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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 American Journal of Bioethics ca. 17
2 Journal of Business Ethics ca. 5.9
3 Ethics ca. 4.6
4 Journal of Responsible Innovation ca. 3.9
5 Religion Brain & Behavior ca. 3.6
6 Public Understanding of Science ca. 3.5
- Agriculture and Human Values ca. 3.5
8 Business Ethics Quarterly ca. 3.4
- Ethics and Information Technology ca. 3.4
10 Journal of Medical Ethics ca. 3.3
- Philosophy & Public Affairs ca. 3.3
12 Minerva ca. 3.2
- British Journal for the Philosophy of Science ca. 3.2
14 BMC Medical Ethics ca. 3
15 Journal of Political Philosophy ca. 2.9
- Social Studies of Science ca. 2.9
- Nursing Ethics ca. 2.9
18 Philosophical Review ca. 2.8
- Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance ca. 2.8
20 Science and Engineering Ethics ca. 2.7
21 Neuroethics ca. 2.6
22 Science As Culture ca. 2.5
23 Sociology of Religion ca. 2.4
24 Hastings Center Report ca. 2.3
- Medicine Health Care and Philosophy ca. 2.3
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion ca. 2.3
27 Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics ca. 2.2
- Psychology of Religion and Spirituality ca. 2.2
- Journal of Religion & Health ca. 2.2
- Environmental Values ca. 2.2
31 Philosophy Compass ca. 2.1
- Science & Education ca. 2.1
- Biosemiotics ca. 2.1
34 Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences ca. 2
- Engineering Studies ca. 2
36 Science and Technology Studies ca. 1.9
37 Nous ca. 1.8
- Journal of Bioethical Inquiry ca. 1.8
- Health Care Analysis ca. 1.8
- Mind ca. 1.8
- Ethics & Behavior ca. 1.8
- Foundations of Chemistry ca. 1.8
43 Canadian Journal of Philosophy ca. 1.7
- Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics ca. 1.7
- Biology & Philosophy ca. 1.7
- Bioethics ca. 1.7
- International Journal for the Psychology of Religion ca. 1.7
48 Journal of Philosophy ca. 1.6
- Politics Philosophy & Economics ca. 1.6
- Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics ca. 1.6
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences ca. 1.6
52 Review of Religious Research ca. 1.5
- European Journal for Philosophy of Science ca. 1.5
54 Social Epistemology ca. 1.4
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming ca. 1.4
- Philosophical Psychology ca. 1.4
- Studies in History and Philosophy of Science ca. 1.4
- Philosophy of Science ca. 1.4
59 Topoi-An International Review of Philosophy ca. 1.3
- Synthese ca. 1.3
- Politics and Religion ca. 1.3
- HEC Forum ca. 1.3
- Episteme-A Journal of Individual and Social Epistemology ca. 1.3
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research ca. 1.3
- Ethics & International Affairs ca. 1.3
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy ca. 1.3
- New Genetics and Society ca. 1.3
68 Utilitas ca. 1.2
- Economics and Philosophy ca. 1.2
- Speculum-A Journal of Medieval Studies ca. 1.2
- Continental Philosophy Review ca. 1.2
- Journal of the Philosophy of Sport ca. 1.2
- International Journal of Childrens Spirituality ca. 1.2
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science ca. 1.2
- Renaissance Quarterly ca. 1.2
76 Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology ca. 1.1
- Rhetoric Society Quarterly ca. 1.1
- Kantian Review ca. 1.1
- Journal of Social Philosophy ca. 1.1
- Nanoethics ca. 1.1
- Environmental Ethics ca. 1.1
- History of Science ca. 1.1
- Philosophical Studies ca. 1.1
- Philosophical Quarterly ca. 1.1
- Analysis ca. 1.1
- Journal of Moral Philosophy ca. 1.1
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics ca. 1.1
88 Australasian Journal of Philosophy ca. 1
- Inquiry-An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy ca. 1
- Social Compass ca. 1
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice ca. 1
- Hypatia-A Journal of Feminist Philosophy ca. 1
- Argumentation ca. 1
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism ca. 1
- Isis ca. 1
96 Journal of Media Ethics ca. 0.9
