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TQCC Average citations Median citations H4-Index Number of Papers
(Using publications from roughly 2020-06-01 to 2024-06-01)
Rank Journal Value
1 BMC Medical Education3472
2 Education and Information Technologies2523
3 Revista Espanola de Pedagogia2449
4 Journal of American College Health1329
5 Teaching and Teacher Education1141
6 Interactive Learning Environments990
7 System856
8 Thinking Skills and Creativity782
9 Computers & Education762
10 Academic Psychiatry735
11 Higher Education685
12 Phi Delta Kappan649
13 Educational Philosophy and Theory643
14 International Journal of Educational Development641
15 Early Childhood Education Journal613
16 Journal of School Health597
17 ETR&D-Educational Technology Research and Development594
18 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning589
19 Studies in Higher Education552
20 International Journal of Science Education547
21 British Journal of Educational Technology543
22 Language Teaching Research537
23 International Journal of Educational Research523
24 Higher Education Research & Development513
25 Reading and Writing496
26 International Journal of Inclusive Education477
27 Physical Review Physics Education Research471
- International Journal of Management Education471
29 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education468
30 Environmental Education Research462
31 Early Childhood Research Quarterly457
32 Teachers College Record454
33 Reading Teacher442
34 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies433
35 Journal of Philosophy of Education431
36 Asia Pacific Journal of Education428
37 Journal of Diversity in Higher Education423
38 Educational Review422
39 ZDM-Mathematics Education421
40 Learning and Instruction414
41 British Educational Research Journal412
42 Early Child Development and Care399
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International399
44 Studies in Educational Evaluation398
45 Science & Education393
46 Economics of Education Review385
47 International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism380
48 International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education374
- Educational Studies in Mathematics374
50 TESOL Quarterly373
51 Teaching in Higher Education369
52 Medical Education Online364
53 Advances in Health Sciences Education362
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research362
55 Journal of Research in Science Teaching361
- Journal of Teaching in Physical Education361
57 Journal of English for Academic Purposes359
58 British Journal of Sociology of Education352
59 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education351
60 Sport Education and Society348
61 Asia-Pacific Education Researcher347
62 AERA Open346
63 Early Education and Development342
64 South African Journal of Education341
65 Asia Pacific Education Review330
- Linguistics and Education330
67 Compare-A Journal of Comparative and International Education329
- Journal of Baltic Science Education329
69 International Journal of Multilingualism326
70 Australian Educational Researcher323
71 Educational Management Administration & Leadership320
72 Foreign Language Annals318
73 Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy314
74 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal310
- Modern Language Journal310
76 International Journal of Technology and Design Education309
77 Journal of Language Identity and Education303
78 Journal of Education for Teaching302
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice302
80 European Journal of Education301
81 Comparative Education Review299
82 ELT Journal298
83 Learning Culture and Social Interaction296
84 Zeitschrift fuer Erziehungswissenschaft295
85 Science Education294
- Computer Assisted Language Learning294
87 History of Education292
88 Educational Measurement-Issues and Practice291
89 IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching290
90 Health Education Journal289
91 Professional Development in Education286
- Irish Educational Studies286
93 Urban Education280
94 Paedagogica Historica277
- International Journal of Applied Linguistics277
96 Educational Gerontology276
- Journal of Social Work Education276
98 Educational Researcher274
- Language Learning274
100 Journal of Engineering Education273
101 Teachers and Teaching272
102 Journal of Educational Computing Research267
- European Journal of Teacher Education267
- International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education267
105 International Journal of Stem Education265
- Assessing Writing265
107 Journal of Science Education and Technology263
108 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy258
109 Education and Training257
110 Teaching Sociology254
111 Teaching of Psychology249
112 Reading Research Quarterly246
113 Journal of Biological Education245
114 Language and Education243
115 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology242
116 Cultural Studies of Science Education239
117 Journal of Research on Technology in Education235
- Sex Education-Sexuality Society and Learning235
119 Research in Science Education234
- Educational Psychology234
121 Academy of Management Learning & Education232
122 British Journal of Educational Studies231
- International Journal of Music Education231
124 Movimento-Porto Alegre229
