Field of Research: Clinical medicine » Category: Immunology


Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Nature Immunology ca. 27.7
2 Annual Review of Immunology ca. 26.9
3 Immunity ca. 25.5
4 Cellular & Molecular Immunology ca. 21.8
5 Science Immunology ca. 17.6
6 Trends in Immunology ca. 13.1
7 Lancet HIV ca. 12.8
8 Allergy ca. 12.6
- Journal of Experimental Medicine ca. 12.6
10 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ca. 11.4
11 Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer ca. 10.3
12 Journal of Neuroinflammation ca. 9.3
13 Autoimmunity Reviews ca. 9.2
14 Brain Behavior and Immunity ca. 8.8
15 Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology ca. 8.4
- Emerging Microbes & Infections ca. 8.4
17 Clinical Infectious Diseases ca. 8.2
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology-In Practice ca. 8.2
19 Cancer Immunology Research ca. 8.1
20 Seminars in Immunopathology ca. 7.9
- Mucosal Immunology ca. 7.9
- Journal of Autoimmunity ca. 7.9
23 Immunological Reviews ca. 7.5
24 Seminars in Immunology ca. 7.4
25 Journal of Clinical Immunology ca. 7.2
26 npj Vaccines ca. 6.9
27 Current Opinion in Immunology ca. 6.6
28 Oncoimmunology ca. 6.5
29 Clinical and Experimental Allergy ca. 6.3
30 Allergology International ca. 6.2
31 Infectious Disease Clinics of North America ca. 6.1
- Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology ca. 6.1
33 HLA ca. 5.9
34 Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology ca. 5.8
35 Frontiers in Immunology ca. 5.7
36 Virulence ca. 5.5
- Expert Review of Vaccines ca. 5.5
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology ca. 5.5
39 Current Allergy and Asthma Reports ca. 5.4
- Biodrugs ca. 5.4
41 Transplantation ca. 5.3
42 Vaccines ca. 5.2
- Immunity & Ageing ca. 5.2
44 Genes and Immunity ca. 5
- Journal of Infectious Diseases ca. 5
- Inflammation and Regeneration ca. 5
47 Immunology ca. 4.9
48 International Immunopharmacology ca. 4.8
- Inflammation Research ca. 4.8
- International Immunology ca. 4.8
51 Journal of Innate Immunity ca. 4.7
52 Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology ca. 4.6
- Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy ca. 4.6
- Clinical & Translational Immunology ca. 4.6
- Inflammopharmacology ca. 4.6
- Journal of the International AIDS Society ca. 4.6
57 Inflammation ca. 4.5
- Vaccine ca. 4.5
- European Journal of Immunology ca. 4.5
- Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection ca. 4.5
- Bone Marrow Transplantation ca. 4.5
- Clinical Immunology ca. 4.5
- Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS ca. 4.5
64 Journal of Inflammation-London ca. 4.4
- Mediators of Inflammation ca. 4.4
66 International Reviews of Immunology ca. 4.3
- Immune Network ca. 4.3
- Pediatric Allergy and Immunology ca. 4.3
69 Journal of Inflammation Research ca. 4.2
70 Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research ca. 4.1
- Scandinavian Journal of Immunology ca. 4.1
- Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics ca. 4.1
- Fish & Shellfish Immunology ca. 4.1
74 World Allergy Organization Journal ca. 3.9
- Expert Review of Clinical Immunology ca. 3.9
76 Open Forum Infectious Diseases ca. 3.8
77 Journal of Asthma and Allergy ca. 3.7
- Cellular Immunology ca. 3.7
- Cytokine ca. 3.7
80 Journal of Immunology ca. 3.6
- Transplantation Reviews ca. 3.6
- Journal of Leukocyte Biology ca. 3.6
83 Journal of Immunology Research ca. 3.5
- Journal of Virus Eradication ca. 3.5
85 AIDS ca. 3.4
- Clinical and Experimental Immunology ca. 3.4
87 Immunologic Research ca. 3.3
- Immunology Letters ca. 3.3
- Autoimmunity ca. 3.3
- Microbial Pathogenesis ca. 3.3
91 Molecular Immunology ca. 3.2
- Journal of Immunotherapy ca. 3.2
- Immunology and Cell Biology ca. 3.2
94 Immunity Inflammation and Disease ca. 3.1
- Human Immunology ca. 3.1
- Infectious Agents and Cancer ca. 3.1
97 Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology ca. 3
98 Jaids-Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes ca. 2.9
- BMC Immunology ca. 2.9
- Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis ca. 2.9
- Journal of Neuroimmunology ca. 2.9
- Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology ca. 2.9
- Journal of Reproductive Immunology ca. 2.9
- Infection and Immunity ca. 2.9
- Immunological Investigations ca. 2.9
- Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal ca. 2.9
- Immunogenetics ca. 2.9
108 Innate Immunity ca. 2.8
- Tuberculosis ca. 2.8
110 Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America ca. 2.7
- Immunotherapy ca. 2.7
- Pathogens and Disease ca. 2.7
- Indian Journal of Medical Research ca. 2.7
- Developmental and Comparative Immunology ca. 2.7
115 Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology ca. 2.6
- Transplant Infectious Disease ca. 2.6
- Microbes and Infection ca. 2.6
118 International Archives of Allergy and Immunology ca. 2.5
- American Journal of Reproductive Immunology ca. 2.5
- Allergologia et Immunopathologia ca. 2.5
- Immunobiology ca. 2.5
122 Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology ca. 2.3
- International Journal of Immunogenetics ca. 2.3
124 APMIS ca. 2.2
- Neuroimmunomodulation ca. 2.2
126 Journal of Antibiotics ca. 2.1
127 Comparative Immunology Microbiology and Infectious Diseases ca. 2
- Endocrine Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets ca. 2
129 AIDS Reviews ca. 1.9
- Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy ca. 1.9
- Microbiology and Immunology ca. 1.9
- Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research ca. 1.9
133 Food and Agricultural Immunology ca. 1.7
134 Transplant Immunology ca. 1.6
- Journal of Immunological Methods ca. 1.6
136 Viral Immunology ca. 1.5
- Central European Journal of Immunology ca. 1.5
- AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses ca. 1.5
139 International Journal of Std & AIDS ca. 1.4
- Parasite Immunology ca. 1.4
- Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology ca. 1.4
- Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology ca. 1.4
- Transfusion Clinique et Biologique ca. 1.4
144 Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica ca. 1.3
145 Iranian Journal of Allergy Asthma and Immunology ca. 1.2
146 Pediatric Allergy Immunology and Pulmonology ca. 1.1
147 Transplantation Proceedings ca. 0.8
- Current HIV Research ca. 0.8
- Critical Reviews in Immunology ca. 0.8