1 |
Reviews in Aquaculture | 12.712 |
2 |
Fish and Fisheries | 7.529 |
3 |
Aquaculture | 6.853 |
4 |
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture | 6.632 |
5 |
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries | 6.570 |
6 |
Fish & Shellfish Immunology | 6.008 |
7 |
Aquacultural Engineering | 5.873 |
8 |
Aquaculture Nutrition | 5.152 |
9 |
Aquaculture Economics & Management | 4.659 |
10 |
ICES Journal of Marine Science | 4.604 |
11 |
Aquaculture Environment Interactions | 4.236 |
12 |
Developmental and Comparative Immunology | 4.181 |
13 |
Aquaculture Research | 4.046 |
14 |
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | 3.665 |
15 |
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry | 3.592 |
16 |
Fisheries Research | 3.397 |
17 |
Aquaculture Reports | 3.199 |
18 |
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 3.181 |
19 |
Journal of Fish Diseases | 3.119 |
20 |
Marine and Freshwater Research | 2.716 |
21 |
Aquaculture International | 2.552 |
22 |
Fishes | 2.530 |
23 |
Marine Resource Economics | 2.408 |
24 |
Marine and Coastal Fisheries | 2.407 |
25 |
North American Journal of Fisheries Management | 2.264 |
26 |
Fisheries Oceanography | 2.263 |
27 |
Journal of Fish Biology | 2.256 |
28 |
Fisheries Management and Ecology | 2.218 |
29 |
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | 2.020 |
30 |
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 1.997 |
31 |
North American Journal of Aquaculture | 1.952 |
32 |
Ecology of Freshwater Fish | 1.911 |
33 |
Fisheries Science | 1.706 |
34 |
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research | 1.682 |
35 |
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 1.652 |
36 |
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria | 1.581 |
37 |
Journal of Shellfish Research | 1.569 |
38 |
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems | 1.366 |
39 |
Journal of Applied Ichthyology | 1.335 |
40 |
Journal of Ichthyology | 1.073 |
41 |
Ichthyological Research | 1.065 |
42 |
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research | 1.048 |
43 |
Boletim do Instituto de Pesca | 0.740 |
44 |
Indian Journal of Fisheries | 0.523 |
45 |
Fisheries | 0.432 |
46 |
Fishery Bulletin | 0.411 |
47 |
Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh | 0.275 |
48 |
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi | 0.186 |
49 |
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 0.119 |