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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Quarterly Journal of Economics20
2 Journal of Financial Economics19
3 Tourism Management14
4 American Economic Review13
5 Computers & Education12
- Technological Forecasting and Social Change12
- Educational Psychologist12
8 Sustainable Production and Consumption11
- Review of Financial Studies11
10 Technology in Society10
- Ecosystem Services10
- Energy Policy10
- International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education10
14 Oeconomia Copernicana9
- Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions9
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management9
- Landscape and Urban Planning9
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management9
- International Journal of Hospitality Management9
20 Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment8
- Journal of Destination Marketing & Management8
- European Transport Research Review8
- Energy Research & Social Science8
- Journal of Sustainable Tourism8
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management8
- Sports Medicine-Open8
- npj Digital Medicine8
- Land Use Policy8
- Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review8
- International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology8
- Internet and Higher Education8
- Energy Economics8
- Environmental Impact Assessment Review8
- Business Strategy and the Environment8
- JMIR mHealth and uHealth8
36 Annual Review of Economics7
- Annual Review of Political Science7
- Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing7
- Resources Policy7
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions7
- Health Policy and Planning7
- International Journal of Stem Education7
- Journal of Sport and Health Science7
- Annals of Tourism Research7
- Accident Analysis and Prevention7
- Nature Sustainability7
- Journal of Economic Perspectives7
- Transport Reviews7
- Urban Forestry & Urban Greening7
- Educational Research Review7
- Computers Environment and Urban Systems7
- Journal of Social Issues7
53 Journal of Medical Internet Research6
- Journal of Advertising6
- Tourism Management Perspectives6
- Transport Policy6
- World Development6
- World Politics6
- European Research on Management and Business Economics6
- Food Policy6
- Journal of Rural Studies6
- International Journal of Health Services6
- Journal of Medical Systems6
- Sports Medicine6
- Annual Review of Resource Economics6
- Journal of Transport Geography6
- Transportation Research Part B-Methodological6
- Progress in Human Geography6
- Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment6
- Ecological Economics6
- Computer Assisted Language Learning6
- Digital Journalism6
73 Substance Abuse5
- Annual Review of Sociology5
- Journal of Accounting & Economics5
- Review of Finance5
- Comunicar5
- Journal of Monetary Economics5
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology5
- Cities5
- Pragmatics5
- JMIR Serious Games5
- Health and Quality of Life Outcomes5
- Health Technology Assessment5
- Hematology-American Society of Hematology Education Program5
- Implementation Science5
- International Journal of Nursing Studies5
- American Sociological Review5
- Annual Review of Criminology5
- British Journal of Educational Technology5
- Applied Geography5
- Journal of Travel Research5
- New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development5
- Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism5
- Journal of Educational Computing Research5
- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Climate Change5
- Review of Educational Research5
- Sport Management Review5
- Eurasian Business Review5
- Journal of Archaeological Research5
- Econometrica5
- Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory5
- Climate Policy5
- Habitat International5
105 Palliative Medicine4
- Marine Policy4
- Policy and Society4
- One Earth4
- Learning and Instruction4
- Telecommunications Policy4
- Social Science & Medicine4
- Socio-Economic Planning Sciences4
- Tourist Studies4
- Journal of Business Ethics4
- Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice4
- Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour4
- Review of Economic Studies4
- Structural Change and Economic Dynamics4
- Utilities Policy4
- Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal4
- Small Business Economics4
- Economy and Society4
- Financial Innovation4
- Journal of the Learning Sciences4
- Journal of Environmental Psychology4
- Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism-Research Planning and Management4
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management4
- Journal of Finance4
- Current Issues in Tourism4
- Climate Risk Management4
- Recall4
- Journal of International Financial Markets Institutions & Money4
- Internet Interventions-The Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health4
- CBE-Life Sciences Education4
- International Journal of Management Education4
- Human Relations4
- Geoforum4
- Addictive Behaviors4
- International Journal of Advertising4
- International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management4
- International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning4
- Journal of Nursing Management4
- Nurse Education Today4
- Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education4
- Big Data & Society4
- Personnel Review4
- Organization & Environment4
- Public Management Review4
- Social Networks4
- Public Relations Review4
- Quantitative Economics4
- Journal of Air Transport Management4
- Journal of Environmental Economics and Management4
- Journal of Banking & Finance4
- Tourism Review4
- Research in Transportation Economics4
- Transportation Science4
- Travel Behaviour and Society4
- Journal of Competitiveness4
- South European Society and Politics4
- American Journal of Physical Anthropology4
- Studies in Educational Evaluation4
- Journal of Development Economics4
- European Sport Management Quarterly4
- Forest Policy and Economics4
- Environment and Behavior4
- Economic Analysis and Policy4
- Economic Modelling4
- Contemporary Security Policy4
- Journal of European Public Policy4
- Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education4
- China Economic Review4
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education4
- Journal of Safety Research4
- International Journal of Drug Policy4
- Biology of Sport4
- Human Resources for Health4
- Education for Chemical Engineers4
- Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews4
- Information Technology & Tourism4
- Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research4
- American Journal of Sports Medicine4
- International Journal of Medical Informatics4
184 Physical Review Physics Education Research3
- Psychology of Sport and Exercise3
- Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health3
- Quality of Life Research3
- Journal of Applied Sport Psychology3
- Nurse Education in Practice3
- Journal of Engineering Education3
- American Economic Journal-Applied Economics3
- Assessment in Education-Principles Policy & Practice3
- American Educational Research Journal3
- American Political Science Review3
- BMC Geriatrics3
- Borsa Istanbul Review3
- British Journal of Political Science3
- Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy3
- Adolescent Research Review3
- AERA Open3
- Maritime Economics & Logistics3
- Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy3
- Police Quarterly3
- Medical Education Online3
- Metacognition and Learning3
- Journal of Urban Economics3
- Journal of Vacation Marketing3
- Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences3
- Nature Climate Change3
- Labour Economics3
- Learning Media and Technology3
- Teaching and Teacher Education3
- Technological and Economic Development of Economy3
- Science and Engineering Ethics3
- Qualitative Health Research3
- Journal of Economic Surveys3
- Journal of Educational Change3
- Thinking Skills and Creativity3
- Journal of Asian Economics3
- Regional Environmental Change3
- Regional Studies3
- Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers3
- International Journal of Sustainable Transportation3
- Political Geography3
- Journal of Business Economics and Management3
- Research in Transportation Business and Management3
- Sociology of Education3
- Water Resources and Economics3
- West European Politics3
- Journal of Communication3
- Review of Economics and Statistics3
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning3
- Review of Environmental Economics and Policy3
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education3
- International Review of Economics & Finance3
- Substance Abuse Treatment Prevention and Policy3
- Public Administration3
- European Physical Education Review3
- Educational Researcher3
- Educational Studies in Mathematics3
- Education and Training3
- Emerging Markets Review3
- Employee Relations3
- Energy Efficiency3
- Environment and Planning A-Economy and Space3
- ETR&D-Educational Technology Research and Development3
- European Economic Review3
- Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja3
- Discourse Context & Media3
- Journal of Archaeological Science3
- Journal of Cultural Heritage3
- Journal of Learning Disabilities3
- Comparative Education3
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly3
- Comparative Political Studies3
- Ecology and Society3
- Annual Review of Linguistics3
- Journal of Memory and Language3
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies3
- Journal of European Social Policy3
- Journal of Financial Stability3
- Journal of Happiness Studies3
- Child Abuse & Neglect3
- Journal of Quantitative Criminology3
- Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency3
- China Agricultural Economic Review3
- Journal of Responsible Innovation3
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty3
- Health & Social Care in the Community3
- International Journal of Emerging Markets3
- BMC Palliative Care3
- BMJ Quality & Safety3
- International Journal of Geographical Information Science3
- Higher Education Research & Development3
- British Journal of Sports Medicine3
- Human Nature-An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective3
- Human Resource Management Journal3
- Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics3
- European Journal of Cancer Care3
- Forensic Science International3
- ACM Transactions on Computing Education3
- Gender Work and Organization3
- Industry and Innovation3
- Addiction Biology3
- Interactive Learning Environments3
- Gifted Child Quarterly3
- Informatics for Health & Social Care3
- Growth and Change3
- Patient-Patient Centered Outcomes Research3
- Perspectives in Psychiatric Care3
- Pharmacoeconomics3
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy3
- Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology3
- Journal of Personalized Medicine3
- Risk Management and Healthcare Policy3
- Science and Medicine in Football3
- Journal of Science Education and Technology3
- Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research3
- Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare3
- Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition3
- Tobacco Control3
- Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy3
- Journal of Applied Physiology3
- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology3
- Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness3
- Oncology Nursing Forum3
- Journal of Health Economics3
- Agricultural and Food Economics3
- American Economic Journal-Economic Policy3
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology3
- Maritime Policy & Management3
- Journal of Urban Technology3
- Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences3
- Land3
- New Media & Society3
- New Political Economy3
- Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools3
- North American Journal of Economics and Finance3
- Oxford Review of Economic Policy3
- Teaching in Higher Education3
- Social Media + Society3
- Journal of Economic Psychology3
- Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance3
- Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning3
- Tourism Economics3
- Regional Science and Urban Economics3
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance3
- Sociological Methods & Research3
- Political Analysis3
- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education3
- Research in Developmental Disabilities3
- Research on Language and Social Interaction3
- International Organization3
- Resource and Energy Economics3
- Trauma Violence & Abuse3
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication3
- ZDM-Mathematics Education3
- Review of International Political Economy3
- Sustainability3
- Sustainable Development3
- Psycho-Oncology3
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education3
- Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization3
- European Societies3
- European Union Politics3
- Education and Information Technologies3
- Evolution and Human Behavior3
- Exceptional Children3
- Futures3
- Ethics and Information Technology3
- Economic Geography3
- European Journal of Ageing3
- Journal of Anthropological Archaeology3
- Comparative Migration Studies3
- Journal of the European Economic Association3
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education3
- Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society3
- Journal of Politics3
- Carbon Management3
- Journal of Public Economics3
- Current Addiction Reports3
- Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research3
- Journal of Human Evolution3
- Demography3
- Climate and Development3
- Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems3
- Journal of International Economics3
- BMC Medical Ethics3
- Health Systems & Reform3
- International Journal of Forecasting3
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice3
- International Journal of Manpower3
- Forensic Science International-Genetics3
- Health Affairs3
- Health Policy3
- Harm Reduction Journal3
377 Journal of Medical Economics2
- Physician and Sportsmedicine2
- Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare2
- Journal of Patient Safety2
- Research in Sports Medicine2
- Journal of Professional Nursing2
- Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology2
- Journal of Sports Sciences2
- Supportive Care in Cancer2
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association2
- Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management2
- Journal of Tissue Viability2
- Knee2
- Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific2
- Medical Care2
- Medical Decision Making2
- Journal of Clinical Nursing2
- Milbank Quarterly2
- Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research2
- Neuroethics2
- Nursing Ethics2
- Nursing Open2
- Journal of General Internal Medicine2
- Aggression and Violent Behavior2
- Asian Population Studies2
- Agricultural Economics2
- Agriculture and Human Values2
- AIDS and Behavior2
- Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research2
- Assessing Writing2
- American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics2
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics2
- American Journal of Political Science2
- American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology2
- Annals of the American Association of Geographers2
- Annual Review of Anthropology2
- Anthrozoos2
- Academy of Management Learning & Education2
- Applied Psycholinguistics2
- Area2
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research2
- Leisure Studies2
- Papers in Regional Science2
- Local Environment2
- Mathematical Population Studies2
- Poetics2
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning2
- Media and Communication2
- Policy Studies2
- Journal of Transportation Safety & Security2
- Journal of Transport & Health2
- Journal of Urban Planning and Development2
- Justice Quarterly2
- Natural Hazards Review2
- Language Teaching Research2
- npj Science of Learning2
- Open House International2
- Oxford Review of Education2
- RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion A Distancia2
- Journal of Economic Geography2
- Journalism Studies2
- Social Indicators Research2
- Public Money & Management2
- Public Performance & Management Review2
- Public Understanding of Science2
- Journal of African Media Studies2
- Social Policy and Society2
- Journal of Aging and Health2
- Social Problems2
- Journal of Aging Studies2
- Territory Politics Governance2
- Science Communication2
- Qualitative Research2
- Journal of Educational Administration2
- Journal of Agricultural Economics2
- TESOL Quarterly2
- Science & Education2
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics2
- Science Technology & Human Values2
- Social Science Research2
- Journal of Applied Communication Research2
- Security Dialogue2
- Race and Social Problems2
- Journal of Empirical Finance2
- Race Ethnicity and Education2
- Journal of Environmental Education2
- Sex Roles2
- Reading Research Quarterly2
- Journal of Environmental Planning and Management2
- Tourism Geographies2
- SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics2
- Sociological Methodology2
- Sociological Perspectives2
- Policy Studies Journal2
- Political Behavior2
- Voluntas2
- Research in Science & Technological Education2
- International Journal of Urban Sciences2
- Research on Aging2
- Journal of Chinese Governance2
- Journal of Choice Modelling2
- Transportmetrica A-Transport Science2
- Womens Health Issues2
- Politics and Governance2
- Journal of Community Health2
- Work Employment and Society2
- Journal of Comparative Economics2
- International Regional Science Review2
- Politics & Society2
- International Review of Administrative Sciences2
- Spatial Economic Analysis2
- Journal of Consumer Affairs2
- Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice2
- Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics2
- Population Studies-A Journal of Demography2
- Review of International Organizations2
- Post-Communist Economies2
- Urban Geography2
- Review of Policy Research2
- Journal of Criminal Justice2
- Profesional de la Informacion2
- Studies in Family Planning2
- Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics2
- Journal of Democracy2
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition2
- Psychiatric Services2
- Journal of Econometrics2
- Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability2
- Educational Policy2
- European Review of Agricultural Economics2
- Educational Psychology2
- European Security2
- European Sociological Review2
- European Urban and Regional Studies2
- Explorations in Economic History2
- Feminist Economics2
- Energy Journal2
- Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture2
- Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities2
- Environmental Politics2
- Environment and Planning E-Nature and Space2
- EPJ Data Science2
- Ethics & Behavior2
- Economic Journal2
- Economics & Human Biology2
- Economics of Education Review2
- European Journal of International Relations2
- Economic Systems2
- Journal of International Trade & Economic Development2
- Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research2
- Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding2
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory2
- Journal of Sport & Social Issues2
- Communication Methods and Measures2
- Journal of Studies in International Education2
- Journal of Language and Social Psychology2
- Communication Research2
- Distance Education2
- Communication & Sport2
- Journal of Leisure Research2
- Comparative European Politics2
- Journal of the Economics of Ageing2
- Journal of Macroeconomics2
- Journal of Maps2
- Journal of the Japanese and International Economies2
- Journal of Marriage and Family2
- Journal of Phonetics2
- Journal of Transport and Land Use2
- Journal of Mixed Methods Research2
- Journal of Neurolinguistics2
- Journal of Peace Research2
- Journal of European Integration2
- Language Awareness2
- Cooperation and Conflict2
- Cambridge Journal of Education2
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues2
- Journal of Political Economy2
- Language Teaching2
- Journal of Population Economics2
- Journal of Productivity Analysis2
- Critical Public Health2
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs2
- Journal of Geography in Higher Education2
- Cartography and Geographic Information Science2
- Journal of Health Organization and Management2
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal2
- Journal of Higher Education2
- Childhood-A Global Journal of Child Research2
- Cultural Studies of Science Education2
- Child Maltreatment2
- China & World Economy2
- Journal of School Violence2
- Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies2
- Journal of Sex Research2
- Dementia-International Journal of Social Research and Practice2
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships2
- Demographic Research2
- Clinical Gerontologist2
- Health Policy and Technology2
- Biological Research for Nursing2
- Health Research Policy and Systems2
- International Journal of Educational Research2
- BMC Medical Education2
- Health Sociology Review2
- BMC Medical Research Methodology2
- Higher Education2
- International Journal of Inclusive Education2
- International Journal of Intercultural Relations2
- Housing Policy Debate2
- Clinical Simulation in Nursing2
- Collegian2
- Disability and Health Journal2
- International Journal of Public Opinion Research2
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education2
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology2
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies2
- European Journal of Dental Education2
- Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal2
- Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology2
- Information Communication & Society2
- Advances in Health Sciences Education2
- Health Economics2
- Geopolitics2
- Health Informatics Journal2
- Insurance Mathematics & Economics2
- Gerontologist2
- Human Movement Science2
