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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 Computers & Education30
2 Educational Psychologist27
3 International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education23
4 Educational Research Review21
5 Review of Educational Research18
6 Internet and Higher Education16
7 British Journal of Educational Technology15
8 International Journal of Stem Education14
- Computer Assisted Language Learning14
10 Journal of Educational Computing Research13
11 Journal of Research on Technology in Education12
- International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning12
- Recall12
14 Educational Researcher11
- Learning and Instruction11
- Comunicar11
17 Journal of the Learning Sciences10
- ETR&D-Educational Technology Research and Development10
- Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education10
- Distance Education10
- Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education10
22 Education and Training9
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education9
- Reading Research Quarterly9
- Thinking Skills and Creativity9
- Journal of Science Education and Technology9
- International Journal of Management Education9
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning9
- Studies in Educational Evaluation9
30 Journal of Research in Science Teaching8
- Journal of Engineering Education8
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly8
- Physical Review Physics Education Research8
- System8
- Teaching and Teacher Education8
- Technology Pedagogy and Education8
- Education and Information Technologies8
- Learning Media and Technology8
- European Physical Education Review8
- Metacognition and Learning8
- Higher Education8
- Higher Education Research & Development8
- American Educational Research Journal8
- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education8
- Australasian Journal of Educational Technology8
- Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy8
- Teacher Education and Special Education8
- Teaching in Higher Education8
49 Journal of Professional Capital and Community7
- Educational Studies in Mathematics7
- Journal of Teacher Education7
- European Journal of Teacher Education7
- Comparative Education7
- Interactive Learning Environments7
- Academy of Management Learning & Education7
- AERA Open7
- Journal of Literacy Research7
- Sociology of Education7
59 Educational Psychology6
- Language Culture and Curriculum6
- Language Teaching Research6
- Learning Culture and Social Interaction6
- European Educational Research Journal6
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning6
- Medical Education Online6
- Instructional Science6
- Advances in Health Sciences Education6
- Cambridge Journal of Education6
- Journal of Diversity in Higher Education6
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education6
- Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability6
- Science Education6
- Scientific Studies of Reading6
- Educational Management Administration & Leadership6
- Educational Research6
- Journal of Studies in International Education6
- Language Teaching6
- Environmental Education Research6
- IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies6
- International Journal of Science Education6
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education6
- Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension6
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice6
- Journal of Education Policy6
- Journal of Higher Education6
- Educational Administration Quarterly6
- ZDM-Mathematics Education6
88 Educational Policy5
- Education Finance and Policy5
- Minerva5
- npj Science of Learning5
- Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching5
- Active Learning in Higher Education5
- International Journal of Educational Research5
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education5
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education5
- BMC Medical Education5
- Journal of Environmental Education5
- Journal of Geography in Higher Education5
- Race Ethnicity and Education5
- Studies in Higher Education5
- Journal of Research in Reading5
- Language Learning5
- Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science5
- Gender and Education5
- Modern Language Journal5
- Oxford Review of Education5
- International Journal of Educational Development5
- Asia-Pacific Education Researcher5
- Assessing Writing5
- Journal of Curriculum Studies5
- Journal of Educational Administration5
- Journal of Educational Change5
- Journal of Educational Research5
- Journal of English for Academic Purposes5
- Early Education and Development5
- Economics of Education Review5
- Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis5
- Professional Development in Education5
- Reading and Writing5
- Research in Science Education5
- Research Papers in Education5
- RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion A Distancia5
- School Effectiveness and School Improvement5
- Science & Education5
- Sport Education and Society5
- TESOL Quarterly5
- Urban Education5
129 Journal of Research in Music Education4
- Journal of School Violence4
- Educational Review4
- Elementary School Journal4
- Linguistics and Education4
- Foreign Language Annals4
- Health Education Research4
- Higher Education Policy4
- International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies4
- AIDS Education and Prevention4
- International Journal of Inclusive Education4
- American Journal of Education4
- International Journal of Multilingualism4
- Asia Pacific Education Review4
- International Review of Economics Education4
- Australian Educational Researcher4
- Irish Educational Studies4
- British Journal of Sociology of Education4
- Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics4
- Critical Studies in Education4
- Cultural Studies of Science Education4
- Journal of Education for Teaching4
- Current Issues in Language Planning4
- Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education4
- Journal of Moral Education4
- Research in Higher Education4
- Research in Science & Technological Education4
- Revista de Psicodidactica4
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research4
- Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning4
- Teachers and Teaching4
- Vocations and Learning4
- Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness4
- Journal of School Health4
- Educational Studies4
- Journal of Teaching in Physical Education4
- Language and Education4
- ELT Journal4
- International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism4
- Assessment in Education-Principles Policy & Practice4
- International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning4
- British Educational Research Journal4
- Early Childhood Education Journal4
- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education4
- Second Language Research4
- Teachers College Record4
- Theory Into Practice4
176 Journal of Social Work Education3
- Mind Brain and Education3
- International Journal for Academic Development3
- International Journal of Art & Design Education3
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education3
- Australasian Journal of Early Childhood3
- Journal of American College Health3
- Compare-A Journal of Comparative and International Education3
- Journal of Economic Education3
- Early Child Development and Care3
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management3
- Journal of Language Identity and Education3
- Educacion XX13
- Psicologia Educativa3
- Reading & Writing Quarterly3
- Studies in Continuing Education3
- Theory and Research in Social Education3
- Zeitschrift fuer Erziehungswissenschaft3
- Educational Philosophy and Theory3
- Education and Urban Society3
- European Early Childhood Education Research Journal3
- European Journal of Education3
- Mind Culture and Activity3
- Health Education Journal3
- Music Education Research3
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International3
- International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance3
- International Journal of Music Education3
- Asia Pacific Journal of Education3
- International Multilingual Research Journal3
- Australian Journal of Education3
- Journal of Baltic Science Education3
- Journal of Biological Education3
- Curriculum Inquiry3
- Journal of Experimental Education3
- Quest3
212 Educational Gerontology2
- Educational Measurement-Issues and Practice2
- Language Policy2
- Harvard Educational Review2
- Academic Psychiatry2
- Applied Measurement in Education2
- Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy2
- British Journal of Educational Studies2
- Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education2
- Journal of College Student Development2
- Early Years2
- South African Journal of Education2
- Teaching of Psychology2
- Journal of Philosophy of Education2
- Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools2
- Egitim ve Bilim-Education and Science2
- English Teaching-Practice and Critique2
- Literacy2
- Adult Education Quarterly2
- IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching2
- British Journal of Religious Education2
- Comparative Education Review2
- Journal of Early Childhood Literacy2
- Culture and Education2
- Reading Teacher2
- Review of Higher Education2
238 English in Education1
- Ensenanza de las Ciencias1
- Movimento-Porto Alegre1
- Paedagogica Historica1
- British Journal of Music Education1
- Phi Delta Kappan1
- RIDE-The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance1
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics1
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly1
- Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje1
- Studies in Philosophy and Education1
- Teaching Sociology1
250 History of Education0
- Cadmo0
- Revista Espanola de Pedagogia0