Health Policy & Services

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Value in Health15176
2 Healthcare9557
3 International Journal of Integrated Care2471
4 Digital Health1447
5 Risk Management and Healthcare Policy1284
6 Psychiatric Services1142
7 Quality of Life Research1141
8 Health Affairs1089
9 Health Expectations1087
10 Health Communication999
11 BMC Palliative Care896
12 Health Services Research865
13 International Journal of Health Planning and Management793
14 AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/Hiv764
15 Palliative & Supportive Care745
16 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes743
17 International Journal of Health Policy and Management731
18 Inquiry-The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing729
19 Health Economics728
20 Health Policy711
21 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal692
22 Journal of Genetic Counseling672
23 Medical Care662
24 Community Mental Health Journal631
- Gaceta Sanitaria631
26 Health Research Policy and Systems591
27 Journal of Patient Safety570
28 Disability and Health Journal565
29 Journal of Pediatric Health Care561
30 Health Promotion International535
31 International Journal for Quality in Health Care534
32 Australian Health Review486
- European Journal of Health Economics486
34 Journal of Community Health476
35 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research474
36 Pharmacoeconomics467
37 BMJ Quality & Safety460
38 Human Resources for Health438
39 Journal of Interprofessional Care435
40 Journal of Health Economics388
41 Journal of Aging and Health386
42 Journal of Rural Health385
43 Health Policy and Technology384
44 Implementation Science363
45 Medical Decision Making359
46 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation340
47 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research329
48 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics327
49 Australian Journal of Primary Health304
50 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy300
51 Journal of Health Organization and Management287
52 Patient-Patient Centered Outcomes Research267
53 Journal of Public Health Policy262
54 Milbank Quarterly258
55 Quality Management in Health Care253
56 Health Economics Review251
57 Israel Journal of Health Policy Research226
58 Journal of Healthcare Management223
59 Psychology Public Policy and Law203
60 Journal of Palliative Care197
61 Healthcare-The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation189
62 Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research184
63 Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities180
- Medical Care Research and Review180
65 Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law179
66 Journal for Healthcare Quality173
67 Evaluation & the Health Professions168
68 Health Care Management Science167
69 Journal of Health Services Research & Policy138
70 Health Systems & Reform133
71 American Journal of Health Economics129
72 Health Care Management Review127
73 Health Economics Policy and Law125
74 Health Sociology Review100
75 International Journal of Health Economics and Management97
76 International Journal of Health Services92
77 Health Care Analysis89
78 Health Information Management Journal86
79 Health Policy and Planning78