- Global Networks-A Journal of Transnational Affairs2
- Intensive and Critical Care Nursing2
- International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law and Economics2
- Government and Opposition2
- Anatomical Sciences Education2
- International Journal of Legal Medicine2
- Applied Nursing Research2
- International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction2
- Health Care Management Science2
- International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport2
- Health Communication2
- Health Economics Review2
- Journal of Interprofessional Care2
- Journal of Medical Ethics2
- Physical Therapy in Sport2
- Journal of Nursing Scholarship2
- Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports2
- Journal of Rural Health2
- Sport Education and Society2
- Sports Biomechanics2
- Journal of Sport Management2
- Journal of Surgical Education2
- Teaching and Learning in Medicine2
- Telemedicine and E-Health2
- Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science2
- Medical Care Research and Review2
- Journal of Athletic Training2
- Journal of Chemical Education2
- Midwifery2
- Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology2
- Aging & Mental Health2
- American Economic Review-Insights2
- American Journal of Community Psychology2
- Annals of Dyslexia2
- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science2
- Brain and Language2
- Annual Review of Law and Social Science2
- Anthropocene Review2
- British Journal of Politics & International Relations2
- Antipode2
- Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing2
- Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy2
- Archives of Sexual Behavior2
- Addiction Research & Theory2
- Administration & Society2
- Patient Education and Counseling2
- Mathematical Finance2
- Media Culture & Society2
- Media Psychology2
- Policy and Politics2
- Policy Sciences2
- Medicine Health Care and Philosophy2
- Mobilities2
- Journal of Womens Health2
- Journal of Youth Studies2
- Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly2
- Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs2
- Learning Culture and Social Interaction2
- Learning Disability Quarterly2
- Journalism Practice2
- Public Personnel Management2
- Technology Pedagogy and Education2
- School Effectiveness and School Improvement2
- Social Science Computer Review2
- Science and Public Policy2
- Qualitative Social Work2
- Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension2
- Scientific Studies of Reading2
- Theory Into Practice2
- Race and Justice2
- Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders2
- Journal of Applied Gerontology2
- Social Work in Health Care2
- Rand Journal of Economics2
- Society and Mental Health2
- Reading and Writing2
- Sexual Abuse-A Journal of Research and Treatment2
- Sexuality Research and Social Policy2
- Sociologia Ruralis2
- Regulation & Governance2
- Traffic Injury Prevention2
- International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology2
- RELC Journal2
- International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship2
- Transcultural Psychiatry2
- Political Communication2
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication2
- Transgender Health2
- Sociological Spectrum2
- Vocations and Learning2
- Research in Science Education2
- Transportation2
- Journal of Cancer Survivorship2
- Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research2
- Political Studies2
- Journal of Chinese Political Science2
- Research Papers in Education2
- Politics2
- Journal of Commodity Markets2
- Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics2
- International Political Science Review2
- Journal of Communication Disorders2
- Journal of Community Psychology2
- International Public Management Journal2
- Review of Economic Dynamics2
- Review of Economics of the Household2
- International Review for the Sociology of Sport2
- Journal of Conflict Resolution2
- Population and Environment2
- Population Space and Place2
- International Security2
- Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal2
- Post-Soviet Affairs2
- Urban Studies2
- Studies in Continuing Education2
- Review of Public Personnel Administration2
- Victims & Offenders2
- Professional Development in Education2
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research2
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education2
- Journal of Dual Diagnosis2
- System2
- Teacher Education and Special Education2
- European Journal of Teacher Education2
- Educational Administration Quarterly2
- Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis2
- European Planning Studies2
- Educational Management Administration & Leadership2
- European Political Science Review2
- Educational Research2
- Educational Studies2
- Evaluation and Program Planning2
- Emerging Markets Finance and Trade2
- Experimental Economics2
- Emotion Space and Society2
- Extractive Industries and Society-An International Journal2
- Feminist Criminology2
- Energy & Environment2
- English for Specific Purposes2
- Environmental Education Research2
- Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions2
- Environmental & Resource Economics2
- Environment and Planning D-Society & Space2
- Environment and Urbanization2
- Ethnicity & Health2
- Economic and Labour Relations Review2
- Economic Change and Restructuring2
- European Educational Research Journal2
- European Journal of Criminology2
- European Journal of Health Economics2
- Economics of Innovation and New Technology2
- European Journal of Political Economy2
- European Journal of Population-Revue Europeenne de Demographie2
- Economic Systems Research2
- Journal of International Relations and Development2
- Coastal Management2
- Journal of Interpersonal Violence2
- Journal of Sports Economics2
- Communication Theory2
- Journal of Teacher Education2
- Journal of Literacy Research2
- Journal of Management Analytics2
- Early Education and Development2
- Comparative Politics2
- Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory2
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy2
- Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change2
- Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences2
- Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation2
- Journal of Peasant Studies2
- Language Assessment Quarterly2
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics2
- Language Culture and Curriculum2
- Cornell Hospitality Quarterly2
- Cambridge Journal of Economics2
- Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation2
- Journal of Policy Modeling2
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis2
- Criminology2
- Criminology & Public Policy2
- Canadian Public Policy-Analyse de Politiques2
- Journal of Professional Capital and Community2
- Linguistics and Education2
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior2
- Journal of Health Communication2
- Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics2
- Journal of Health Services Research & Policy2
- Metaphor and Symbol2
- Child Indicators Research2
- Children and Youth Services Review2
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching2
- Journal of Housing Economics2
- Current Sociology2
- Cyberpsychology-Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace2
- Journal of Information Technology & Politics2
- Citizenship Studies2
- Journal of Institutional Economics2
- Climate Services2
- International Journal of Educational Development2
- BMC Health Services Research2
- BMC Nursing2
- High Ability Studies2
- BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation2
- International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry2
- Journal of Advanced Nursing2
- International Journal of Health Planning and Management2
- Clinical Biomechanics2
- Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine2
- Clinical Nursing Research2
- Housing Studies2
- Human Communication Research2
- International Journal of Press-Politics2
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods2
- International Journal of Science Education2
- European Journal of Applied Physiology2
- European Journal of Oncology Nursing2
- European Journal of Sport Science2
- Gender in Management2
- Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance2
- Industrial and Corporate Change2
- Addiction2
- Information Economics and Policy2
- Geriatric Nursing2
- Addiction Science & Clinical Practice2
- Healthcare2
- Health Expectations2
- Instructional Science2
- German Politics2
- Heart & Lung2
- American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse2
- Annals of Palliative Medicine2
- International Gambling Studies2
- Applied Health Economics and Health Policy2
- Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism2
- International Journal of Mental Health Nursing2
- International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies2
- Asian Nursing Research2
- International Journal of Business Communication2
- Healthcare-The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation2
- International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism2
- International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance2
- International Journal of Conflict Management2
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education2
847 Journal of Human Lactation1
- Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing1
- Pediatric Exercise Science1
- Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy1
- Population Health Management1
- Journal of Nursing Administration1
- Journal of Nursing Education1
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma1
- Journal of Palliative Care1
- Research in Gerontological Nursing1
- Journal of Pediatric Nursing-Nursing Care of Children & Families1
- Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care1
- Science & Justice1
- Journal of School Health1
- Seminars in Oncology Nursing1
- Sociology of Sport Journal1
- Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery1
- Sport Psychologist1
- Sports Health-A Multidisciplinary Approach1
- Journal of Sport Rehabilitation1
- Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review1
- Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs1
- Journal of Teaching in Physical Education1
- Technology and Health Care1
- Western Journal of Nursing Research1
- Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research1
- Journal of Biological Education1
- Medical Teacher1
- Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing1
- Medicine Science and the Law1
- Journal of Child Health Care1
- Methods of Information in Medicine1
- Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions1
- Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice1
- Nursing in Critical Care1
- Journal of Family Nursing1
- Nursing Philosophy1
- Journal of Healthcare Engineering1
- Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law1
- Asian Journal of Communication1
- African Studies1
- Agribusiness1
- Asian Survey1
- Asia-Pacific Education Researcher1
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics1
