Field of Research: Clinical medicine » Category: Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Annual Review of Public Health65.359
2 MMWR-Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report41.909
3 Lancet Public Health26.278
4 Lancet Planetary Health22.311
5 Lancet Global Health15.799
6 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews14.864
7 Environmental Research14.259
8 European Journal of Epidemiology13.654
9 Current Environmental Health Reports13.205
10 Globalization and Health12.950
11 Accident Analysis and Prevention12.443
12 BMJ Global Health12.293
13 Current Pollution Reports12.018
14 International Journal of Public Health11.254
15 Indoor Air11.121
16 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology10.899
17 Environmental Health Perspectives10.711
18 Journal of Infection and Public Health10.455
19 Environmental Health9.913
20 Social Science & Medicine9.779
21 Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control9.596
22 One Health9.427
23 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health9.403
24 JMIR Serious Games8.894
25 Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease8.848
26 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine8.809
27 Preventive Medicine8.434
28 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health8.321
29 Journal of Community Health8.124
30 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology8.110
31 Health & Place8.094
32 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health8.038
33 Current Epidemiology Reports7.927
34 International Journal for Equity in Health7.904
35 Journal of Health and Social Behavior7.840
36 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance7.816
37 Population Health Metrics7.781
38 Palliative Medicine7.762
39 International Journal of Health Geographics7.595
40 American Journal of Preventive Medicine7.521
41 Journal of Travel Medicine7.494
42 Journal of Hospital Infection7.412
43 Reproductive Health7.366
44 Journal of Safety Research7.287
45 Preventing Chronic Disease7.279
46 Journal of Epidemiology7.221
47 LGBT Health7.165
48 Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine7.147
49 Clinical Epidemiology7.105
50 Public Health7.089
51 Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health7.065
52 Translational Behavioral Medicine7.059
53 Disability and Health Journal6.935
54 SSM-Population Health6.875
55 Occupational and Environmental Medicine6.783
56 Epidemiology6.742
57 Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology6.736
58 Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy6.699
59 Israel Journal of Health Policy Research6.637
60 American Journal of Public Health6.599
61 BMC Public Health6.597
62 Reviews on Environmental Health6.590
63 Journal of Adolescent Health6.451
64 International Journal of Epidemiology6.407
65 Journal of Global Health6.303
66 Tobacco Control6.299
67 Drug Safety6.275
68 Health Education & Behavior6.175
69 Conflict and Health6.162
70 American Journal of Epidemiology6.148
71 Quality of Life Research6.124
72 AIDS Patient Care and Stds6.086
73 Geohealth6.053
74 Ethnicity & Disease5.995
75 Bulletin of the World Health Organization5.989
76 Journal of Womens Health5.835
77 Journal of Occupational Health5.687
78 Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific5.686
79 Journal of Transport & Health5.643
80 International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health5.565
81 Medical Care5.559
82 Annals of Global Health5.492
83 Pathogens and Global Health5.486
84 Psychiatric Services5.409
85 Ethnicity & Health5.373
86 Environmental Geochemistry and Health5.343
87 Public Health Reports5.332
88 Global Health Action5.303
89 Public Health Nutrition5.289
90 Frontiers in Public Health5.275
91 Journal of Rural Health5.249
92 AIDS and Behavior5.192
93 Epidemiology and Infection5.143
94 American Journal of Infection Control5.095
95 Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology5.091
96 American Journal of Community Psychology5.052
97 Patient Education and Counseling5.013
98 Evolution Medicine and Public Health4.988
99 Health Expectations4.962
100 Global Public Health4.936
101 Indoor and Built Environment4.894
102 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene4.889
103 Journal of Public Health4.884
104 Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health disParities4.878
105 Games for Health Journal4.874
106 Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique4.862
107 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health4.837
108 Health & Social Care in the Community4.815
109 Psychology Health & Medicine4.794
110 Prevention Science4.746
111 Transgender Health4.672
112 Journal of Physical Activity & Health4.659
113 Social Work in Public Health4.617
114 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A-Current Issues4.589
115 Cancer Epidemiology4.507
116 Risk Analysis4.476
117 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene4.405
118 Womens Health Issues4.317
119 Critical Public Health4.315
120 Journal of Community Psychology4.307
121 Health Systems & Reform4.286
122 Journal of Religion & Health4.282
123 American Journal of Mens Health4.280
124 Journal of Medical Screening4.267
125 Economics & Human Biology4.259
126 Tropical Medicine & International Health4.233
127 American Journal of Industrial Medicine4.206
128 Annals of Epidemiology4.200
129 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health4.173
130 Neuroepidemiology4.169
131 International Journal of Sexual Health4.106
132 Health Security4.089
133 Preventive Medicine Reports4.073
134 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research4.061
135 International Health3.986
136 BMC Womens Health3.976
137 Revista de Saude Publica3.968
138 Injury Epidemiology3.915
