English World-Wide
Journal Metrics
(Based on the publications from the last 4 years)
(from 2021-01-01 to roughly 2025-01-01)
(from 2021-01-01 to roughly 2025-01-01)
Number of papers | 91 |
H4-Index | 5 |
TQCC | 1 |
Average citations | 0.967 |
Median citations | 0 |
Impact Factor | 0.800 (based on Web of Science 2023) |
Categories & Ranks
(Based on the publications from the last 4 years)
- # 55 / 143 (Q2) in Language & Linguistics
- # 93 / 152 (Q3) in Linguistics
Most cited by this journal
(Based on citations to the other journals in the most recent 30 papers in this journal, at least if metadata about citations were available; last updated 2023-03-08)
Impactful Papers
(Based on publications since 2023; last updated 2024-10-27)
How āUā are āUā words?
English World-Wide
Stability and change in (ing)
English World-Wide
A new majority
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Swearing as a Leadership Tool
English World-Wide