- Asia Pacific Journal of Education1
- AIDS Education and Prevention1
- Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development1
- American Behavioral Scientist1
- Asia Pacific Viewpoint1
- Australasian Journal of Early Childhood1
- Australasian Journal of Environmental Management1
- American Journal of Cultural Sociology1
- American Journal of Education1
- Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics1
- Australian Journal of Education1
- American Journal of Human Biology1
- Australian Journal of Political Science1
- Australian Journal of Public Administration1
- Australian Social Work1
- Behavioral Disorders1
- American Review of Public Administration1
- Amfiteatru Economic1
- Bilingualism-Language and Cognition1
- Annals of Human Biology1
- Body & Society1
- Annals of Regional Science1
- British Educational Research Journal1
- Aphasiology1
- Wound Management & Prevention1
- Acta Oeconomica1
- Applied Research in Quality of Life1
- Action Research1
- Adaptive Behavior1
- Armed Forces & Society1
- Asia Europe Journal1
- Asian and Pacific Migration Journal1
- Palliative & Supportive Care1
- Party Politics1
- Personal Relationships1
- Management Communication Quarterly1
- Managerial and Decision Economics1
- Mass Communication and Society1
- Planning Theory1
- Policing-An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management1
- Media International Australia1
- Policy and Internet1
- Medical Anthropology1
- Millennium-Journal of International Studies1
- Mind Culture and Activity1
- Minerva1
- Mobile Media & Communication1
- Mobilization1
- Journal of Women Politics & Policy1
- Modern Language Journal1
- Multivariate Behavioral Research1
- Nanoethics1
- National Tax Journal1
- Land Economics1
- New Genetics and Society1
- Landscape Research1
- Language and Speech1
- Language & Communication1
- Nonprofit Management & Leadership1
- Language Learning1
- Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography1
- Ocean Development and International Law1
- Latin American Research Review1
- Law Probability & Risk1
- Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics1
- Learning Disabilities Research & Practice1
- Pacific Review1
- RSF-The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences1
- Journal of Economic Inequality1
- Teaching of Psychology1
- SAGE Open1
- Social Movement Studies1
- Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences1
- Public Policy and Administration1
- Journal of Economic Methodology1
- Journal of African Economies1
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research1
- Journal of Economic Policy Reform1
- Qualitative Sociology1
- Theoretical Economics1
- Quantitative Finance1
- Journal of Educational Research1
- Journal of American College Health1
- Scottish Geographical Journal1
- Journal of Education Policy1
- Theory and Society1
- Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties1
- Journal of Applied Economics1
- Social Work1
- Social Work in Public Health1
- Security Studies1
- Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association1
- Rationality and Society1
- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education1
- Topics in Language Disorders1
- Sexualities1
- Reading & Writing Quarterly1
- Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics1
- Journal of Behavioral Education1
- Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education1
- International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology1
- Remedial and Special Education1
- Journal of Biosocial Science1
- International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching1
- Sociological Research Online1
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders1
- Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media1
- Transfer-European Review of Labour and Research1
- Sociological Science1
- Research in Higher Education1
- Transnational Environmental Law1
- Washington Quarterly1
- Political Science1
- Journal of Child Language1
- Political Science Research and Methods1
- International Labour Review1
- Research on Social Work Practice1
- Sociology-The Journal of the British Sociological Association1
- Women & Criminal Justice1
- Research & Politics1
- International Political Sociology1
- South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences1
- Women & Therapy1
- Review of Development Economics1
- Politics Philosophy & Economics1
- Journal of Competition Law & Economics1
- Trends in Organized Crime1
- Space and Culture1
- Written Communication1
- Polity1
- Youth Justice-An International Journal1
- International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning1
- Sport in Society1
- Population Research and Policy Review1
- Urban Affairs Review1
- Stata Journal1
- Zeitschrift fuer Erziehungswissenschaft1
- Review of Industrial Organization1
- Journal of Contemporary China1
- Urban Education1
- International Social Work1
- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography1
- International Studies Perspectives1
- Review of International Studies1
- Urban Research & Practice1
- International Studies Review1
- Studies in Conflict & Terrorism1
- Prison Journal1
- International Theory1
- Journal of Cultural Economy1
- Violence Against Women1
- Intervention in School and Clinic1
- Review of World Economics1
- Professional Geographer1
- Journal of Curriculum Studies1
- Psicologia Educativa1
- Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities1
- Psychology Crime & Law1
- Psychology of Popular Media1
- Journal of Drug Issues1
- JASSS-The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation1
- Psychometrika1
- JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies1
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion1
- Systems Research and Behavioral Science1
- Public Administration Review1
- Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control1
- Teachers and Teaching1
- European Journal of Social Theory1
- Economic Theory1
- European Journal of Special Needs Education1
- Educacion XX11
- European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research1
- Educational Gerontology1
- Educational Review1
- Education Finance and Policy1
- Evidence & Policy1
- Electoral Studies1
- E & M Ekonomie A Management1
- Exceptionality1
- Empirica1
- Feminism & Psychology1
- Feminist Theory1
- Foreign Policy Analysis1
- Environmental Values1
- Environment and Development Economics1
- GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society1
- Games and Economic Behavior1
- Environment and Planning C-Politics and Space1
- Economica1
- Ethnicities1
- Economic and Industrial Democracy1
- Ethnography1
- Economic Anthropology1
- European Journal of Industrial Relations1
- Economics of Governance1
- European Journal of Political Research1
- Disability & Society1
- International Multilingual Research Journal1
- Clothing and Textiles Research Journal1
- Journal of Special Education1
- Disasters1
- Communication Culture & Critique1
- Journal of Labor Economics1
- Journal of Law & Economics1
- Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy1
- Communist and Post-Communist Studies1
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society1
- Du Bois Review-Social Science Research on Race1
- Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy1
- Early Child Development and Care1
- Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology1
- Journal of Language Identity and Education1
- Advances in Archaeological Practice1
- Eastern European Economics1
- Competition & Change1
- Journal of Mathematical Psychology1
- Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development1
- Computational Economics1
- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education1
- Journal of Media Psychology-Theories Methods and Applications1
- Journal of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture1
- Applied Linguistics Review1
- Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research1
- Journal of Semantics1
- Contemporary Politics1
- Archaeological Research in Asia1
- British Journal of Sociology of Education1
- Journal of Moral Education1
- Language Acquisition1
- Language and Education1
- Convergence-The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies1
- Journal of Planning Education and Research1
- Journal of Experimental Criminology1
- Australian Journal of Linguistics1
- Crime & Delinquency1
- Journal of Financial Econometrics1
- Criminal Justice and Behavior1
- Journal of Political Philosophy1
- Language Variation and Change1
- Cambridge Archaeological Journal1
- Journal of Forecasting1
- Critical Asian Studies1
- Canadian Journal on Aging-Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement1
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics1
- Critical Discourse Studies1
- Journal of Geographical Systems1
- Linguistic Inquiry1
- Current Issues in Language Planning1
- Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals1
- Linguistics1
- Critical Studies in Education1
- ELT Journal1
- Linguistics and Philosophy1
- Critique of Anthropology1
- English Teaching-Practice and Critique1
- Journal of Public Economic Theory1
- Cross-Cultural Research1
- Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology1
- Journal of Real Estate Research1
- Journal of Regional Science1
- Journal of Homosexuality1
- Multilingua-Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication1
- Culture and Education1
- Childrens Geographies1
- Journal of Research in Reading1
- Culture Medicine and Psychiatry1
- Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness1
- Natural Language & Linguistic Theory1
- Gender and Language1
- Journal of Housing and the Built Environment1
- Journal of Human Capital1
- Curriculum Inquiry1
- Journal of Human Resources1
- Open Archaeology1
- Death Studies1
- Chinese Sociological Review1
- Journal of Industrial Relations1
- City & Community1
- Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability1
- International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism1
- Climate Change Economics1
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research1
- Deviant Behavior1
- International Journal of Corpus Linguistics1
- Journal of Social Work Education1
- Journal of International Economic Law1
- Clinical Social Work Journal1
- Issues in Mental Health Nursing1
- Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care1
- Japan Journal of Nursing Science1
- HEC Forum1
- International Journal of Forensic Mental Health1
- Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing1
- International Journal of Health Economics and Management1
- Journal of Aging and Physical Activity1
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics1
- International Journal of Heritage Studies1
- International Journal of Housing Policy1
- Chronic Illness1
- History of the Family1
- Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing1
- Homicide Studies1
- International Journal of Law and Psychiatry1
- Housing Theory & Society1
- Human Ecology1
- Contemporary Nurse1
- Target-International Journal of Translation Studies1
- Text & Talk1