- Philosophical Explorations ca. 0.9
- Informal Logic ca. 0.9
- Studies in Philosophy and Education ca. 0.9
- Historical Materialism-Research in Critical Marxist Theory ca. 0.9
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences ca. 0.9
- Foundations of Science ca. 0.9
- Annals of Science ca. 0.9
- Journal of Mathematical Logic ca. 0.9
- Res Publica-A Journal of Moral Legal and Political Philosophy ca. 0.9
- Review of Symbolic Logic ca. 0.9
- Kant-Studien ca. 0.9
- Developing World Bioethics ca. 0.9
- Religion ca. 0.9
- Medical History ca. 0.9
- Osiris ca. 0.9
112 Erkenntnis ca. 0.8
- American Philosophical Quarterly ca. 0.8
- Philosophy ca. 0.8
- Journal of Nietzsche Studies ca. 0.8
- Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education ca. 0.8
- Gesta-International Center of Medieval Art ca. 0.8
- Law and Philosophy ca. 0.8
- Journal of Contemporary Religion ca. 0.8
- Modern Theology ca. 0.8
- Technology and Culture ca. 0.8
- Archive for the Psychology of Religion-Archiv fuer Religionspsychologie ca. 0.8
- Journal of the American Philosophical Association ca. 0.8
- Husserl Studies ca. 0.8
- Southern Journal of Philosophy ca. 0.8
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy ca. 0.8
- Human Studies ca. 0.8
- Journal of the American Academy of Religion ca. 0.8
- History of the Human Sciences ca. 0.8
- Theoria-Revista de Teoria Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia ca. 0.8
131 Politics Religion & Ideology ca. 0.7
- ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ca. 0.7
- European Journal of Philosophy ca. 0.7
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies ca. 0.7
- East Asian Science Technology and Society-An International Journal ca. 0.7
- Journal of the History of Biology ca. 0.7
- Welt des Islams ca. 0.7
- Numen-International Review for the History of Religions ca. 0.7
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science ca. 0.7
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences ca. 0.7
- Early Medieval Europe ca. 0.7
- Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming ca. 0.7
- Journal of Logic and Computation ca. 0.7
- Journal of Philosophical Logic ca. 0.7
- Journal of Applied Philosophy ca. 0.7
- Journal of Logic Language and Information ca. 0.7
- British Journal of Religious Education ca. 0.7
- Nexus Network Journal ca. 0.7
- British Journal of Aesthetics ca. 0.7
- Religions ca. 0.7
- Dead Sea Discoveries ca. 0.7
- AJS Review-The Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies ca. 0.7
- British Journal for the History of Science ca. 0.7
- Archive for History of Exact Sciences ca. 0.7
- Bulletin of Symbolic Logic ca. 0.7
156 Monist ca. 0.6
- Ratio ca. 0.6
- Analytic Philosophy ca. 0.6
- Philosophy & Social Criticism ca. 0.6
- Teaching Philosophy ca. 0.6
- Theological Studies ca. 0.6
- Studies in World Christianity ca. 0.6
- Zygon ca. 0.6
- Social History of Medicine ca. 0.6
- Theology and Science ca. 0.6
- English Literary Renaissance ca. 0.6
- Annals of Pure and Applied Logic ca. 0.6
- Philosophical Issues ca. 0.6
- Studia Logica ca. 0.6
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences ca. 0.6
- Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic ca. 0.6
- Journal of Value Inquiry ca. 0.6
- Journal of Biblical Literature ca. 0.6
- Ecclesiastical Law Journal ca. 0.6
- Journal for the Study of Judaism ca. 0.6
- Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte ca. 0.6
- Logic Journal of the Igpl ca. 0.6
178 IEEE Annals of the History of Computing ca. 0.5
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion ca. 0.5
- Axiomathes ca. 0.5
- Ergo-An Open Access Journal of Philosophy ca. 0.5
- Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie ca. 0.5
- Journal of Philosophical Research ca. 0.5
- History and Philosophy of Logic ca. 0.5
- Plainsong & Medieval Music ca. 0.5
- Asian Philosophy ca. 0.5
- Islam-Zeitschrift fuer Geschichte und Kultur des Islamischen Orients ca. 0.5
- Religious Studies ca. 0.5