125 International Journal of Art & Design Education226
126 Oxford Review of Education225
- International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning225
- Egitim ve Bilim-Education and Science225
129 Race Ethnicity and Education220
130 Journal of College Student Development218
- Research in Science & Technological Education218
- Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje218
133 RIDE-The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance215
134 Studies in Philosophy and Education213
- International Journal for Academic Development213
136 Language Teaching212
137 Learning Media and Technology210
138 European Educational Research Journal207
139 Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education204
- Educational Studies204
141 Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education203
- Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management203
- Educational Research Review203
144 Music Education Research201
145 Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education200
146 Early Years199
- European Physical Education Review199
148 Educational Policy198
149 International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance195
- Gender and Education195
151 Journal of Curriculum Studies194
152 Research in Higher Education193
153 Journal of Education Policy189
- Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis189
155 Education and Urban Society188
156 Anthropology & Education Quarterly185
157 Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching184
- npj Science of Learning184
159 Mind Brain and Education183
160 Journal of Geography in Higher Education182
161 Journal of Educational Administration178
162 Journal of Experimental Education177
163 Comparative Education176
164 Theory Into Practice174
- British Journal of Religious Education174
- Journal of Higher Education174
167 Journal of School Violence168
- Technology Pedagogy and Education168
169 Journal of Teacher Education167
- Harvard Educational Review167
171 Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education165
- Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness165
173 Second Language Research164
- Health Education Research164
175 Higher Education Policy163
- Journal of Research in Reading163
177 Comunicar160
178 AIDS Education and Prevention158
179 Journal of Moral Education157
180 RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion A Distancia156
- Journal of Agricultural Education & Extension156
- Literacy156
183 Research Papers in Education155
- Journal of Economic Education155
- Metacognition and Learning155
186 Distance Education154
187 Journal of Educational Research153
188 Instructional Science150
189 Education Finance and Policy148
190 British Journal of Music Education147
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education147
- Language Policy147
193 Cambridge Journal of Education146
194 Journal of Marketing for Higher Education145
195 Theory and Research in Social Education143
196 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy142
197 Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics140
- English Teaching-Practice and Critique140
199 Educacion XX1139
- Journal of Studies in International Education139
201 Culture and Education138
- Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science138
203 Journal of Research in Music Education137
204 Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education135
- Elementary School Journal135
206 Ensenanza de las Ciencias133
207 Review of Educational Research131
208 Adult Education Quarterly130
209 Journal of Environmental Education128
- English in Education128
211 Reading & Writing Quarterly125
- American Educational Research Journal125
213 Scientific Studies of Reading122
214 Australasian Journal of Early Childhood120
- Assessment in Education-Principles Policy & Practice120
- Journal of Educational Change120
217 Minerva119
218 Review of Higher Education118
219 Critical Studies in Education117
220 Current Issues in Language Planning116
221 Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools115
222 Educational Research113
223 American Journal of Education112
- Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability112
225 Language Culture and Curriculum111
- Journal of Literacy Research111
227 International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies110
228 Internet and Higher Education109
229 Quest107
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning107
231 Journal of Professional Capital and Community106
- Studies in Continuing Education106
233 Curriculum Inquiry105
234 International Review of Economics Education104
235 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning100
- Mind Culture and Activity100
237 Recall98
238 Journal for Research in Mathematics Education94
239 Applied Measurement in Education93
- Vocations and Learning93
241 Active Learning in Higher Education91
242 Journal of the Learning Sciences90
243 School Effectiveness and School Improvement89
- Revista de Psicodidactica89
- Educational Psychologist89
246 International Multilingual Research Journal85
- Educational Administration Quarterly85
248 Sociology of Education84
249 Australian Journal of Education81
250 Psicologia Educativa74
251 Cadmo70
252 Teacher Education and Special Education63