- International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology1
- Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal1
- Engineering Studies1
- International Journal of Sexual Health1
- European Addiction Research1
- World Archaeology1
- European Journal of Physics1
- IMA Journal of Management Mathematics1
- Evaluation & the Health Professions1
- Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research1
- Academic Medicine1
- Gender Place and Culture1
- Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly1
- Geografiska Annaler Series B-Human Geography1
- Geospatial Health1
- Information Society1
- Geographical Analysis1
- Geographical Research1
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International1
- Geography1
- Advances in Nursing Science1
- Alcohol and Alcoholism1
- Global Governance1
- International Development Planning Review1
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care1
- International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance1
- Health1
- Arthroscopy-The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery1
- Health Care for Women International1
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing1
- International Journal of Art & Design Education1
- Australian Critical Care1
- International Journal of Sports Medicine1
- Australian Journal of Rural Health1
- Health Education Research1
- International Journal of Disability Development and Education1
- Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics1
- Journal of Motor Behavior1
- Journal of Neuroscience Nursing1
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology1
- Public Health Nursing1
- Quest1
- Journal of Palliative Medicine1
- Research in Nursing & Health1
- Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport1
- Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing1
- Journal of Public Health Policy1
- Journal of School Nursing1
- Simulation in Healthcare-Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare1
- Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness1
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research1
- Substance Use & Misuse1
- Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association1
- Wilderness & Environmental Medicine1
- Kinesiology1
- Legal Medicine1
- Medical Education1
- Journal of Bioethical Inquiry1
- Journal of Cancer Education1
- Journal of Community Health Nursing1
- Motor Control1
- Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics1
- Nursing & Health Sciences1
- Nursing Inquiry1
- Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine1
- Nursing Outlook1
- Journal of Forensic Sciences1
- Nursing Research1
- Journal of Gerontological Nursing1
- Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing1
- Asian Economic Policy Review1
- African Journalism Studies1
- Asian Journal of Criminology1
- Asian Journal of Technology Innovation1
- Ageing & Society1
- Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika1
- Asia Pacific Education Review1
- AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/Hiv1
- Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources1
- AJIDD-American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities1
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education1
- American Economic Journal-Microeconomics1
- ASTIN Bulletin-The Journal of the International Actuarial Association1
- American Journal of Criminal Justice1
- Australian Educational Researcher1
- Australian Geographer1
- American Journal of Health Economics1
- Australian Journal of International Affairs1
- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry1
- Australian Journal of Social Issues1
- American Politics Research1
- Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy1
- Biosocieties1
- BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health1
- Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics1
- British Journal of Criminology1
- Anthropological Theory1
- British Journal of Social Work1
- Anthropology & Medicine1
- Women and Birth1
- Applied Economic Analysis1
- Applied Economics1
- Academic Psychiatry1
- Applied Measurement in Education1
- Acta Politica1
- Applied Psychological Measurement1
- Active Learning in Higher Education1
- Artificial Intelligence and Law1
- Asian American Journal of Psychology1
- Leisure Sciences1
- Panoeconomicus1
- Parliamentary Affairs1
- Local Government Studies1
- Longitudinal and Life Course Studies1
- Management & Organizational History1
- Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health1
- Marine Resource Economics1
- Planning Theory & Practice1
- Mathematical Social Sciences1
- Mathematics and Financial Economics1
- Policing & Society1
- Migration Studies1
- Mind Brain and Education1
- Mind & Language1
- Journal of Women & Aging1
- Music Education Research1
- Justice System Journal1
- Language Cognition and Neuroscience1
- OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying1
- Open Economies Review1
- Oxford Economic Papers-New Series1
- Pacific Affairs1
- Teachers College Record1
- Social Inclusion1
- Risk Analysis1
- Journal of Accounting and Public Policy1
- Social Justice Research1
- Public Opinion Quarterly1
- Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination1
- Scandinavian Actuarial Journal1
- Journal of Advertising Research1
- Scandinavian Journal of Economics1
- Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma1
- Social Politics1
- QME-Quantitative Marketing and Economics1
- Journal of Aging & Social Policy1
- Qualitative Inquiry1
- Journal of Economic Theory1
- Journal of Agrarian Change1
- Social Science Information sur les Sciences Sociales1
- Science Education1
- Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics1
- Social Science Quarterly1
- Journal of Education for Teaching1
- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect1
- Journal of Applied Econometrics1
- Social Theory & Health1
- Second Language Research1
- Security Journal1
- Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie1
- Social Work Research1
- Journal of Asian Public Policy1
- Time & Society1
- Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning1
- Journal of Environmental Law1
- Society & Natural Resources1
- Journal of Baltic Science Education1
- Socio-Economic Review1
- Real Estate Economics1
- Journal of Behavioral Finance1
- Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis1
- Transactions in GIS1
- Sociological Quarterly1
- Sociological Review1
- International Journal of the Commons1
- Political Psychology1
- Journal of Business & Economic Statistics1
- International Journal of Tourism Research1
- Research in Social Stratification and Mobility1
- Political Research Quarterly1
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research1
- Sociology Compass1
- Journal of Children and Media1
- Weather Climate and Society1
- International Migration1
- Women & Health1
- South African Geographical Journal1
- Womens Studies International Forum1
- Work and Occupations1
- Review of Derivatives Research1
- Politics Groups and Identities1
- World Bank Economic Review1
- Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis1
- International Relations1
- Southeast European and Black Sea Studies1
- World Economy1
- International Review of Economics Education1
- Space Policy1
- Young1
- Uluslararasi Iliskiler-International Relations1
- International Review of Law and Economics1
- Youth & Society1
- Journal of Consumer Culture1
- Review of Income and Wealth1
- Journal of Contemporary Asia1
- Urban Design International1
- State Politics & Policy Quarterly1
- Review of International Economics1
- Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice1
- Journal of Contemporary European Studies1
- International Studies Quarterly1
- Studies in Comparative International Development1
- Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsgeographie1
- Journal of Crime & Justice1
- International Tax and Public Finance1
- Problems of Post-Communism1
- Journal of Cultural Economics1
- Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs1
- Violence and Victims1
- Studies in Higher Education1
- IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching1
- PS-Political Science & Politics1
- Journal of Demographic Economics1
- Irish Educational Studies1
- Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching1
- Psychiatry Psychology and Law1
- Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology1
- Island Studies Journal1
- Revista de Psicodidactica1
- Psychology of Addictive Behaviors1
- Japan and the World Economy1
- Psychology of Violence1
- Swiss Political Science Review1
- Psychology Public Policy and Law1
- Journal of Early Intervention1
- Javnost-The Public1
- Journal of Eastern African Studies1
- Systems1
- Social & Cultural Geography1
- Public Administration and Development1
- Journalism1
- Social Epistemology1
- Public Choice1
- Journal of Economic Education1
- Economist-Netherlands1
- Educational Philosophy and Theory1
- European Review of Economic History1
- Education and Urban Society1
- Egitim ve Bilim-Education and Science1
- Elementary School Journal1
- Empirical Economics1
- Family Relations1
- Feminist Media Studies1
- Field Methods1
- Finance and Stochastics1
- Focaal-Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology1
- Environmental Policy and Governance1
- Games and Culture1
- Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science1
- Econometrics Journal1
- Economia Politica1
- Economic Development and Cultural Change1
- European Business Organization Law Review1
- Economic Inquiry1
- European Early Childhood Education Research Journal1
- Economics Letters1
- European Journal of Law and Economics1
- Economics of Transportation1
- Disaster Prevention and Management1
- Interpreter and Translator Trainer1
- Journal of Special Education Technology1
- Communication and Critical-Cultural Studies1
- Journal of Labor Research1
- Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education1
- Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports1
- Communication Monographs1
- Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology1
- Drug and Alcohol Review1
- Journal of English for Academic Purposes1
- Journal of Law Economics & Organization1
- Journal of Field Archaeology1
- Community Mental Health Journal1
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists1
- Early Childhood Education Journal1
- Compare-A Journal of Comparative and International Education1
- Journal of the Knowledge Economy1
- Journal of Mathematical Economics1
- East European Politics1
- Journal of Material Culture1
- Ancient Mesoamerica1
- Journal of Theoretical Politics1
- Journal of Mathematical Sociology1
- Computer Law & Security Review1
- Journal of Pragmatics1
- Conflict Management and Peace Science1
- Journal of Social Archaeology1
- Archaeological Prospection1
- Journal of Money Credit and Banking1
- British Politics1
- Archaeometry1
- Journal of Environment & Development1
- Journal of Ethnobiology1
- Language and Intercultural Communication1
- Language Learning and Development1
- Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities1
- Crime Law and Social Change1
- Language Sciences1
- Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health1
- Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne d'Agroeconomie1
- Language Testing1
- Canadian Journal of Economics-Revue Canadienne d'Economique1
- Journal of Fluency Disorders1
- Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions1
- Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology1
- Cognitive Linguistics1
- Lingua1
- Critical Policy Studies1
- Journal of Genetic Counseling1
- Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism1
- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research1
- Journal of Geography1
- Journal of Gerontological Social Work1
- CESifo Economic Studies1
- Cultural Anthropology1
- Environmental Archaeology1
- Lithic Technology1
- Child & Family Social Work1
- Journal of Refugee Studies1
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management1
- Cultural Studies1
- Journal of Regulatory Economics1
- First Language1
- Journal of Research in Music Education1
- Culture Health & Sexuality1
- Natural Language Engineering1
- Geoarchaeology-An International Journal1
- Journal of Risk and Insurance1
- Journal of Risk Research1
- Journal of Human Rights1
- Daedalus1
- Chinese Journal of International Politics1
- Journal of Second Language Writing1
- Journal of Industrial Economics1
- Defence and Peace Economics1
- Journal of Sexual Aggression1
- Journal of Social Policy1
- Journal of Intellectual Disabilities1
- International Journal of Bilingualism1
- Dialogues in Human Geography1
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology1
- International Journal of Multilingualism1
- Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics1
- Journal of Sociology1
- International Journal of Osteoarchaeology1
- Cliometrica1
- Health Promotion International1
- Health Risk & Society1
- JANAC-Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care1
- Health & Social Work1
- Journal for Healthcare Quality1
- Higher Education Policy1
- Journal of Addiction Medicine1
- BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care1
- Journal of Applied Biomechanics1
- Cancer Nursing1
- International Journal of Industrial Organization1
- History of the Human Sciences1
- International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders1
- Homo-Journal of Comparative Human Biology1
- International Journal of Law Crime and Justice1
- Computer Applications in Engineering Education1
- Human Ecology Review1
- Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care1
- Tel Aviv-Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University1
- International Journal of Music Education1
- Human Resource Development Quarterly1
- Digital Health1
- Drug and Alcohol Dependence1
- Human Service Organizations Management Leadership & Governance1
- IMF Economic Review1
- Gender and Education1
- Industrial Relations1
- Gaceta Sanitaria1
- Infants & Young Children1
- Geographical Journal1
- Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching1
- Advances in Neonatal Care1
- Innovation-The European Journal of Social Science Research1
- Advances in Physiology Education1
- Geriatrics & Gerontology International1
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities1
- Health Services Research1
- Interaction Studies1
- American Journal of Bioethics1
- Holistic Nursing Practice1
- Global Environmental Politics1
- IEEE Transactions on Education1
- American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine1
- International Communication Gazette1
- Globalizations1
- International Data Privacy Law1
- Global Policy1
- Inquiry-The Journal of Health Care Organization Provision and Financing1
- American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation1
- International Economic Review1
- International Emergency Nursing1
- Group Decision and Negotiation1
- International Journal of Health Policy and Management1
- International Interactions1
- International Journal for Academic Development1
- Archives of Psychiatric Nursing1
- Health Care Analysis1
- International Journal of Nursing Practice1
- International Journal of Aging & Human Development1
- Health Care Management Review1
- International Journal of Older People Nursing1
- Australasian Emergency Care1
- Australian Health Review1
- Health Economics Policy and Law1
- Australian Journal of Primary Health1
- Health Education Journal1
- International Journal of Developmental Disabilities1
- Health Information Management Journal1
- International Nursing Review1
- Bioethics1
1626 Pflege0
- Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health0
- Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationsmedizin Kurortmedizin0
- Journal of Nursing Regulation0
- Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior0
- Rechtsmedizin0
- Rehabilitation Nursing0
- Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte0
- Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing0
- Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y del Deporte0
- Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine0
- Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services0
- Journal of Renal Care0
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport0
- Sportverletzung-Sportschaden0
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences0
- Tobacco Induced Diseases0
- Journal of Trauma Nursing0
- Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing0
- MCN-The American Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing0
- Medical History0
- Journal of Emergency Nursing0
- Nurse Educator0
- Journal of Forensic Nursing0
- Nursing Science Quarterly0
- Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine0
- Orthopaedic Nursing0
- Asian Economic Papers0
- African and Asian Studies0
- Asian Journal of Social Science0
- Africa Spectrum0
- Asian Journal of Womens Studies0
- American Annals of the Deaf0
- Australian Economic History Review0
- American Journal of Comparative Law0
- Australian Economic Review0
- Australian Feminist Studies0
- American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry0
- American Journal of Law & Medicine0
- Berliner Journal fuer Soziologie0
- Bijdragen Tot de Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde0
- Andamios0
- British Journal of Educational Studies0
- British Journal of Industrial Relations0
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies0
- Anthropological Forum0
- British Journal of Religious Education0
- Anthropologie0
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly0
- Anthropology Southern Africa0
- Workplace Health & Safety0
- Applied Economics Letters0
- Applied Linguistics0
- Acta Sociologica0
- Archives Europeennes de Sociologie0
- Africa0
- London Journal0
- Patterns of Prejudice0
- Macroeconomic Dynamics0
- Perspectives on Politics0
- Phi Delta Kappan0
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences0
- Mediterranean Politics0
- Michigan Law Review0
- Middle Eastern Studies0
- Middle East Policy0
- Journal of Wine Economics0
- Modern China0
- Journal of Womens History0
- Monatsschrift fuer Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform0
- Journal of World Trade0
- Monthly Review-An Independent Socialist Magazine0
- Juvenile and Family Court Journal0
- Kolner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie0
- Kyklos0
- NBER Macroeconomics Annual0
- Labour-Le Travail0
- Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights0
- New Perspectives on Turkey0
- New Zealand Geographer0
- Latin American Perspectives0
- Law and Human Behavior0
- Law and Social Inquiry-Journal of the American Bar Foundation0
- Oxford Journal of Legal Studies0
- Pacific Economic Review0
- Legal Studies0
- Leiden Journal of International Law0
- Public Culture0
- Social & Legal Studies0
- Journal of Economic Issues0
- Social Philosophy & Policy0
- Scandinavian Political Studies0
- Punishment & Society-International Journal of Penology0
- Journal of Economics0
- Telos0
- Social Science History0
- Social Science Japan Journal0
- Theory and Decision0
- Quarterly Journal of Speech0
- Social Service Review0
- Scripta Nova-Revista Electronica de Geografia y Ciencias Sociales0
- Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property0
- Journal of Applied Philosophy0
- Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap0
- Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law0
- Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis-Revue d'Histoire du Droit-The Legal History Review0
- Society0
- Journal of Asian Studies0
- Society & Animals0
- Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies0
- Journal of Baltic Studies0
- Sociologia0
- Sociological Forum0
- Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations0
- Trames-Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences0
- Visual Communication0
- International Journal of the History of Sport0
- Sociologicky Casopis-Czech Sociological Review0
- Political Quarterly0
- Transportation Journal0
- International Journal of Transitional Justice0
- Sociologisk Forskning0
- Sociology of Race and Ethnicity0
- Political Studies Review0
- International Migration Review0
- Politicka Ekonomie0
- Journal of College Student Development0
- International Peacekeeping0
- Souls0
- Review of Central and East European Law0
- Politics & Gender0
- Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences0
- International Psychogeriatrics0
- South African Journal of Education0
- Travail Genre et Societes0
- South Asia-Journal of South Asian Studies0
- International Relations of the Asia-Pacific0
- Southern Economic Journal0
- Politische Vierteljahresschrift0
- Turkish Journal of Geriatrics-Turk Geriatri Dergisi0
- Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe0
- Population and Development Review0
- University of Pittsburgh Law Review0
- Review of Higher Education0
- International Review of the Red Cross0
- Zeitschrift fuer Gerontologie und Geriatrie0
- Studies in American Political Development0
- Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie0
- Prague Economic Papers0
- Journal of Corporate Law Studies0
- Zygon0
- Studies in East European Thought0
- Human Geography0
- Review of Radical Political Economics0
- Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics0
- Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional0
- Iranian Studies0
- Revista de Economia Mundial0
- Irish Political Studies0
- Revista de Estudios Sociales0
- Psychoanalysis and History0
- Israel Affairs0
- Survival0
- Signs and Society0
- Revista de Historia Economica0
- Journal of Development Studies0
- Jahrbucher fuer Nationalokonomie und Statistik0
- Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography0
- Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional0
- Japanese Economic Review0
- Revista Espanola de Pedagogia0
- Psychology of Women Quarterly0
- Journal of Early Childhood Literacy0
- Symbolic Interaction0
- Social Anthropology0
- Revue d'Economie Politique0
- Journal of East Asian Studies0
