Archaeology in Oceania

(The H4-Index of Archaeology in Oceania is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Dingoes and domestication10
Identifying archaeological parenchyma in three dimensions: Diagnostic assessment of five important food plant species in the Indo‐Pacific region9
Do Pleistocene rock paintings depict Sulawesi warty pigs (Sus celebensis) with a domestication character?7
Identifying marsupials from Australian archaeological sites: current methodological challenges and opportunities in zooarchaeological practice7
MicroCT scanning and direct AMS dating of charred sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) fragments from Nombe rockshelter in the highlands of Papua New Guinea6
Indigenous fish traps and fish weirs on the Darling (Baaka) River, south‐eastern Australia, and their influence on the ecology and morphology of the river and floodplains5
Re‐evaluating the evidence for late‐surviving megafauna at Nombe rockshelter in the New Guinea highlands5
Marquesan ceramics, palaeotsunami, and megalithic architecture: Ho‘oumi Beach site (NHo‐3) in regional perspective5
Village‐specific Kula partnerships revealed by obsidian sourcing on Tubetube Island, Papua New Guinea5
Gilparrka Almira, a rock art site in Mithaka Country, southwest Queensland: cultural connections, dreaming tracks and trade routes5