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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Computer Assisted Language Learning13
- Recall13
- Pragmatics13
4 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics11
5 System8
- Journal of Memory and Language8
7 Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools7
- Language Teaching7
- Annual Review of Linguistics7
- RELC Journal7
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition7
12 Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research6
- Language Teaching Research6
- Brain and Language6
- English for Specific Purposes6
- Research on Language and Social Interaction6
- Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching6
- American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology6
- Assessing Writing6
- Journal of Communication Disorders6
21 Language Awareness5
- Language Learning5
- Modern Language Journal5
- TESOL Quarterly5
- Journal of English for Academic Purposes5
- Journal of Language and Social Psychology5
- Language Culture and Curriculum5
- Applied Psycholinguistics5
- Journal of Phonetics5
30 Journal of Pragmatics4
- Aphasiology4
- Applied Linguistics Review4
- Metaphor and Symbol4
- Current Issues in Language Planning4
- International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism4
- International Journal of Corpus Linguistics4
- International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology4
- Interpreter and Translator Trainer4
- Journal of Neurolinguistics4
- Journal of Second Language Writing4
- Language and Education4
- Language Assessment Quarterly4
- Language Cognition and Neuroscience4
- Language Learning and Development4
- Language Testing4
- Applied Linguistics4
- Linguistics and Education4
- Bilingualism-Language and Cognition4
- Second Language Research4
- Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching4
- International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders4
- Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development4
53 Journal of Semantics3
- Language and Intercultural Communication3
- Language and Speech3
- Language & Communication3
- Linguistics3
- Linguistics and Philosophy3
- Cognitive Linguistics3
- Natural Language Engineering3
- Interaction Studies3
- Journal of Child Language3
- Journal of Fluency Disorders3
- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research3
- Language Policy3
- Language Sciences3
- Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism3
- Mind & Language3
- Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics3
- Multilingua-Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication3
- ELT Journal3
- First Language3
- Foreign Language Annals3
- Intercultural Pragmatics3
- International Journal of Bilingualism3
- Target-International Journal of Translation Studies3
- International Journal of Multilingualism3
- Topics in Language Disorders3
- International Multilingual Research Journal3
- IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching3
- Journal of Language Identity and Education3
- Journal of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture3
83 Journal of Quantitative Linguistics2
- Language and Cognition2
- Language Variation and Change2
- Linguistic Inquiry2
- Linguistic Typology2
- English Teaching-Practice and Critique2
- Signs and Society2
- Studies in Language2
- Journal of Sociolinguistics2
- Language Acquisition2
- Lingua2
- Linguistics Vanguard2
- Literacy2
- Canadian Modern Language Review-Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes2
- Communication Disorders Quarterly2
- Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory2
- Natural Language & Linguistic Theory2
- Perspectives-Studies in Translation Theory and Practice2
- Phonology2
- Gender and Language2
- Glossa-A Journal of General Linguistics2
- Social Semiotics2
- Text & Talk2
- Journal of English Linguistics2
- Journal of Language and Politics2
108 Langages1
- Language & History1
- Language Matters1
- Language Problems & Language Planning1
- Acta Linguistica Academica1
- American Speech1
- Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series-Themes in Translation Studies1
- Argumentation1
- Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies1
- Babel-Revue Internationale de la Traduction-International Journal of Translation1
- Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion1
- Names-A Journal of Onomastics1
- Nordic Journal of Linguistics1
- Digital Scholarship in the Humanities1
- Phonetica1
- Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics1
- Pragmatics and Society1
- English World-Wide1
- European Journal of English Studies1
- Folia Linguistica1
- Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada1
- Functions of Language1
- Gesture1
- Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies1
- Theoretical Linguistics1
- Translation Studies1
- World Englishes1
- Journal of Germanic Linguistics1
- Journal of Linguistic Anthropology1
- Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages1
- Journal of the International Phonetic Association1
- Language and Literature1
- Language in Society1
- Across Languages and Cultures1
- Linguistic Review1
- Australian Journal of Linguistics1
- Narrative Inquiry1
- Diachronica1
- English Language & Linguistics1
- English Today1
- Pragmatics & Cognition1
- Review of Cognitive Linguistics1
- Revista Signos1
- Spanish in Context1
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics1
- Syntax-A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research1
- Translation and Interpreting Studies1
- Translator1
- Journal of French Language Studies1
- Journal of Linguistics1
158 RILCE-Revista de Filologia Hispanica0
- Historiographia Linguistica0
- International Journal of American Linguistics0
- International Journal of Lexicography0
- Estudios Filologicos0