- System Dynamics Review0
- Social Compass0
- Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest0
- Social Dynamics-A Journal of African Studies0
- Rhetoric Society Quarterly0
- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly0
- Social Forces0
- European Journal of the History of Economic Thought0
- European Political Science0
- Educational Measurement-Issues and Practice0
- Evaluation0
- Evolutionary Anthropology0
- Families in Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services0
- Feminist Legal Studies0
- Feminist Review0
- English in Education0
- Enterprise & Society0
- Filosofija-Sociologija0
- Environmental Ethics0
- Fiscal Studies0
- Environmental History0
- Forum-A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics0
- Ethics0
- Econometric Reviews0
- Econometric Theory0
- Ethics & International Affairs0
- Ethnos0
- Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research0
- Economic Development Quarterly0
- Eurasian Geography and Economics0
- Economic History Review0
- European Constitutional Law Review0
- Economic Policy0
- European History Quarterly0
- European Journal of Communication0
- European Journal of Education0
- Economics of Transition and Institutional Change0
- European Journal of Migration and Law0
- Economics & Politics0
- Revista Signos0
- Iran-Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies0
- Common Market Law Review0
- Revue des Langues Romanes0
- Rhetoric Review0
- Discourse Studies0
- Romance Philology0
- disP0
- Journal of Substance Use0
- Journal of Latin American Studies0
- Journal of English and Germanic Philology0
- Journal of English Linguistics0
- Journal of French Language Studies0
- Acta Archaeologica0
- Journal of the History of Economic Thought0
- Early Years0
- Journal of Linguistics0
- Comparative Studies in Society and History0
- American Antiquity0
- Journal of Maritime Archaeology0
- American Speech0
- East European Politics and Societies0
- Anglia-Zeitschrift fuer Englische Philologie0
- Journal of the Philosophy of Sport0
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute0
- Journal of Quantitative Linguistics0
- Conservation & Society0
- Archaeofauna0
- Contemporary Pacific0
- Archaeological Dialogues0
- Journal of the British Archaeological Association0
- Kritika Kultura0
- Contemporary Sociology-A Journal of Reviews0
- Archaeology in Oceania0
- Bulletin of Economic Research0
- Contemporary Southeast Asia0
- Archeologicke Rozhledy0
- Bulletin of Latin American Research0
- Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies0
- Archiv fuer das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen0
- Business Ethics Quarterly0
- Language and Literature0
- Arqueologia0
- Business History Review0
- Journal of Pension Economics & Finance0
- Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies0
- Cadmo0
- Language & History0
- Journal of Policy Analysis and Management0
- Language Matters0
- Babel-Revue Internationale de la Traduction-International Journal of Translation0
- Cambridge Law Journal0
- Journal of Policy History0
- Language Problems & Language Planning0
- Crime Media Culture0
- Belleten0
- Canadian Geographer-Geographe Canadien0
- Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique0
- Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice0
- Criminology & Criminal Justice0
- Canadian Journal of Political Science-Revue Canadienne de Science Politique0
- Latin American Antiquity0
- Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion0
- Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice0
- LiLi-Zeitschrift fuer Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik0
- Complutum0
- Canadian Public Administration-Administration Publique du Canada0
- Journal of Gender Studies0
- Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series-Themes in Translation Studies0
- Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites0
- Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne de Sociologie0
- Critical Social Policy0
- Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools0
- Journal of Public Child Welfare0
- CEPAL Review0
- Journal of Healthcare Management0
- Linguistic Typology0
- English World-Wide0
- Literacy0
- Estudios Atacamenos0
- Meta0
- Cultural Sociology0
- European Journal of Archaeology0
- Journal of Historical Geography0
- Modern Language Review0
- European Journal of Scandinavian Studies0
- Folia Linguistica0
- Narrative Inquiry0
- Forum Italicum0
- Current Anthropology0
- China Information0
- Neophilologus0
- German Quarterly0
- China Perspectives0
- North American Archaeologist0
- Glossa-A Journal of General Linguistics0
- Dados-Revista de Ciencias Sociais0
- Historical Archaeology0
- Chinese Journal of International Law0
- Oxford Journal of Archaeology0
- Humor-International Journal of Humor Research0
- Perspectives-Studies in Translation Theory and Practice0
- Industrial Archaeology Review0
- Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics-Zeitschrift fuer die gesamte Staatswissenschaft0
- Phonology0
- International Journal of American Linguistics0
- Journal of Social Philosophy0
- Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics0
- Developing Economies0
- Journal of Social Service Research0
- Journal of International Criminal Justice0
- Pragmatics & Cognition0
- Differences-A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies0
- International Journal of Lexicography0
- Journal of Sociolinguistics0
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities0
- International Journal of Nautical Archaeology0
- Journal of Southeast Asian Studies0
- Revista de Filologia Espanola0
- International Journal of Economic Theory0
- International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics0
- JOGNN-Journal of Obstetric Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing0
- Journal of Addictions Nursing0
- Historical Materialism-Research in Critical Marxist Theory0
- History of Education0
- History of Psychiatry0
- Clinical Nurse Specialist0
- Spanish in Context0
- Studia Neophilologica0
- International Journal of Law in Context0
- Studies in Language0
- Style0
- International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law0
- Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America0
- International Journal of Mobile Communications0
- Developing World Bioethics0
- Time & Mind-The Journal of Archaeology Consciousness and Culture0
- Human Rights Law Review0
- Human Studies0
- Translation and Interpreting Studies0
- ICON-International Journal of Constitutional Law0
- Translation Studies0
- Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power0
- Zeitschrift fuer Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde0
- ILR Review0
- Zeitschrift fuer Germanistische Linguistik0
- Zeitschrift fuer Slawistik0
- Gender and History0
- India Review0
- Industrial Law Journal0
- Acta Bioethica0
- Gait & Posture0
- Hastings Center Report0
- Innovation in Aging0
- Inquiry-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy0
- Advances in Skin & Wound Care0
- German Economic Review0
- Intelligence and National Security0
- American Biology Teacher0
- American Journal of Critical Care0
- Interdisciplinary Science Reviews0
- American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology0
- International Affairs0
- American Journal of Medical Quality0
- International & Comparative Law Quarterly0
- American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education0
- GLQ-A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies0
- American Journal of Physics0
- International Finance0
- AORN Journal0
- International Insolvency Review0
- Hague Journal on the Rule of Law0
- International Journal0
- Harvard Educational Review0
- Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation0
- International Journal of Nursing Knowledge0
- Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences0
- International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care0
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education0
- Pain Management Nursing0
- Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics0
- Physics Teacher0
- PM&R0
- Journal of Nursing Care Quality0
- Quality Management in Health Care0
- Journal of Pain and Symptom Management0
- Research and Theory for Nursing Practice0
- Journal of Pediatric Health Care0
- Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing0
- Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP0
- Science & Sports0
- Journal of Transcultural Nursing0
- Value in Health0
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Education0
- Medical Law Review0
- Medicina Dello Sport0
- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise0
- Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing0
- Nursing Clinics of North America0
- Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse0
- Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine0
- Asian Economic Journal0
- African Affairs0
- African Studies Review0
- Asian-Pacific Economic Literature0
- Asian Studies Review0
- Asian Women0
- AIBR-Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana0
- Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology0
- American Anthropologist0
- Asia Pacific Law Review0
- American Business Law Journal0
- Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies0
- American Ethnologist0
- Australasian Journal on Ageing0
- Australian Economic Papers0
- American Journal of Economics and Sociology0
- American Journal of Evaluation0
- Australian Journal of Anthropology0
- American Journal of International Law0
- Australian Journal of Politics and History0
- American Journal of Sociology0
- Austrian Journal of Political Science0
- American Journal on Addictions0
- Behavioral Sciences & the Law0
- Bilig0
- Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles0
- British Journal of Learning Disabilities0
- British Journal of Music Education0
- Anthropologischer Anzeiger0
- Anthropos0
- Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales0
- Argumenta Oeconomica0
- Adult Education Quarterly0
- Affilia-Feminist Inquiry in Social Work0
- Lex Localis-Journal of Local Self-Government0
- Peacebuilding0
- Magallania0
- Manchester School0
- Philosophical Psychology0
- Philosophy & Public Affairs0
- Planning Perspectives0
- PoLAR-Political and Legal Anthropology Review0
- Policing-A Journal of Policy and Practice0
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly0
- Men and Masculinities0
- Metroeconomica0
- Middle East Critique0
- Middle East Journal0
- Journal of Urban Affairs0
- Journal of Urban History0
- Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft0
- Journal of Value Inquiry0
- Modern Asian Studies0
- Modern Italy0
- Modern Law Review0
- Journal of World Energy Law & Business0
- Monthly Labor Review0
- Movimento-Porto Alegre0
- Nationalities Papers-The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity0
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal0
- Nations and Nationalism0
- Korea Observer0
- Natural Resources Forum0
- Labor History0
- Labour History0
