geoscience Data Journal ca. 3.3
- International Journal of Geomechanics ca. 3.3
- Anthropocene ca. 3.3
- Tectonics ca. 3.3
- Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans ca. 3.3
- Natural Hazards ca. 3.3
- Soils and Foundations ca. 3.3
- Geocarto International ca. 3.3
- Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment ca. 3.3
173 Quaternary Science Reviews ca. 3.2
- Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology ca. 3.2
- Ore Geology Reviews ca. 3.2
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health ca. 3.2
- Crystal Growth & Design ca. 3.2
- Precambrian Research ca. 3.2
- Oceanography ca. 3.2
180 Geomorphology ca. 3.1
- Aeolian Research ca. 3.1
- ICES Journal of Marine Science ca. 3.1
- Journal of Hydrometeorology ca. 3.1
- Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation ca. 3.1
- Geoderma Regional ca. 3.1
- Applied Geochemistry ca. 3.1
- Ocean Modelling ca. 3.1
- Irrigation Science ca. 3.1
- Earthquake Spectra ca. 3.1
190 Geophysics ca. 3
- Earth Planets and Space ca. 3
- Physics and Chemistry of the Earth ca. 3
- Weather and Forecasting ca. 3
- Swiss Journal of Palaeontology ca. 3
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal ca. 3
- Journal of Flood Risk Management ca. 3
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes ca. 3
- Progress in Physical Geography-Earth and Environment ca. 3
- International Journal of Remote Sensing ca. 3
- Marine Chemistry ca. 3
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)