English World-Wide

(The median citation count of English World-Wide is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editors’ note15
Conflicts between World Englishes7
Into-causatives in World Englishes6
The Spanish component of Falkland Islands English3
How “U” are “U” words?3
Dealing with trouble in conversation in English-speaking cultures3
Pseudonyms as carriers of contextualised threat in 19th-century Irish English threatening notices3
Broadening horizons in the diachronic and sociolinguistic study of Philippine English with the Twitter Corpus of Philippine Englishes (TCOPE)2
Review of Steigertahl (2019): Englishes in Post-Independence Namibia. An Investigation of Variety Status and its Implications for English Language Teaching2
Review of Schröter (2019): Null Subjects in Englishes: A Comparison of British English and Asian Englishes2
Produced and perceived authenticity in the Northern Irish TV showDerry Girls2
Editors’ note2
Exploring age-related changes in the realisation of (t)2
Editors and world Englishes1
Stability and change in (ing)1
Regional variation in British English voice quality1
Revisiting the aspectual BUSY in (South African) English1
Review of Neumaier (2023): Conversation in World Englishes: Turn-Taking and Cultural Variation in Southeast Asian and Caribbean English1
Attitudinal research into Caribbean Englishes1
Social meaning and the obsolescence of traditional local structures1
Editors’ note1
He come out and give me a beer but he never seen the bear1
Review of Bolton, Botha & Kirkpatrick (2020): The Handbook of Asian Englishes1
Prejudice towards regional accents of Philippine English1
Participle-for-preterite variation in Tyneside English1
Maidin Cornwall1
Durational variation across inner/outer/expanding circle varieties of English1
Review of Klumm (2021): Nominal and Pronominal Address in Jamaica and Trinidad: Variation and Patterns0
Immigrants’ attitudes towards varieties of American English0
Review of Hickey (2014): A Dictionary of Varieties of English0
Review of Mailhammer (2021): English on Croker Island: The Synchronic and Diachronic Dynamics of Contact and Variation0
Constrained communication in EFL and ESL0
The role of linguistic structure in the perceptions of vernacular speech0
Review of Dollinger (2019): Creating Canadian English. The Professor, the Mountaineer, and a National Variety of English0
The ages of pragmatic particles in Colloquial Singapore English0
Rethinking Maltese English as a continuum of sociolinguistic continua through evaluations of written and oral prompts0
Teachers’ attitudes towards varieties of Hong Kong English0
Review of Mühleisen (2022): Genre in World Englishes: Case Studies from the Caribbean0
Theget-passive in Tyneside English0
The trappings of order0
A new majority0
The ideological debate on Naijá and its use in education0
50 years of British accent bias0
As if, as though, and like in Canadian English0
Review of Davydova (2019): Quotation in Indigenised and Learner English: A Sociolinguistic Account of Variation0
Review of Esimaje, Gut & Antia (2019): Corpus Linguistics and African Englishes0
Review of Buregeya (2019): Kenyan English0
The search for linguistically coherent accents0
Swearing as a Leadership Tool0
Review of Honkanen (2020): World Englishes on the Web: The Nigerian Diaspora in the USA0
Even Americans pre-aspirate0
Spanish-influenced lexical phenomena in emerging Miami English0
Afrikaans English as a Southern Hemisphere English0
Review of Buschfeld (2020): Children’s English in Singapore: Acquisition, Properties, and Use0
English intonation in storytelling0
Review of Buschfeld & Kautzsch (2021): Modelling World Englishes: A Joint Approach to Postcolonial and Non-postcolonial Englishes0
Review of Poplack (2018): Borrowing: Loanwords in the Speech Community and in the Grammar0
Expressing gratitude in Nigerian English0
Review of Schröder (2021): The Dynamics of English in Namibia: Perspectives on an Emerging Variety0
Editors’ note0
Nigerian English as a Lingua Franca0
Between first language influence, exonormative orientation and migration0
How real has the long-anticipated fast-growing influence of American English on Kenyan English been?0
Review of Brunner (2017): Simplicity and Typological Effects in the Emergence of New Englishes: The Noun Phrase in Singaporean and Kenyan English0
Soundin(g(k)) ethnic in Toronto0
Grammatical variation in World Englishes0
Review of Siemund (2023): Multilingual Development. English in a Global Context0
“I just sound Sco[ʔ]ish now”0
“He’s a lawyer you know and all of that”0
Intensifying and downtoning in South Asian Englishes0
Review of Wilson & Westphal (2023): New Englishes, New Methods0
Review of Kohn, Wolfram, Farrington, Renn & Van Hofwegen (2020): African American Language: Language Development from Infancy to Adulthood0
Review of Sadeghpour & Sharifian (2021): Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes0
Phonetic variation of initial stop consonants in Malaysian English0
Code-switching in South Asian English CMC0
Rhotics in Standard Scottish English0
Extending automatic vowel formant extraction to New Englishes0
Necessity modal development in Singapore English0