Sport Sciences

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 British Journal of Sports Medicine ca. 11.6
2 Journal of Sport and Health Science ca. 9.7
3 Sports Medicine ca. 9.3
4 Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health ca. 8
5 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy ca. 6
6 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews ca. 4.9
7 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition ca. 4.5
8 Arthroscopy-The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery ca. 4.4
9 American Journal of Sports Medicine ca. 4.2
- Biology of Sport ca. 4.2
11 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ca. 4.1
- Sports Medicine-Open ca. 4.1
13 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ca. 3.6
14 Journal of Sport Management ca. 3.5
- Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports ca. 3.5
- International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance ca. 3.5
17 Journal of Applied Physiology ca. 3.3
- Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy ca. 3.3
19 Psychology of Sport and Exercise ca. 3.1
20 International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism ca. 3
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport ca. 3
22 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery ca. 2.9
23 Science and Medicine in Football ca. 2.8
- European Journal of Applied Physiology ca. 2.8
25 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology ca. 2.7
- Sports Health-A Multidisciplinary Approach ca. 2.7
27 Journal of Athletic Training ca. 2.6
28 Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine ca. 2.5
- Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review ca. 2.5
- Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research ca. 2.5
31 European Journal of Sport Science ca. 2.4
- Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine ca. 2.4
- Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness ca. 2.4
- Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism ca. 2.4
35 Sport Education and Society ca. 2.3
- Journal of Sports Sciences ca. 2.3
37 Physical Therapy in Sport ca. 2.2
- Gait & Posture ca. 2.2
- American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation ca. 2.2
- PM&R ca. 2.2
41 Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine ca. 2.1
- BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation ca. 2.1
43 Sports Biomechanics ca. 2
- Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology ca. 2
- International Journal of Sports Medicine ca. 2
- Sociology of Sport Journal ca. 2
- Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology ca. 2
48 International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport ca. 1.9
- Physician and Sportsmedicine ca. 1.9
- Research in Sports Medicine ca. 1.9
- Clinics in Sports Medicine ca. 1.9
52 Journal of Teaching in Physical Education ca. 1.8
53 Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science ca. 1.7
- Current Sports Medicine Reports ca. 1.7
- Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly ca. 1.7
56 Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma ca. 1.6
- Human Movement Science ca. 1.6
- Knee ca. 1.6
- Quest ca. 1.6
- Sport Psychologist ca. 1.6
- Acsms Health & Fitness Journal ca. 1.6
62 Clinical Biomechanics ca. 1.4
- Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport ca. 1.4
- Wilderness & Environmental Medicine ca. 1.4
- Pediatric Exercise Science ca. 1.4
- Journal of Aging and Physical Activity ca. 1.4
67 Journal of Sport Rehabilitation ca. 1.3
68 Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness ca. 1.2
69 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology ca. 1.1
- Journal of Applied Biomechanics ca. 1.1
- Journal of Motor Behavior ca. 1.1
72 Motor Control ca. 0.9
- Kinesiology ca. 0.9
74 Science & Sports ca. 0.8
75 Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y del Deporte ca. 0.7
76 Isokinetics and Exercise Science ca. 0.6
- Sportverletzung-Sportschaden ca. 0.6
- Medicina Dello Sport ca. 0.6
79 Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin ca. 0.5
80 Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine ca. 0.4