
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Value in Health15176
2 Energy Economics2479
3 Applied Economics2253
4 Energy Policy2221
5 Applied Economics Letters1918
6 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization1820
7 Economics Letters1791
8 International Review of Economics & Finance1677
9 Economic Modelling1403
10 World Development1343
11 Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review1249
12 Ecological Economics1233
13 Managerial and Decision Economics1175
14 Transport Policy1148
15 Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice1131
16 Journal of the Knowledge Economy1128
17 Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja1072
18 Economic Analysis and Policy1065
19 Journal of Transport Geography954
20 Socio-Economic Planning Sciences949
21 Journal of Banking & Finance945
22 Journal of Econometrics925
23 North American Journal of Economics and Finance840
24 European Economic Review835
25 International Journal of Emerging Markets829
26 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade793
27 Regional Studies755
28 Health Economics728
29 Empirical Economics714
30 Forest Policy and Economics709
31 Journal of Financial Economics691
32 World Economy666
33 Games and Economic Behavior656
34 Computational Economics652
- Europe-Asia Studies652
36 Journal of Public Economics647
37 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics645
38 Review of Economics and Statistics637
39 Transportation Research Part B-Methodological622
40 JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies612
41 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control605
42 Journal of Economic Theory593
- Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money593
- Journal of Development Economics593
45 Futures591
46 Journal of Development Studies587
47 Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance565
48 Journal of Political Economy564
49 Small Business Economics555
50 China Economic Review554
51 Food Policy533
52 Journal of Monetary Economics520
53 International Journal of Forecasting518
54 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics511
55 Journal of Forecasting503
56 American Economic Review499
57 Labour Economics493
58 Journal of Money Credit and Banking491
59 European Journal of Health Economics486
60 Singapore Economic Review480
61 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis471
62 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management469
63 Pharmacoeconomics467
64 Review of Development Economics466
65 Quantitative Finance459
66 Journal of International Economics448
67 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance434
- Economic Change and Restructuring434
- Research in Transportation Economics434
70 Economic Journal433
71 European Journal of Political Economy428
- Review of Financial Studies428
73 Journal of Finance427
74 Review of Economic Studies425
75 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy417
76 Econometrica415
77 Borsa Istanbul Review412
78 Insurance Mathematics & Economics409
79 Economics & Human Biology402
80 Environmental & Resource Economics400
81 Journal of Policy Analysis and Management398
82 Journal of Mathematical Economics397
83 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics390
84 Journal of Health Economics388
85 Journal of Policy Modeling381
86 American Journal of Agricultural Economics380
- Tourism Economics380
88 Economic History Review376
89 Journal of Asian Economics374
90 Journal of Economic Issues368
91 Economics of Education Review366
92 Journal of Financial Stability364
93 Journal of Empirical Finance360
94 Emerging Markets Review356
95 Public Choice354
96 Work Employment and Society348
97 Energy Journal339
98 Economic Inquiry329
99 Agribusiness327
100 Journal of Applied Econometrics326
101 Regional Science and Urban Economics310
102 Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research309
103 Economic Systems307
104 Journal of International Trade & Economic Development306
105 Review of International Economics301
106 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy300
107 Journal of Cultural Economy296
108 Technological and Economic Development of Economy295
109 Industrial and Corporate Change294
110 Economic Theory293
111 Papers in Regional Science291
- Journal of Economic Surveys291
- Socio-Economic Review291
114 Southern Economic Journal289
115 Amfiteatru Economic288
116 History of Political Economy287
117 Agricultural Economics286
- European Journal of the History of Economic Thought286
119 Journal of Consumer Affairs285
120 Annals of Regional Science284
121 Journal of Economic Psychology282
- Journal of Labor Economics282
123 Mathematical Social Sciences278
- Canadian Journal of Economics-Revue Canadienne d'Economique278
- Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy278
126 Journal of Urban Economics276
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues276
128 Review of International Political Economy275
129 Journal of the European Economic Association271
- International Economic Review271
- Journal of Human Resources271
132 Economic Record270
- American Journal of Economics and Sociology270
134 Macroeconomic Dynamics269
- Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics269
136 American Economic Journal-Microeconomics268
- Journal of Macroeconomics268
138 Journal of Comparative Economics267
139 Journal of Accounting & Economics266
140 Journal of Public Economic Theory263
141 International Journal of Industrial Organization262
142 Journal of Business Economics and Management261
- American Economic Journal-Economic Policy261
144 Journal of Economic Literature259
- Social Choice and Welfare259
146 Review of Economic Dynamics257
147 Health Economics Review251
- Economic Development and Cultural Change251
149 Review of Income and Wealth246
150 Journal of Population Economics244
151 Journal of Regional Science243
152 Land Economics239
153 Cambridge Journal of Economics238
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists238
155 International Tax and Public Finance234
- Journal of Institutional Economics234
157 Journal of Agrarian Change233
158 Oxford Economic Papers-New Series231
159 New Political Economy230
160 Theory and Decision227
- Review of Economics of the Household227
162 American Economic Journal-Applied Economics226
163 Review of Radical Political Economics224
164 Bulletin of Economic Research223
- Theoretical Economics223
166 Defence and Peace Economics218
167 Journal of Agricultural Economics214
- Economica214
169 American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics213
- Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika213
171 China & World Economy212
172 Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie211
173 Journal of Economic History210
- Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics210