- Nova Religio-Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions ca. 0.5
- HTS Teologiese Studies-Theological Studies ca. 0.5
- Journal for the Study of the New Testament ca. 0.5
- Horizons ca. 0.5
- Centaurus ca. 0.5
- Early Science and Medicine ca. 0.5
- Journal of Symbolic Logic ca. 0.5
- Ethik in der Medizin ca. 0.5
- Ethics & Global Politics ca. 0.5
- Philosophical Papers ca. 0.5
- Midwest Studies in Philosophy ca. 0.5
- Philosophia ca. 0.5
- History of European Ideas ca. 0.5
- Sophia ca. 0.5
- Endeavour ca. 0.5
- Dao-A Journal of Comparative Philosophy ca. 0.5
- Muslim World ca. 0.5
- Review of Faith & International Affairs ca. 0.5
- Method & Theory in the Study of Religion ca. 0.5
- Journal of Religious Ethics ca. 0.5
- New Testament Studies ca. 0.5
- Harvard Theological Review ca. 0.5
- Historia Mathematica ca. 0.5
- Historia Ciencias Saude-Manguinhos ca. 0.5
- Chaucer Review ca. 0.5
- Exemplaria-Medieval Early Modern Theory ca. 0.5
215 Metaphilosophy ca. 0.4
- Phronesis-A Journal for Ancient Philosophy ca. 0.4
- Philosophical Investigations ca. 0.4
- Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences ca. 0.4
- Religious Education ca. 0.4
- Journal of Anglican Studies ca. 0.4
- Journal of Religion ca. 0.4
- Novum Testamentum ca. 0.4
- Agricultural History ca. 0.4
- Notes and Records-The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science ca. 0.4
- Nuncius-Journal of the History of Science ca. 0.4
- Algebra and Logic ca. 0.4
- Traditio-Studies in Ancient and Medieval History Thought and Religion ca. 0.4
- Journal of the Philosophy of History ca. 0.4
- European Journal for Philosophy of Religion ca. 0.4
- Film-Philosophy ca. 0.4
- Journal of Indian Philosophy ca. 0.4
- Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations ca. 0.4
- Nordic Journal of Religion and Society ca. 0.4
- International Journal of Public Theology ca. 0.4
- Journal of Jewish Studies ca. 0.4
- Tyndale Bulletin ca. 0.4
- Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia ca. 0.4
- Al-Qantara ca. 0.4
- Logica Universalis ca. 0.4
- Archive for Mathematical Logic ca. 0.4
- Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies ca. 0.4
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies ca. 0.4
- Journal of Psychology and Theology ca. 0.4
244 Acta Analytica-International Periodical for Philosophy in the Analytical Tradition ca. 0.3
- Res Philosophica ca. 0.3
- Philosophy Today ca. 0.3
- Organon F ca. 0.3
- Deleuze and Guattari Studies ca. 0.3
- Studia Phaenomenologica ca. 0.3
- Philosophisches Jahrbuch ca. 0.3
- Filozofia Nauki ca. 0.3
- Journal of the History of the Neurosciences ca. 0.3
- International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics ca. 0.3
- Earth Sciences History ca. 0.3
- Material Religion ca. 0.3
- Journal of Church and State ca. 0.3
- International Journal of Hindu Studies ca. 0.3
- Studies in Christian Ethics ca. 0.3
- Feminist Theology ca. 0.3
- Studies in Religion-Sciences Religieuses ca. 0.3
- Church History ca. 0.3
- Biblical Interpretation-A Journal of Contemporary Approaches ca. 0.3
- Journal of Religious History ca. 0.3
- Journal for the History of Astronomy ca. 0.3
- Journal of Medical Biography ca. 0.3
- Journal of Medieval History ca. 0.3
- Al-Masaq-Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean ca. 0.3
- Renaissance Studies ca. 0.3
- Cryptologia ca. 0.3
- Philosophy and Rhetoric ca. 0.3
- Theoria-A Swedish Journal of Philosophy ca. 0.3
- Filosofija-Sociologija ca. 0.3
- Journal of Speculative Philosophy ca. 0.3
- Philosophical Forum ca. 0.3
- American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly ca. 0.3
- Studies in East European Thought ca. 0.3
- International Philosophical Quarterly ca. 0.3
- Social Philosophy & Policy ca. 0.3
- Imago Mundi-The International Journal for the History of Cartography ca. 0.3
- Islamic Law and Society ca. 0.3
- Japanese Journal of Religious Studies ca. 0.3
- Journal for the Study of the Old Testament ca. 0.3
- Vetus Testamentum ca. 0.3
