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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences27
2 Journal of Cultural Heritage26
3 Journal of Archaeological Science20
4 Antiquity16
- Journal of Anthropological Archaeology16
6 Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory14
- American Antiquity14
8 Archaeological Prospection11
- Archaeometry11
- Advances in Archaeological Practice11
- Archaeological Research in Asia11
- Journal of Archaeological Research11
- Journal of Archaeological Science-Reports11
14 Journal of Field Archaeology10
- Geoarchaeology-An International Journal10
16 African Archaeological Review9
- Environmental Archaeology9
- World Archaeology9
- Cambridge Archaeological Journal9
- International Journal of Osteoarchaeology9
- Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology9
22 Latin American Antiquity8
- Open Archaeology8
- Ancient Mesoamerica8
25 Journal of Social Archaeology7
- Lithic Technology7
- Studies in Conservation7
- Archaeological Dialogues7
- Australian Archaeology7
30 American Journal of Archaeology6
- European Journal of Archaeology6
- Historical Archaeology6
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology6
- Praehistorische Zeitschrift6
- Trabajos de Prehistoria6
36 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy5
- Azania-Archaeological Research in Africa5
- Journal of Maritime Archaeology5
- Time & Mind-The Journal of Archaeology Consciousness and Culture5
- Archaeology in Oceania5
- Journal of Material Culture5
- Levant5
- Near Eastern Archaeology5
- Opuscula-Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome5
- Tel Aviv-Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University5
46 Archaeologies-Journal of the World Archaeological Congress4
- Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research4
- International Journal of Nautical Archaeology4
- North American Archaeologist4
- Oxford Journal of Archaeology4
- Arqueologia4
- Belleten4
- Estudios Atacamenos4
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly4
55 Annual of the British School at Athens3
- Archeosciences-Revue d'Archeometrie3
- Britannia3
- Complutum3
- Hesperia3
- Iran-Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies3
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies3
- Public Archaeology3
- Archaeofauna3
- Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites3
- Journal of Egyptian Archaeology3
- Norwegian Archaeological Review3
- Zephyrus-Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueologia3
68 Asian Perspectives-The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific2
- Industrial Archaeology Review2
- Post-Medieval Archaeology2
- Zeitschrift fuer Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archaologie2
- Archeologicke Rozhledy2
- Journal of Roman Archaeology2
- Rossiiskaya Arkheologiya2
- Zeitschrift fuer Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde2
76 Acta Archaeologica1
- Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique1
- Journal of the British Archaeological Association1