175 Journal of Economics & Management Strategy209
176 Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics206
- Econometric Theory206
178 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics203
179 Review of Finance202
- Oxford Review of Economic Policy202
- Review of Industrial Organization202
182 International Review of Law and Economics201
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics201
- National Tax Journal201
185 Australian Economic Review200
186 E & M Ekonomie A Management199
- Real Estate Economics199
188 World Trade Review197
189 Journal of Economic Perspectives195
190 Industry and Innovation194
191 Quarterly Journal of Economics193
192 Journal of the Economics of Ageing191
193 Australian Economic Papers190
194 Economics of Innovation and New Technology189
195 Contemporary Economic Policy188
- Journal of Commodity Markets188
- Metroeconomica188
198 Journal of Industrial Economics185
- Journal of Economic Geography185
200 Economics of Transition and Institutional Change184
- Journal of Economic Inequality184
202 Manchester School183
203 Open Economies Review182
204 Quantitative Economics181
205 Economic Policy180
- Journal of Risk and Insurance180
- European Review of Agricultural Economics180
208 Developing Economies179
- Journal of Choice Modelling179
210 International Labour Review178
- Journal of World Trade178
- Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society178
- China Agricultural Economic Review178
214 Mathematical Finance176
215 Asian Economic Policy Review175
216 Journal of Applied Economics174
217 International Journal of Game Theory172
- Kyklos172
- Journal of Housing Economics172
220 Acta Oeconomica171
221 Journal of Evolutionary Economics170
222 Journal of Wine Economics169
223 Journal of Sports Economics166
224 Experimental Economics165
- Resource and Energy Economics165
226 Economics & Politics164
- Post-Communist Economies164
- Review of International Organizations164
229 Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics162
- Review of World Economics162
231 Journal of Economics160
232 Scandinavian Journal of Economics158
- Agricultural and Food Economics158
234 Competition & Change157
- Economics and Philosophy157
- American Economic Review-Insights157
237 Journal of Economic Education156
238 Canadian Public Policy-Analyse de Politiques155
- Feminist Economics155
- Fiscal Studies155
241 Econometric Reviews151
- Eastern European Economics151
243 Economia Politica149
- Scottish Journal of Political Economy149
245 Journal of Productivity Analysis148
- Trimestre Economico148
247 Oeconomia Copernicana147
248 Journal of Financial Econometrics146
- Spatial Economic Analysis146
250 International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law and Economics145
- World Bank Economic Review145
252 Journal of Competitiveness144
- European Journal of Law and Economics144
254 ASTIN Bulletin-The Journal of the International Actuarial Association143
- Journal of Law & Economics143
256 Politicka Ekonomie142
- Education Finance and Policy142
- Rand Journal of Economics142
259 International Journal of Economic Theory141
- Jahrbucher fuer Nationalokonomie und Statistik141
- Water Economics and Policy141
262 Revue d'Economie Politique140
- Journal of Law Economics & Organization140
- Panoeconomicus140
- Review of Keynesian Economics140
266 IMF Economic Review139
267 Journal of Behavioral Finance138
- Empirica138
- Journal of the Japanese and International Economies138
270 Journal of Demographic Economics136
- South African Journal of Economics136
272 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne d'Agroeconomie134
- Asian-Pacific Economic Literature134
- South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences134
275 Environment and Development Economics133
276 Journal of African Economies132
- Asian Economic Journal132
278 Japan and the World Economy131
- Explorations in Economic History131
280 American Journal of Health Economics129
- Pacific Economic Review129
- CEPAL Review129
283 Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination128
- Revista de Economia Mundial128
285 Journal of Cultural Economics127
286 Investigacion Economica126
- Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics126
- Asian Journal of Technology Innovation126
289 Information Economics and Policy124
290 Annual Review of Resource Economics123
- Asian Economic Papers123
- Journal of Pension Economics & Finance123
293 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics121
- Prague Economic Papers121
295 Economic Development Quarterly120
- Economy and Society120
- Econometrics Journal120
298 Climate Change Economics118
- Post-Soviet Affairs118
300 European Research on Management and Business Economics116
- Journal of Economic Methodology116
302 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics-Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Staatswissenschaft115
303 Economic Geography114
304 Annual Review of Economics111
305 European Review of Economic History109
306 Economic and Labour Relations Review108
307 Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal107
308 Eurasian Business Review106
309 Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis105
- Marine Resource Economics105
311 International Review of Economics Education104
- Japanese Economic Review104
313 Journal of Real Estate Research101
314 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies100
315 Economic Systems Research99
316 NBER Macroeconomics Annual98
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty98
318 International Journal of Health Economics and Management97
- Review of Environmental Economics and Policy97
- Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest97
321 Mathematics and Financial Economics95
322 Journal of Human Capital93
323 Journal of Competition Law & Economics92
324 Water Resources and Economics87
325 Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy85
- International Finance85
327 Economics of Transportation84
328 Cliometrica80
329 Portuguese Economic Journal79
330 German Economic Review78
- Argumenta Oeconomica78
332 Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association77
333 Economics of Governance76
334 CESifo Economic Studies68
- Journal of Economic Policy Reform68
- Journal of Regulatory Economics68
- Revista de Historia Economica68
338 Global Economic Review67
339 Finanzarchiv65
340 Economist-Netherlands64
341 Applied Economic Analysis61
342 Australian Economic History Review58
- Journal of Forest Economics58
344 QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics54
345 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics49
346 Review of Derivatives Research34
347 Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie26
348 Latin American Economic Review24