- Negotiation Journal0
- Language in Society0
- Latin American Economic Review0
- NWIG-New West Indian Guide-Nieuwe West-Indische Gids0
- Latin American Politics and Society0
- Oceania0
- Law and History Review0
- Law and Philosophy0
- Law & Policy0
- Law & Society Review0
- Legal and Criminological Psychology0
- Pacific Focus0
- Legislative Studies Quarterly0
- Paedagogica Historica0
- Journal of Economic History0
- Rural Sociology0
- Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy0
- Teaching Sociology0
- Journal of Economic Literature0
- Journal of African Law0
- Social Policy & Administration0
- Publius-The Journal of Federalism0
- Television & New Media0
- Journal of Economics & Management Strategy0
- Tempo Social0
- Terrorism and Political Violence0
- Theoretical Criminology0
- Social Science Journal0
- Science & Society0
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics0
- Journal of Anthropological Research0
- Theory and Research in Social Education0
- Social Semiotics0
- Scottish Journal of Political Economy0
- Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning0
- Race & Class0
- Journal of Empirical Legal Studies0
- Journal of Asian and African Studies0
- Semiotica0
- Journal of Australian Studies0
- Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation0
- Reading Teacher0
- Sociological Inquiry0
- Research and Practice for Persons With Severe Disabilities0
- Journal of Black Studies0
- Sociologie du Travail0
- War in History0
- Water Economics and Policy0
- Political Science Quarterly0
- International Labor and Working-Class History0
- Sociology of Health & Illness0
- Sociology of Religion0
- Political Theory0
- Journal of Cold War Studies0
- Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya0
- Review of African Political Economy0
- Politics and Religion0
- International Politics0
- South African Journal of Economics0
- South African Journal on Human Rights0
- Politics Religion & Ideology0
- Politikon0
- Trimestre Economico0
- World Trade Review0
- Politix0
- Turkish Studies0
- Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law0
- Population0
- Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology0
- University of Toronto Law Journal0
- Zeitschrift fuer Evaluation0
- Portuguese Economic Journal0
- International Sociology0
- Zeitschrift fuer Sexualforschung0
- Urban Policy and Research0
- Review of Keynesian Economics0
- Presidential Studies Quarterly0
- International Journal on Criminology0
- Review of Religious Research0
- Investigacion Economica0
- Revija za Socijalnu Politiku0
- Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education0
- Studies in Philosophy and Education0
- Revista de Ciencia Politica0
- Revista de Estudios Politicos0
- Supreme Court Review0
- Signs0
- Revista de Geografia Norte Grande0
- Psychology and Aging0
- Singapore Economic Review0
- Slavic Review0
- Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas0
- Japanese Journal of Political Science0
- Social Analysis0
- Revista Internacional de Sociologia0
- Social Choice and Welfare0
- Revue de Geographie Alpine-Journal of Alpine Research0
- Revue Francaise de Sociologie0
- RIDE-The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance0
- European Journal of Social Work0
- European Journal of Womens Studies0
- European Law Journal0
- European Review0
- Europe-Asia Studies0
- Feministische Studien0
- Feminist Studies0
- Ensenanza de las Ciencias0
- Environment0
- Finanzarchiv0
- Food Culture & Society0
- Foreign Language Annals0
- Environment and History0
- Erdkunde0
- Ethics & Global Politics0
- Ethnic and Racial Studies0
- Ethnohistory0
- Ethos0
- Economic Record0
- Economics and Philosophy0
- Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy0
- European Journal of International Law0
- Economics-The Open Access Open-Assessment E-Journal0
- Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada0
- Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire0
- Discourse & Communication0
- Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling0
- Revue Romane0
- Discourse & Society0
- Communication Disorders Quarterly0
- Journal of Strategic Studies0
- RILCE-Revista de Filologia Hispanica0
- Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology0
- Rossiiskaya Arkheologiya0
- Dissent0
- Journal of Egyptian Archaeology0
- Communications-European Journal of Communication Research0
- Journal of Law and Society0
- Drustvena Istrazivanja0
- Journal of the American Planning Association0
- Journal of Legal Medicine0
- Dyslexia0
- Journal of Germanic Linguistics0
- Comparative Education Review0
- Across Languages and Cultures0
- Journal of Language and Politics0
- Acta Linguistica Academica0
- Journal of Linguistic Anthropology0
- African Archaeological Review0
- Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences0
- East Asian Science Technology and Society-An International Journal0
- Journal of Logic Language and Information0
- American Journal of Archaeology0
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies0
- Annual of the British School at Athens0
- Journal of the Polynesian Society0
- Journal of Media Ethics0
- Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages0
- Antiquity0
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A-Statistics in Society0
- Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy0
- Journal of Middle East Womens Studies0
- Journal of Roman Archaeology0
- Contemporary Economic Policy0
- Journal of Modern African Studies0
- Contemporary Political Theory0
- British Journal of Sociology0
- Journal of the International Phonetic Association0
- Archaeologies-Journal of the World Archaeological Congress0
- Journal of Moral Philosophy0
- Langages0
- Contemporary South Asia0
- Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies0
- Language and Cognition0
- Continuity and Change0
- Archeosciences-Revue d'Archeometrie0
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists0
- Journal of Palestine Studies0
- Contributions to Indian Sociology0
- Argumentation0
- Business History0
- Convergencia-Revista de Ciencias Sociales0
- Asian Perspectives-The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific0
- Journal of Philosophy of Education0
- Australian Archaeology0
- Journal of Planning Literature0
- Journal of Experimental Education0
- Azania-Archaeological Research in Africa0
- Journal of Family History0
- Language Policy0
- Beitrage zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache und Literatur0
- Cambridge Review of International Affairs0
- Britannia0
- Journal of Political Ideologies0
- Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research0
- Langue Francaise0
- Canadian Journal of Linguistics-Revue Canadienne de Linguistique0
- Canadian Journal of Sociology-Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie0
- Levant0
- Critical Criminology0
- Canadian Modern Language Review-Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes0
- Journal of Poverty and Social Justice0
- Journal of Forest Economics0
- Critical Review0
- Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory0
- Linguistic Review0
- Critical Sociology0
- Diachronica0
- Cartographic Journal0
- Critical Studies in Media Communication0
- English Language & Linguistics0
- Central Asian Survey0
- Linguistics Vanguard0
- Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje0
- English Today0
- Journal of Public Policy0
- Linguistique0
- Child Abuse Review0
- Cultural Geographies0
- Estudios Filologicos0
- European Journal of English Studies0
- Journal of Historical Sociology0
- Modern Philology0
- Cultural Trends0
- Names-A Journal of Onomastics0
- Forum for Modern Language Studies0
- Children & Society0
- Functions of Language0
- Near Eastern Archaeology0
- Current History0
- China Journal0
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics0
- Gesture0
- China Quarterly0
- Norwegian Archaeological Review0
- Hesperia0
- Chinese Journal of Communication0
- Opuscula-Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome0
- Historiographia Linguistica0
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly0
- Iberoromania0
- Chungara-Revista de Antropologia Chilena0
- Phonetica0
- Democratization0
- Intercultural Pragmatics0
- Post-Medieval Archaeology0
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics0
- Praehistorische Zeitschrift0
- Deviance et Societe0
- Journal of Social Work0
- Pragmatics and Society0
- Journal of Social Work Practice0
- Journal of International Dispute Settlement0
- Public Archaeology0
- Review of Cognitive Linguistics0
- Diplomacy & Statecraft0
- Journal of Southern African Studies0
- Isokinetics and Exercise Science0
- International Journal of Evidence & Proof0
- JNP- the Journal for Nurse Practitioners0
- International Journal of Game Theory0
- Historia y Politica0
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine0
- History and Anthropology0
- History of Political Economy0
- International Journal of Human Rights0
- History of Psychology0
- Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies0
- Studia Linguistica0
- Clinics in Sports Medicine0
- Studies in Conservation0
- International Journal of Law Policy and the Family0
- Studies in Philology0
- Critical Care Nurse0
- Syntax-A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research0
- International Journal of Middle East Studies0
- Human Organization0
- Theoretical Linguistics0
- Trabajos de Prehistoria0
- Transactions of the Philological Society0
- Hypatia-A Journal of Feminist Philosophy0
- Ethik in der Medizin0
- Translation Review0
- International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics0
- ICSID Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal0
- Translator0
- International Journal of Social Welfare0
- IDS Bulletin-Institute of Development Studies0
- European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing0
- World Englishes0
- IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication0
- Zeitschrift fuer Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie0
- Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography0
- Zeitschrift fuer Romanische Philologie0
- Zephyrus-Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueologia0
- Indian Journal of Gender Studies0
- Families Systems & Health0
- Gender & Society0
- Acsms Health & Fitness Journal0
- Geodetski Vestnik0
- Acta Paulista de Enfermagem0
- Geografie0
- Gastroenterology Nursing0
- Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography0
- Adicciones0
- Geographical Review0
- Geography Compass0
- Alcohol0
- Gestion y Politica Publica0
- Inter-Asia Cultural Studies0
- Global Economic Review0
- Internasjonal Politikk0
- Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research0
- American Journal of Nursing0
- Governance-An International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions0
- International Feminist Journal of Politics0
- International Journal of Integrated Care0
- HAU-Journal of Ethnographic Theory0
- International Journal of Comparative Sociology0
- Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care0