139 Psychology & Health3.868
140 Global Health-Science and Practice3.866
141 International Journal of Health Planning and Management3.801
142 Cancer Causes & Control3.782
143 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine3.769
144 Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health3.737
145 Epidemiology and Health3.721
146 Injury Prevention3.699
147 Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters3.694
148 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention3.691
149 Toxicology and Industrial Health3.640
150 Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases3.623
- Journal of Tropical Medicine3.623
152 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal3.618
153 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion3.599
154 Health Education Research3.580
155 Community Mental Health Journal3.545
156 Anthropology & Medicine3.477
157 American Journal of Health Promotion3.426
158 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics3.397
159 European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care3.386
160 International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health3.357
161 Journal of Public Health Policy3.351
162 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology3.325
163 Journal of Agromedicine3.291
164 Statistics in Medicine3.279
165 Gaceta Sanitaria3.258
166 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology3.253
167 Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes3.232
168 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety3.231
169 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice3.224
170 Studies in Family Planning3.219
171 Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease3.217
172 Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning3.190
173 Journal of School Health3.177
174 Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health3.175
175 Journal of American College Health3.173
176 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness3.161
177 Sociology of Health & Illness3.138
178 Prehospital Emergency Care3.119
179 Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica-Pan American Journal of Public Health3.083
180 Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz3.038
181 Traffic Injury Prevention3.028
182 Digital Health2.985
183 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology2.962
184 Maternal and Child Health Journal2.947
185 Disaster Prevention and Management2.915
186 Health Care for Women International2.910
187 Public Health Nursing2.897
188 Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada-Research Policy and Practice2.870
189 Ciencia & Saude Coletiva2.854
190 Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation2.849
191 HERD-Health Environments Research & Design Journal2.806
192 Chronic Illness2.779
193 Perspectives in Public Health2.764
194 Health Risk & Society2.762
195 AIDS Education and Prevention2.761
196 Journal of Radiological Protection2.726
197 Journal of Palliative Care2.579
198 Central European Journal of Public Health2.566
199 Family & Community Health2.537
200 Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare2.529
201 International Journal of Environmental Health Research2.516
202 Health Promotion Journal of Australia2.503
203 Australian Journal of Rural Health2.495
204 Sexual Health2.480
205 Health2.474
206 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health2.458
207 Arts & Health2.451
208 Annals of Human Biology2.419
209 Cadernos de Saude Publica2.415
210 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine2.400
211 Public Health Genomics2.385
212 AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/Hiv2.372
213 Industrial Health2.370
214 Global Health Promotion2.343
215 Health Education Journal2.318
216 Salud Publica de Mexico2.298
217 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene2.294
218 Women & Health2.286
219 Journal of Public Health Dentistry2.281
220 Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research2.266
221 Journal of Environmental and Public Health2.253
222 Journal of Cancer Education2.237
223 Health Promotion International2.236
224 Radioprotection2.216
225 AJAR-African Journal of AIDS Research2.203
226 Geospatial Health2.191
227 Australian Journal of Primary Health2.138
228 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine1.981
229 Longitudinal and Life Course Studies1.904
230 MEDICC Review1.874
231 Wilderness & Environmental Medicine1.825
232 Tobacco Induced Diseases1.736
233 Medical Anthropology Quarterly1.559
234 Salud Colectiva1.526
235 Safety and Health at Work1.519
236 Malawi Medical Journal1.509
237 Childrens Health Care1.507
238 Health Physics1.501
239 Annals of Work Exposures and Health1.484
240 Families Systems & Health1.387
241 Radiation Protection Dosimetry1.306
242 Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance1.255
243 Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra1.225
244 Medycyna Pracy1.213
245 International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care1.184
246 Journal of Correctional Health Care1.173
247 Indian Journal of Public Health1.140
248 Gesundheitswesen1.098
249 Journal of Nepal Medical Association0.972
250 Tropical Doctor0.936
251 Rural and Remote Health0.927
252 Iranian Journal of Public Health0.870
253 Progress in Community Health Partnerships-Research Education and Action0.833
254 Occupational Medicine-Oxford0.778
255 European Journal of Public Health0.677
256 Journal of Mens Health0.666
257 Sante Publique0.590
- Saude e Sociedade0.590
259 Tobacco Regulatory Science0.505
260 Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases0.442
261 Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique0.227
262 Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement0.041