Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory

(The H4-Index of Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Contextualizing Ancestral Pueblo Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo spp.) Management47
Oral Storytelling and Knowledge Transmission in Upper Paleolithic Children and Adolescents45
Tales of Multifunctionality: a Systematic Quantitative Literature Review of Boomerangs Used as Retouchers in Australian Aboriginal Cultures32
Testing the Effect of Learning Conditions and Individual Motor/Cognitive Differences on Knapping Skill Acquisition29
Revealing Evolutionary Patterns Behind Homogeneity: the Case of the Palaeolithic Assemblages from Notarchirico (Southern Italy)25
A Prolegomenon on Archaeological Complexity and Disorganization: Fragmentation and Missing Data24
Rock Art Painting Taphonomy: the Role of Environmental and Technological Factors23
‘A Complex Past’: Theory and Applications20
Searching for the Individual: Characterising Knowledge Transfer and Skill in Prehistoric Personal Ornament Making19
A New Approach to the Quantitative Analysis of Bone Surface Modifications: the Bowser Road Mastodon and Implications for the Data to Understand Human-Megafauna Interactions in North America18
Three-Dimensional Proxies to Dental Wear Characterization in a Known Age-at-Death Skeletal Collection17
Making Rock Art: Correspondences, Rhythms, and Temporalities15
Weathering Stages of Proboscidean Bones: Relevance for Zooarchaeological Analysis15
Scaling in Pompeii: Preliminary Evidence for the Occurrence of Scaling Phenomena Within an Ancient Built Environment13
Locating Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherer Camps in the Carpathian Basin13