Journal Rankings
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
- | Environmental Geochemistry and Health | ca. 3.2 |
- | Crystal Growth & Design | ca. 3.2 |
- | Oceanography | ca. 3.2 |
- | Precambrian Research | ca. 3.2 |
180 | ICES Journal of Marine Science | ca. 3.1 |
- | Journal of Hydrometeorology | ca. 3.1 |
- | Geomorphology | ca. 3.1 |
- | Aeolian Research | ca. 3.1 |
- | Navigation-Journal of the Institute of Navigation | ca. 3.1 |
- | Irrigation Science | ca. 3.1 |
- | Ocean Modelling | ca. 3.1 |
- | Geoderma Regional | ca. 3.1 |
- | Applied Geochemistry | ca. 3.1 |
- | Earthquake Spectra | ca. 3.1 |
190 | Swiss Journal of Palaeontology | ca. 3 |
- | Physics and Chemistry of the Earth | ca. 3 |
- | Weather and Forecasting | ca. 3 |
- | Geophysics | ca. 3 |
- | Earth Planets and Space | ca. 3 |
- | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | ca. 3 |
- | Journal of Flood Risk Management | ca. 3 |
- | Marine Chemistry | ca. 3 |
- | Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | ca. 3 |
- | International Journal of Biometeorology | ca. 3 |
- | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | ca. 3 |
(This list is limited to max. 200 journals; click here to see the full list)