Engineering, Environmental

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental ca. 20.2
2 Environmental Chemistry Letters ca. 15
3 Chemical Engineering Journal ca. 13.3
4 Journal of Hazardous Materials ca. 12.2
5 Water Research ca. 11.4
6 Resources Conservation and Recycling ca. 11.2
7 Environmental Science & Technology ca. 10.8
8 Journal of Cleaner Production ca. 9.7
9 Environmental Science & Technology Letters ca. 8.9
10 Water Research X ca. 7.2
11 Waste Management ca. 7.1
- Building and Environment ca. 7.1
13 Process Safety and Environmental Protection ca. 6.9
14 Environmental Technology & Innovation ca. 6.7
15 Journal of Water Process Engineering ca. 6.3
16 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering ca. 6.1
17 Ambio ca. 5.8
18 Journal of Industrial Ecology ca. 4.9
- International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment ca. 4.9
20 Environmental Modelling & Software ca. 4.8
21 Journal of Polymers and the Environment ca. 4.7
22 Sustainable Environment Research ca. 4.6
- International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control ca. 4.6
24 Indoor Air ca. 4.3
25 Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy ca. 4.2
26 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment ca. 3.9
- Ecological Engineering ca. 3.9
28 Cold Regions Science and Technology ca. 3.8
29 Waste Management & Research ca. 3.7
- Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment ca. 3.7
31 Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology ca. 3.5
32 Environmental Geochemistry and Health ca. 3.2
- Indoor and Built Environment ca. 3.2
34 Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering ca. 3
- Environmental Engineering Research ca. 3
36 Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ca. 2.8
37 Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology ca. 2.7
38 Journal of the American Water Resources Association ca. 2.6
39 Water Environment Research ca. 2.5
- Water Science and Technology ca. 2.5
41 Journal of Terramechanics ca. 2.4
42 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association ca. 2.1
- Ozone-Science & Engineering ca. 2.1
- Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy ca. 2.1
45 Water Supply ca. 1.9
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering ca. 1.9
47 Journal of Environmental Engineering ca. 1.6
48 Journal of Cold Regions Engineering ca. 1.1
49 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience ca. 1
50 Environment Protection Engineering ca. 0.5
51 Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft ca. 0.1