Field of Research: Engineering » Category: Engineering, Industrial

Engineering, Industrial

Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The Journal Impact Factor, or JIF, denotes the average number of citations a paper of a given journal accrues within a two-year timespan, as calculated by Clarivate Analytics' database Web of Science; note that the journal coverage here at OOIR might deviate slightly from Web of Science's. The JIFs that used to have more than one decimal point are rounded here for copyright-related reasons.)
Rank Journal Impact Factor
1 Journal of Manufacturing Systems ca. 12.2
2 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ca. 11.7
3 Technovation ca. 11.1
4 Journal of Product Innovation Management ca. 10.1
5 International Journal of Production Economics ca. 9.8
6 Reliability Engineering & System Safety ca. 9.4
7 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management ca. 7.3
8 International Journal of Production Research ca. 7
9 Computers & Industrial Engineering ca. 6.7
- Journal of Materials Processing Technology ca. 6.7
11 Production Planning & Control ca. 6.1
12 Journal of Management in Engineering ca. 5.3
13 Safety Science ca. 4.7
14 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management ca. 4.6
15 Industrial Management & Data Systems ca. 4.2
16 Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ca. 4.1
- Computers & Operations Research ca. 4.1
18 International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics ca. 4
19 International Journal of Lean Six Sigma ca. 3.8
20 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management ca. 3.7
21 Engineering Construction and Architectural Management ca. 3.6
22 CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology ca. 3.2
23 Applied Ergonomics ca. 3.1
24 Human Factors ca. 2.9
25 International Journal of Simulation Modelling ca. 2.6
- Journal of Quality Technology ca. 2.6
27 Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal ca. 2.5
- International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics ca. 2.5
29 Cognition Technology & Work ca. 2.4
30 Quality Technology and Quantitative Management ca. 2.3
- Research in Engineering Design ca. 2.3
32 Quality and Reliability Engineering International ca. 2.2
33 Ergonomics ca. 2
- IISE Transactions ca. 2
35 European Journal of Industrial Engineering ca. 1.9
- Industrial Robot-The International Journal of Robotics Research and Application ca. 1.9
- Engineering Management Journal ca. 1.9
38 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability ca. 1.7
- Research-Technology Management ca. 1.7
40 International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations ca. 1.6
- Systems Engineering ca. 1.6
42 Quality Engineering ca. 1.3
43 Engineering Economist ca. 1
44 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine ca. 0.7
- Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences ca. 0.7