International Relations

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 International Affairs1198
2 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade793
3 World Economy666
4 JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies612
5 Global Policy609
6 Common Market Law Review538
7 International Studies Quarterly439
8 Survival431
9 Globalizations415
10 Journal of Contemporary European Studies387
11 Terrorism and Political Violence383
12 Intelligence and National Security357
13 European Journal of International Law345
14 Journal of Peace Research336
15 International Politics335
16 Journal of Conflict Resolution318
17 Studies in Conflict & Terrorism317
18 American Journal of International Law311
19 Review of International Political Economy275
20 Review of International Studies272
21 Cambridge Review of International Affairs266
22 International Studies Review265
23 Current History263
24 Middle East Policy257
25 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists255
26 International Journal252
27 Journal of European Integration251
28 Journal of Cold War Studies241
29 New Political Economy230
30 War in History226
31 Latin American Politics and Society224
32 British Journal of Politics & International Relations212
33 Diplomacy & Statecraft210
34 Mediterranean Politics198
35 World Trade Review197
36 Human Geography190
- Australian Journal of International Affairs190
38 Global Environmental Politics181
39 Journal of Strategic Studies180
40 Journal of World Trade178
- International Relations178
42 International Interactions177
- European Journal of International Relations177
44 Human Rights Law Review175
45 Chinese Journal of International Law173
46 Journal of Human Rights167
47 International Peacekeeping166
48 Review of International Organizations164
- Ethics & International Affairs164
50 Review of World Economics162
51 International Organization161
52 Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding158
53 Space Policy156
54 International Journal of Transitional Justice154
- Foreign Policy Analysis154
56 Pacific Review153
57 Politics152
58 Communist and Post-Communist Studies151
59 Peacebuilding146
60 Internasjonal Politikk145
61 Washington Quarterly144
62 Security Studies141
63 Journal of the Japanese and International Economies138
64 Journal of International Relations and Development134
65 European Security132
- Cooperation and Conflict132
- Millennium-Journal of International Studies132
68 Security Dialogue131
69 Contemporary Southeast Asia129
- International Political Sociology129
71 Studies in Comparative International Development124
72 Global Governance122
73 Conflict Management and Peace Science120
74 Uluslararasi Iliskiler-International Relations117
75 Asia Europe Journal113
76 Contemporary Security Policy111
77 Pacific Focus105
- Korea Observer105
79 Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs102
- International Security102
81 International Theory96
82 International Studies Perspectives93
83 Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional84
84 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific83
85 Chinese Journal of International Politics81
86 Ocean Development and International Law68
87 World Politics62