Field of Research: Clinical medicine » Category: Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Addiction ca. 5.2
2 International Journal of Drug Policy ca. 4.4
3 Journal of Addiction Medicine ca. 4.2
4 Current Addiction Reports ca. 4.1
5 Tobacco Control ca. 4
- Harm Reduction Journal ca. 4
7 Drug and Alcohol Dependence ca. 3.9
8 Addiction Science & Clinical Practice ca. 3.7
- Addictive Behaviors ca. 3.7
- Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ca. 3.7
11 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction ca. 3.2
- Psychology of Addictive Behaviors ca. 3.2
13 Addiction Biology ca. 3.1
14 Drug and Alcohol Review ca. 3
- Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention and Policy ca. 3
- Nicotine & Tobacco Research ca. 3
17 Substance Abuse ca. 2.8
- European Addiction Research ca. 2.8
19 American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse ca. 2.7
20 American Journal on Addictions ca. 2.5
- International Gambling Studies ca. 2.5
- Alcohol ca. 2.5
23 Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs ca. 2.4
24 Adicciones ca. 2.2
- Tobacco Induced Diseases ca. 2.2
26 Journal of Psychoactive Drugs ca. 2.1
- Alcohol and Alcoholism ca. 2.1
28 Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs ca. 1.9
- Addiction Research & Theory ca. 1.9
30 Substance Use & Misuse ca. 1.8
31 Journal of Dual Diagnosis ca. 1.5
- Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy ca. 1.5
33 Journal of Drug Issues ca. 1.2
34 Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse ca. 1.1
35 Journal of Substance Use ca. 0.6
- Journal of Addictions Nursing ca. 0.6