Marine & Freshwater Biology

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Annual Review of Marine Science20.261
2 Marine Pollution Bulletin9.832
3 Harmful Algae9.216
4 Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries8.017
5 Aquaculture7.959
6 Fish & Shellfish Immunology7.470
7 Aquatic Toxicology7.219
8 Microbial Ecology6.102
9 Coral Reefs6.057
10 Journal of Applied Phycology6.047
11 Journal of Great Lakes Research5.561
12 Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science5.378
13 Journal of Phycology5.358
14 Marine Environmental Research5.249
15 Frontiers in Marine Science5.205
16 Aquaculture Environment Interactions5.172
17 Journal of Marine Systems5.002
18 Algae4.942
19 Marine Ecology Progress Series4.783
20 Estuaries and Coasts4.655
21 Inland Waters4.593
22 Biofouling4.536
23 Animal Biotelemetry4.440
24 Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems4.406
25 Marine Biotechnology4.353
26 ICES Journal of Marine Science4.323
27 European Journal of Phycology4.278
28 Hydrobiologia4.251
29 Freshwater Biology4.109
30 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences3.939
31 Journal of Fish Diseases3.921
32 Freshwater Science3.734
33 Aquatic Botany3.638
34 Marine Biology3.634
35 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology3.585
36 Aquatic Microbial Ecology3.346
37 Journal of Fish Biology3.278
- Journal of Plankton Research3.278
39 Journal of Coastal Conservation3.266
40 Marine and Freshwater Research3.241
41 Aquatic Ecology3.166
42 Marine Mammal Science3.065
43 Biological Bulletin3.026
44 Aquatic Sciences2.892
45 Journal of Sea Research2.819
46 Journal of Molluscan Studies2.737
47 African Journal of Aquatic Science2.726
48 Phycologia2.649
- Journal of Shellfish Research2.649
50 African Journal of Marine Science2.648
51 Marine and Coastal Fisheries2.645
52 Marine Biodiversity2.630
53 Mediterranean Marine Science2.614
54 International Review of Hydrobiology2.580
55 Diatom Research2.573
56 Aquatic Invasions2.551
57 Lake and Reservoir Management2.453
58 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research2.388
59 Ecology of Freshwater Fish2.387
60 Fishes2.340
61 Environmental Biology of Fishes2.260
62 Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems2.229
63 Botanica Marina2.134
64 Ocean Science Journal2.129
65 Cryptogamie Algologie2.120
66 Marine Biology Research2.045
67 Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective2.032
68 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology2.000
69 Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences1.987
70 Regional Studies in Marine Science1.977
71 Fundamental and Applied Limnology1.962
72 Bulletin of Marine Science1.944
73 Journal of Crustacean Biology1.789
74 Journal of Applied Ichthyology1.761
75 Invertebrate Biology1.730
76 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom1.700
77 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management1.692
78 Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research1.645
79 Ichthyological Research1.563
80 Scientia Marina1.549
81 Limnetica1.544
82 Phycological Research1.535
83 Aquatic Mammals1.435
84 Inland Water Biology1.354
85 Clean-Soil Air Water1.351
86 Plankton & Benthos Research1.316
87 Acta Adriatica1.308
88 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine1.193
89 Ciencias Marinas1.134
90 Pacific Science1.076
91 Russian Journal of Marine Biology0.993
92 Thalassas0.990
93 Crustaceana0.885
94 Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografia0.698
95 Hidrobiologica0.289