Field of Research: Engineering » Category: Operations Research & Management Science

Operations Research & Management Science

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Journal of Manufacturing Systems26.424
2 International Journal of Production Economics20.814
3 Reliability Engineering & System Safety16.143
4 Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review15.609
5 Technovation14.910
6 OMEGA-International Journal of Management Science14.004
7 Expert Systems With Applications13.842
8 Transportation Research Part B-Methodological13.246
9 Safety Science13.195
10 International Journal of Production Research12.998
11 European Journal of Operational Research12.895
12 Management Science12.321
13 Decision Support Systems12.119
14 Production Planning & Control11.410
15 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making11.042
16 M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management10.963
17 IEEE Systems Journal10.315
18 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences9.659
19 Journal of Operations Management9.457
20 Transportation Science8.727
21 Computers & Operations Research8.353
22 Production and Operations Management8.138
23 International Journal of Systems Science7.762
24 Mathematical Programming Computation6.636
25 Memetic Computing6.543
- Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications6.543
27 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing6.294
28 Annals of Operations Research6.062
29 Operations Research5.573
30 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making4.785
31 Journal of the Operational Research Society4.703
32 OR Spectrum4.530
33 Quality and Reliability Engineering International4.018
34 International Transactions in Operational Research3.997
35 Engineering Optimization3.819
36 Quality Technology and Quantitative Management3.816
37 Systems & Control Letters3.768
38 Optimization and Engineering3.664
39 Operations Research Perspectives3.536
40 Informs Journal on Computing3.462
41 Central European Journal of Operations Research3.379
42 Operational Research3.368
43 Computational Optimization and Applications3.353
44 Mathematical Programming3.273
45 Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics3.270
46 RAIRO-Operations Research3.258
47 Naval Research Logistics3.174
48 Journal of Global Optimization3.139
49 Networks & Spatial Economics3.131
50 Optimal Control Applications & Methods3.087
51 Journal of Quality Technology3.080
52 Mathematics of Operations Research3.045
53 Networks3.036
54 Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering2.880
55 Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal2.877
56 International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics2.860
57 Systems Engineering2.847
58 TOP2.811
59 IISE Transactions2.786
60 Optimization Methods & Software2.744
61 Journal of Simulation2.686
62 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications2.633
63 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research2.600
64 Journal of Scheduling2.533
65 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and Applications2.434
66 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics2.369
67 Optimization Letters2.339
68 Informs Journal on Applied Analytics2.270
69 Optimization2.159
70 Operations Research Letters2.054
71 International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations2.012
72 Studies in Informatics and Control1.895
73 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research1.894
74 Discrete Optimization1.852
75 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability1.736
76 Queueing Systems1.730
77 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry1.686
78 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research1.642
79 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences1.443
80 International Journal of Technology Management1.129
81 European Journal of Industrial Engineering1.013
82 INFOR0.957
83 Engineering Economist0.884