
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The citation data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Average citations
1 Biological Reviews18.426
2 eLife12.642
3 Computers in Biology and Medicine11.712
4 Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences11.327
5 Current Biology10.395
6 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences10.241
7 Communications Biology9.221
8 Bioelectrochemistry8.923
9 Current Opinion in Insect Science8.757
10 BMC Biology8.520
11 Journal of Biosciences8.113
12 Bioscience8.028
13 Science China-Life Sciences7.662
14 Bioscience Trends7.066
15 Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences6.590
16 Astrobiology6.437
17 Biology-Basel6.296
18 Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki6.214
19 Biology Direct6.163
20 Journal of Biological Rhythms6.122
21 Life Science Alliance5.494
22 Journal of Thermal Biology5.015
23 Synthetic Biology4.792
24 Life-Basel4.766
25 BioEssays4.764
26 Computational Biology and Chemistry4.572
27 Biology Letters4.528
28 Biologia4.424
29 Life Sciences in Space Research4.385
30 Journal of Ethnobiology4.283
31 Journal of Theoretical Biology4.169
32 Geobiology4.073
33 Chronobiology International4.032
34 Microscopy Research and Technique3.971
35 Aerobiologia3.936
36 International Journal of Radiation Biology3.854
37 Physics of Life Reviews3.786
38 Biosystems3.784
39 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology3.623
40 Journal of Experimental Biology3.617
41 Mathematical Biosciences3.431
42 Journal of Mathematical Biology3.379
43 Biological Bulletin3.337
44 Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine3.328
45 Integrative Organismal Biology3.254
46 Biometrika3.178
47 Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research3.054
48 Radiation and Environmental Biophysics3.028
49 Journal of Radiation Research2.987
50 Radiation Research2.967
51 Biologia Futura2.964
52 Biology Open2.771
53 Theory in Biosciences2.733
54 Open Life Sciences2.606
55 International Journal of Astrobiology2.537
56 Bioelectromagnetics2.449
57 Annals of Human Biology2.386
58 American Journal of Human Biology2.292
59 Biometrics2.242
60 Journal of Biological Education2.088
61 Journal of Biological Systems2.056
62 Mathematical Medicine and Biology-A Journal of the Ima1.847
63 Biological Rhythm Research1.712
64 Biocell1.622
65 Cryobiology1.592
66 FASEB Journal1.547
67 Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics1.381
68 Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology1.352
69 Archives of Biological Sciences1.102
70 Folia Biologica-Krakow0.959
71 Journal of the History of Biology0.954
72 Revista de Biologia Tropical0.857
73 Biology Bulletin0.848
74 Bioscience Journal0.620
75 Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii0.453
76 American Biology Teacher0.448
77 Quarterly Review of Biology0.197