
Journal Rankings
TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers Impact Factor
(The data are based on CrossRef. The ranking can be re-used under a CC0-license.)
(Using publications from roughly 2020-05-01 to 2024-05-01)
Rank Journal Papers
1 Religions4939
2 Religious Studies Review2563
3 HTS Teologiese Studies-Theological Studies1315
4 Church History1055
5 Journal of Religion & Health1015
6 Expository Times915
7 Journal of Ecclesiastical History891
8 Heythrop Journal747
9 Catholic Biblical Quarterly561
10 Journal of Theological Studies543
11 Theological Studies476
12 Journal of Religious History415
13 Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia372
14 Nova Religio-Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions371
15 Studies in Christian Ethics370
16 Horizons364
17 Zygon360
18 Journal of the American Academy of Religion359
19 Scottish Journal of Theology353
20 Journal of Church and State352
21 Modern Theology337
22 Ecumenical Review332
23 Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses327
24 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality326
25 Ecclesiastical Law Journal320
26 Religious Studies315
27 Journal of Contemporary Religion307
28 Dialog-A Journal of Theology306
29 International Journal of Systematic Theology299
30 Journal of Religion298
31 Religion292
32 Revue de l'Histoire des Religions281
33 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion276
34 Acta Theologica256
35 Interpretation-A Journal of Bible and Theology250
36 European Journal for Philosophy of Religion236
37 Theology Today235
38 Religion Brain & Behavior234
39 Journal for the Study of the New Testament231
40 Vetus Testamentum223
41 Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses222
42 Journal of Anglican Studies220
43 Material Religion218
44 Theology and Science217
45 Politics Religion & Ideology216
46 Hispania Sacra211
47 Zeitschrift fuer Religions-Und Geistesgeschichte210
48 Religion and the Arts209
- Religious Education209
50 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics208
51 Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education203
52 Sociology of Religion198
- Laval Theologique et Philosophique198
54 International Journal of Public Theology193
55 Journal for the Study of the Old Testament190
56 Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik188
57 Review of Faith & International Affairs187
- Zeitschrift fuer Antikes Christentum-Journal of Ancient Christianity187
- Irish Theological Quarterly187
60 Spiritus-A Journal of Christian Spirituality186
61 Journal of Religious Ethics184
62 Review of Religious Research179
63 Islam-Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients177
64 British Journal of Religious Education176
65 Studies in World Christianity175
66 Journal for the Study of Judaism174
67 Muslim World171
68 Politics and Religion170
69 New Testament Studies166
70 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations164
71 Journal of Jewish Studies160
72 Vigiliae Christianae159
73 Journal of Early Christian Studies156
74 International Journal for Philosophy of Religion151
75 Journal of Ecumenical Studies147
76 Journal of Quranic Studies144
77 Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft143
78 Literature and Theology142
79 Biblical Interpretation-A Journal of Contemporary Approaches141
- Harvard Theological Review141
- Social Compass141
82 Arabica140
- Feminist Theology140
84 Studia Theologica-Czech Republic139
85 Journal of Biblical Literature138
86 Numen-International Review for the History of Religions134
87 Novum Testamentum133
- Dead Sea Discoveries133
89 Welt des Islams130
- Exchange-Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context130
91 Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie127
- Journal of Psychology and Theology127
93 Method & Theory in the Study of Religion126
- Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques126
95 AJS Review-The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies118
96 Biblische Zeitschrift116
97 British Catholic History104
- History of Religions104
99 East European Jewish Affairs98
100 Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique97
- Al-Qantara97
102 International Journal of Hindu Studies96
103 Religion & Literature93
104 Augustinian Studies92
105 International Journal for the Psychology of Religion89
106 Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament85
107 Christian Bioethics83
108 Buddhist Studies Review81
109 Zeitschrift fuer die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der alteren Kirche74
110 Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Kirche71
111 Islamic Law and Society70
112 Neotestamentica69
113 Archive for the Psychology of Religion-Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie68
- International Journal of Childrens Spirituality68
115 Nordic Journal of Religion and Society62
116 Sefarad60
117 Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion50
118 Japanese Journal of Religious Studies44
119 Tyndale Bulletin39