- Studia Theologica-Czech Republic ca. 0.3
- History of Religions ca. 0.3
- Journal of Theological Studies ca. 0.3
- Journal of Ecclesiastical History ca. 0.3
- Vigiliae Christianae ca. 0.3
- Ambix ca. 0.3
- Archives of Natural History ca. 0.3
- Dynamis ca. 0.3
- Journal of English and Germanic Philology ca. 0.3
- Medieval History Journal ca. 0.3
- Seventeenth Century ca. 0.3
- Anuario de Estudios Medievales ca. 0.3
296 Voprosy Filosofii ca. 0.2
- Problemos ca. 0.2
- Pensamiento ca. 0.2
- Etudes Philosophiques ca. 0.2
- Journal of the British Archaeological Association ca. 0.2
- Christian Bioethics ca. 0.2
- South African Journal of Philosophy ca. 0.2
- Journal of Chinese Philosophy ca. 0.2
- Oxford Literary Review ca. 0.2
- Transactions of the Charles S Peirce Society ca. 0.2
- Manuscrito ca. 0.2
- Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie ca. 0.2
- Irish Theological Quarterly ca. 0.2
- Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft ca. 0.2
- Theology Today ca. 0.2
- Arabica ca. 0.2
- Exchange-Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context ca. 0.2
- Hispania Sacra ca. 0.2
- Biblische Zeitschrift ca. 0.2
- Revue de l'Histoire des Religions ca. 0.2
- Expository Times ca. 0.2
- NTM ca. 0.2
- Interpretation-A Journal of Bible and Theology ca. 0.2
- Literature and Theology ca. 0.2
- Byzantinische Zeitschrift ca. 0.2
- Neue Zeitschrift fuer Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie ca. 0.2
- Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia ca. 0.2
- Isegoria ca. 0.2
- Kriterion-Revista de Filosofia ca. 0.2
- Postmedieval-A Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies ca. 0.2
- Augustinian Studies ca. 0.2
- Pluralist ca. 0.2
- Research in Phenomenology ca. 0.2
- Dialogue-Canadian Philosophical Review ca. 0.2
- Filozofia ca. 0.2
- International Journal of Systematic Theology ca. 0.2
- Journal of Quranic Studies ca. 0.2
- Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics ca. 0.2
- British Catholic History ca. 0.2
- Acta Theologica ca. 0.2
- East European Jewish Affairs ca. 0.2
- Dialog-A Journal of Theology ca. 0.2
- Historical Records of Australian Science ca. 0.2
- Zeitschrift fuer Theologie und Kirche ca. 0.2
- Asclepio-Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia ca. 0.2
- Renaissance and Reformation ca. 0.2
342 Rivista di Estetica ca. 0.1
- International Journal of the Platonic Tradition ca. 0.1
- Zeitschrift fuer Philosophische Forschung ca. 0.1
- Telos ca. 0.1
- Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia ca. 0.1
- Ideas y Valores ca. 0.1
- Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger ca. 0.1
- Revue d'Histoire Ecclesiastique ca. 0.1
- Ecumenical Review ca. 0.1
- Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament ca. 0.1
- Sefarad ca. 0.1
- Religious Studies Review ca. 0.1
- Moyen Age ca. 0.1
- Trans-Form-Acao ca. 0.1
- Heythrop Journal ca. 0.1
- Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Theologiques ca. 0.1
- Philosophia-International Journal of Philosophy ca. 0.1
- Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie ca. 0.1
- Cultura-International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology ca. 0.1
- Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale ca. 0.1
- Philosophische Rundschau ca. 0.1
- Zeitschrift fuer die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der alteren Kirche ca. 0.1
- Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion ca. 0.1
- Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik ca. 0.1
- Zeitschrift fuer Antikes Christentum-Journal of Ancient Christianity ca. 0.1
- Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses ca. 0.1
368 Contemporary Pragmatism ca. 0
- Laval Theologique et Philosophique ca. 0
- Zeitschrift fuer Religions-Und Geistesgeschichte ca. 0
- Viator-Medieval and Renaissance Studies ca. 0
- Filozofska Istrazivanja ca. 0
- Religion and the Arts ca. 0
- Medium Aevum ca. 0
- Cahiers de Civilisation Medievale ca. 0