Biodiversity Conservation

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Global Change Biology ca. 10.8
2 Conservation Letters ca. 7.7
3 Ecography ca. 5.4
4 Conservation Biology ca. 5.2
5 Journal of Applied Ecology ca. 5
6 Biological Conservation ca. 4.9
7 Diversity and Distributions ca. 4.6
8 People and Nature ca. 4.2
9 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation ca. 4
10 Neobiota ca. 3.8
11 Plants People Planet ca. 3.7
12 Global Ecology and Conservation ca. 3.5
13 Biodiversity and Conservation ca. 3
14 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ca. 2.9
15 Animal Conservation ca. 2.8
- Conservation Science and Practice ca. 2.8
- Biological Invasions ca. 2.8
18 Endangered Species Research ca. 2.6
- Paleobiology ca. 2.6
- Conservation Physiology ca. 2.6
21 Urban Ecosystems ca. 2.5
22 Animal Biotelemetry ca. 2.4
23 Oryx ca. 2.2
- Environmental Conservation ca. 2.2
- Journal for Nature Conservation ca. 2.2
26 Nature Conservation-Bulgaria ca. 2.1
- Diversity-Basel ca. 2.1
28 Conservation Genetics ca. 2
29 Systematics and Biodiversity ca. 1.8
- Food Webs ca. 1.8
31 Landscape and Ecological Engineering ca. 1.7
- Human Dimensions of Wildlife ca. 1.7
- Tropical Conservation Science ca. 1.7
34 Marine Biodiversity ca. 1.5
- Polar Biology ca. 1.5
- Bird Conservation International ca. 1.5
- Management of Biological Invasions ca. 1.5
- Bioinvasions Records ca. 1.5
39 Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments ca. 1.4
- Avian Conservation and Ecology ca. 1.4
41 American Museum Novitates ca. 1.1
42 Animal Biodiversity and Conservation ca. 1
- Biodiversity Data Journal ca. 1
44 Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management ca. 0.9
- Conservation Genetics Resources ca. 0.9
46 Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad ca. 0.8
- Journal of Natural History ca. 0.8
48 eco.mont-Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research ca. 0.7
49 Southeastern Naturalist ca. 0.6
50 Western North American Naturalist ca. 0.5
- Northeastern Naturalist ca. 0.5
- Caribbean Journal of Science ca. 0.5