Humanities, Multidisciplinary

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts ca. 2.7
2 Heritage Science ca. 2.6
3 Historic Environment-Policy & Practice ca. 2.3
4 ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage ca. 2.1
- Biosemiotics ca. 2.1
- Daedalus ca. 2.1
7 International Journal of Heritage Studies ca. 2
8 Cultural Trends ca. 1.7
9 Social Semiotics ca. 1.6
10 Empirical Studies of the Arts ca. 1.5
11 Museum Management and Curatorship ca. 1.4
12 Slavic Review ca. 1.3
13 Journal of Scholarly Publishing ca. 1.2
- Medical Humanities ca. 1.2
15 Soundings ca. 1.1
16 Senses & Society ca. 1
- Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies ca. 1
- Signs and Society ca. 1
- Curator-The Museum Journal ca. 1
- University of Toronto Quarterly ca. 1
21 Journal of Islamic Studies ca. 0.9
- Semiotica ca. 0.9
23 Archives and Records-The Journal of the Archives and Records Association ca. 0.8
24 Fashion Practice-The Journal of Design Creative Process & the Fashion Industry ca. 0.7
- Journal of the American Institute for Conservation ca. 0.7
- Journal of Canadian Studies-Revue d'Etudes Canadiennes ca. 0.7
- Journal of Latin American Studies ca. 0.7
- Fashion Theory-The Journal of Dress Body & Culture ca. 0.7
- Visual Studies ca. 0.7
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities ca. 0.7
- Papers of the British School at Rome ca. 0.7
32 Small Axe ca. 0.6
- Journal of European Studies ca. 0.6
- Common Knowledge ca. 0.6
- Text and Performance Quarterly ca. 0.6
- Library ca. 0.6
37 Patterns of Prejudice ca. 0.5
- Textile History ca. 0.5
- Modern Judaism ca. 0.5
- Arbor-Ciencia Pensamiento y Cultura ca. 0.5
- Journal of Arts Management Law and Society ca. 0.5
- Oriens ca. 0.5
- American Journal of Semiotics ca. 0.5
- Trames-Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences ca. 0.5
45 Dutch Crossing-Journal of Low Countries Studies ca. 0.4
- Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America ca. 0.4
- Amerasia Journal ca. 0.4
- October ca. 0.4
- Journal of Aesthetic Education ca. 0.4
- Utopian Studies ca. 0.4
51 NWIG-New West Indian Guide-Nieuwe West-Indische Gids ca. 0.3
- Irish Studies Review ca. 0.3
- Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies ca. 0.3
- Womens Studies-An Interdisciplinary Journal ca. 0.3
- Luso-Brazilian Review ca. 0.3
- International Journal of the Classical Tradition ca. 0.3
- Italian Studies ca. 0.3
- Grey Room ca. 0.3
- Scandinavian Studies ca. 0.3
- Wasafiri ca. 0.3
- Nineteenth-Century Contexts-An Interdisciplinary Journal ca. 0.3
62 Shofar-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies ca. 0.2
- Costume-The Journal of the Costume Society ca. 0.2
- Antiquaries Journal ca. 0.2
- Textile-Cloth and Culture ca. 0.2
- Quaestio Rossica ca. 0.2
- Word & Image ca. 0.2
- Dix-Neuf ca. 0.2
- Slovo ca. 0.2
- Victorian Studies ca. 0.2
- Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies ca. 0.2
- Journal of the History of Collections ca. 0.2
- Slavonic and East European Review ca. 0.2
- Postmodern Culture ca. 0.2
- Dress-The Journal of the Costume Society of America ca. 0.2
- Co-herencia ca. 0.2
- European Legacy-Toward New Paradigms ca. 0.2
- Atenea ca. 0.2
- Hispanic Research Journal-Iberian and Latin American Studies ca. 0.2
- German Studies Review ca. 0.2
- Journal of Popular Culture ca. 0.2
- Journal of American Studies ca. 0.2
- Culture et Musees ca. 0.2
- Angelaki-Journal of the Theoretical Humanities ca. 0.2
85 Modernist Cultures ca. 0.1
- American Studies in Scandinavia ca. 0.1
- Signa-Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Semiotica ca. 0.1
- Logos-Vilnius ca. 0.1
- Alpha-Revista de Artes Letras y Filosofia ca. 0.1
- Early Popular Visual Culture ca. 0.1
- Archiv fuer Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete ca. 0.1
- Jung Journal-Culture & Psyche ca. 0.1
- Early Modern Women-An Interdisciplinary Journal ca. 0.1
- Index on Censorship ca. 0.1
95 Societes ca. 0
- Portuguese Studies ca. 0
- Canadian Review of American Studies ca. 0
- Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines ca. 0