Environmental Studies

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Nature Climate Change ca. 29.6
2 Nature Sustainability ca. 25.7
3 Business Strategy and the Environment ca. 12.5
4 Sustainable Production and Consumption ca. 10.9
- Tourism Management ca. 10.9
6 Environmental Impact Assessment Review ca. 9.8
7 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change ca. 9.4
8 Energy Policy ca. 9.3
9 Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions ca. 8.6
10 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management ca. 8.3
11 Landscape and Urban Planning ca. 7.9
12 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy ca. 7.8
13 Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment ca. 7.3
14 Computers Environment and Urban Systems ca. 7.1
15 Energy Research & Social Science ca. 6.9
16 Ecological Economics ca. 6.6
17 Habitat International ca. 6.5
18 Journal of Environmental Psychology ca. 6.1
- Ecosystem Services ca. 6.1
20 Land Use Policy ca. 6
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ca. 6
22 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ca. 5.7
23 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management ca. 5.5
24 Climate Policy ca. 5.3
25 Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal ca. 5.2
- Environmental Politics ca. 5.2
- Environment and Behavior ca. 5.2
28 Environment ca. 5
29 Climate Risk Management ca. 4.8
30 Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space ca. 4.6
31 Regional Studies ca. 4.4
32 Urban Studies ca. 4.2
- Annual Review of Resource Economics ca. 4.2
- Organization & Environment ca. 4.2
35 Energy & Environment ca. 4
- Climate Services ca. 4
- Forest Policy and Economics ca. 4
38 Global Environmental Politics ca. 3.9
39 Utilities Policy ca. 3.8
40 Extractive Industries and Society-An International Journal ca. 3.6
- Ecology and Society ca. 3.6
42 Marine Policy ca. 3.5
- Natural Resources Forum ca. 3.5
- Climate and Development ca. 3.5
- Regional Science and Urban Economics ca. 3.5
- International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management ca. 3.5
47 Regional Environmental Change ca. 3.4
48 Sustainability ca. 3.3
49 Journal of Regional Science ca. 3.2
- Energy Efficiency ca. 3.2
- Land ca. 3.2
- Population and Environment ca. 3.2
- Environmental & Resource Economics ca. 3.2
54 International Journal of Sustainable Transportation ca. 3.1
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists ca. 3.1
56 Environmental Policy and Governance ca. 3
- Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space ca. 3
- Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture ca. 3
59 International Journal of Urban Sciences ca. 2.9
- International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law and Economics ca. 2.9
- Environment and Planning D-Society & Space ca. 2.9
- Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension ca. 2.9
63 Carbon Management ca. 2.8
- European Urban and Regional Studies ca. 2.8
65 Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science ca. 2.6
- Science and Public Policy ca. 2.6
- Resource and Energy Economics ca. 2.6
- Environmental Education Research ca. 2.6
- Transnational Environmental Law ca. 2.6
- European Planning Studies ca. 2.6
71 Anthropocene Review ca. 2.5
- Housing Theory & Society ca. 2.5
73 Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space ca. 2.4
- Local Environment ca. 2.4
- Disasters ca. 2.4
- International Journal of Housing Policy ca. 2.4
- Housing Studies ca. 2.4
- Papers in Regional Science ca. 2.4
79 Journal of Environment & Development ca. 2.3
- Water Resources and Economics ca. 2.3
81 Environmental Values ca. 2.2
- Annals of Regional Science ca. 2.2
- Society & Natural Resources ca. 2.2
- Environment and Development Economics ca. 2.2
85 Journal of Environmental Law ca. 2
- Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy ca. 2
- Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law ca. 2
- Environment and Urbanization ca. 2
- Marine Resource Economics ca. 2
90 Energy Journal ca. 1.9
- Disaster Prevention and Management ca. 1.9
- Weather Climate and Society ca. 1.9
93 International Regional Science Review ca. 1.8
- Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal ca. 1.8
- Natural Hazards Review ca. 1.8
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment ca. 1.8
- International Journal of the Commons ca. 1.8
- Human Ecology ca. 1.8
- Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy ca. 1.8
100 Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions ca. 1.7
- Landscape Research ca. 1.7
- Coastal Management ca. 1.7
- Journal of Environmental Education ca. 1.7
104 Urban Policy and Research ca. 1.6
- Conservation & Society ca. 1.6
- Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law ca. 1.6
- Cultural Geographies ca. 1.6
108 Open House International ca. 1.5
- GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society ca. 1.5
110 Land Economics ca. 1.3
111 Australasian Journal of Environmental Management ca. 1.1
- Environmental Ethics ca. 1.1
113 Water Economics and Policy ca. 1
114 Environment and History ca. 0.8
- Human Ecology Review ca. 0.8
- Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography ca. 0.8
117 Environmental History ca. 0.6
118 Resources Policy ca. 0
- Climate Change Economics ca. 0