1 |
Journal of Manufacturing Systems | 26.835 |
2 |
International Journal of Production Economics | 19.439 |
3 |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 17.368 |
4 |
Reliability Engineering & System Safety | 16.526 |
5 |
Technovation | 16.511 |
6 |
Journal of Materials Processing Technology | 12.701 |
7 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering | 12.400 |
8 |
International Journal of Production Research | 11.933 |
9 |
Journal of Management in Engineering | 11.183 |
10 |
Safety Science | 11.143 |
11 |
Journal of Product Innovation Management | 11.063 |
12 |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | 10.277 |
13 |
Journal of Industrial Information Integration | 10.249 |
14 |
Production Planning & Control | 9.793 |
15 |
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | 8.655 |
16 |
Computers & Operations Research | 8.152 |
17 |
Industrial Management & Data Systems | 7.964 |
18 |
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management | 7.648 |
19 |
Applied Ergonomics | 6.846 |
20 |
CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology | 6.235 |
21 |
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma | 6.073 |
22 |
Engineering Construction and Architectural Management | 5.568 |
23 |
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics | 5.565 |
24 |
Human Factors | 5.534 |
25 |
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management | 5.342 |
26 |
Cognition Technology & Work | 4.767 |
27 |
Research in Engineering Design | 4.144 |
28 |
Ergonomics | 3.648 |
29 |
Quality and Reliability Engineering International | 3.549 |
30 |
Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application | 3.528 |
31 |
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management | 3.446 |
32 |
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal | 2.933 |
33 |
Journal of Quality Technology | 2.869 |
34 |
Systems Engineering | 2.832 |
35 |
International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics | 2.734 |
36 |
Quality Engineering | 2.706 |
37 |
IISE Transactions | 2.540 |
38 |
International Journal of Simulation Modelling | 2.383 |
39 |
Engineering Management Journal | 2.367 |
40 |
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations | 2.034 |
41 |
Research-Technology Management | 1.877 |
42 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability | 1.724 |
43 |
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences | 1.594 |
44 |
European Journal of Industrial Engineering | 1.095 |
45 |
Engineering Economist | 1.000 |
46 |
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering | 0.700 |
47 |
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine | 0.582 |