Earthquake Spectra

(The median citation count of Earthquake Spectra is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Shake table testing of a full-scale three-story seismically resilient steel-framed building with reconfigurable lateral force-resisting systems82
Investment planning for earthquake-resilient electric power systems considering cascading outages71
“We ran outside and waited for it to come”: Resident experiences in response to a false earthquake early warning62
Book review: ¡Alerta!: Engineering on Shaky Ground56
Multi-angle and nonuniform ground motions on cable-stayed bridges54
Chilean liquefaction case history database44
Probabilistic seismic source location and magnitude via inverse analysis of paleoliquefaction evidence44
An algorithm to calibrate analytical models of multi-story buildings from vibration records41
Congestion and observability across interdependent power and telecommunication networks under seismic hazard41
An agent-based financing model for post-earthquake housing recovery: Quantifying recovery inequalities across income groups34
Reconnaissance of the 2022 Guanshan and Chihshang earthquakes in eastern Taiwan33
New probabilistic fault displacement hazard models for reverse faulting31
A framework for operationalizing the assessment of post-earthquake functional recovery of buildings31
Vibration-based temporary monitoring of a 253 m tall skew-plan building in Istanbul29
A seismologically consistent surface rupture length model for unbounded and width-limited events29
A refined simulation method of building earthquake evacuation processes considering multi-exits and time-variant velocities28
Erratum to NGA-east ground-motion characterization model part I: Summary of products and model development. Earthquake Spectra 37(S1): 1231–1282. DOI: 10.1177/8755293021101872326
Damage to monumental masonry buildings in Hatay and Osmaniye following the 2023 Turkey earthquake sequence: The role of wall geometry, construction quality, and material properties25
Predictive kappa (κ) models for Turkey: Regional effects and uncertainty analysis24
Shear wave velocity and site period measurements for the western portion of the Mexico City Basin following the Mw7.1 2017 Puebla–Morelos, Mexico, earthquake24
Context, culture, and cordons: The feasibility of post-earthquake cordons learned through a case study in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal21
Elevated collapse risk based on decaying aftershock hazard and damaged building fragilities20
Site characterization at Treasure Island and Delaney Park downhole arrays by heterogeneous data assimilation20
Mitigation of liquefaction triggering due to bio-gas-induced desaturation using element tests and the strain energy approach19
Influence of ground motion duration on the dynamic deformation capacity of reinforced concrete frame structures19
WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: From Source to Building Fragility: Post-event Assessment of the 2013 M7.1 Bohol Philippines Earthquake19
WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: Statistical Analysis of Japan Wood Frame Building Earthquake Debris Extent and Its Use in Road Networks in Japan19
From information to public preparedness in the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Examining risk communication outcomes in Metropolitan Portland, OR18
Implications of input ground-motion selection techniques on site response analyses for different tectonic settings18
An algorithm for spectrally matching bi-directional ground motions to a target RotD100 spectrum while maintaining the radial spectral acceleration pattern18
Fragility-based seismic assessment of traditional masonry buildings on Azores (Portugal) using simulated ground-motion records18
Ground motion models for shallow crustal and deep earthquakes in Hawaii and analyses of the 2018 M 6.9 Kalapana sequence18
Simulating post-disaster temporary housing needs for displaced households and out-of-town contractors17
How well can we predict earthquake site response so far? Site-specific approaches16
Host-region parameters for an adjustable model for crustal earthquakes to facilitate the implementation of the backbone approach to building ground-motion logic trees in probabilistic seismic hazard a16
Validating predicted site response in sedimentary basins from 3D ground motion simulations15
An analytical framework to assess earthquake-induced downtime and model recovery of buildings15
Ground motion model for Peninsular India using an artificial neural network15
Damped rigid substructure system for seismic protection of structures14
High-resolution post-earthquake recovery simulation: Impact of safety cordons14
A Texas-specific VS30 map incorporating geology and VS30 observations14
Fragility modeling practices and their implications on risk and resilience analysis: From the structure to the network scale14
Regional seismic velocity model for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains based on measured shear wave velocity, sediment thickness, and surface geology13
Empirical regressions for distributed faulting of dip-slip earthquakes13
Frequency-dependent site factors for the Icelandic strong-motion array from a Bayesian hierarchical model of the spatial distribution of spectral accelerations13
Adoption of seismic-resistant techniques in reconstructed housing in the aftermath of Nepal’s 2015 Gorkha earthquake13
Updating proxy-based site amplification map with in-situ data in Osaka, Japan: A Bayesian scheme based on uncertainty projected mapping13
Identification of optimal ground-motion intensity measures for assessing liquefaction triggering and lateral displacement of liquefiable sloping grounds13
Suggested earthquake insurance claim evaluation criteria for building damage caused by soil liquefaction in Taiwan13
Accounting for ground-motion uncertainty in empirical seismic fragility modeling13
A building imagery database for the calibration of machine learning algorithms13
Impact of initial stress field heterogeneity in dynamic soil–structure interaction13
Bayesian parameter estimation of duration-based variables used in post-earthquake building recovery modeling12
E-Cloud: Efficient seismic fragility assessment of structures based on enhanced cloud analysis12
Using an integrated dynamic economic model to support infrastructure investment decision-making12
Front Matter12
Coseismic surface ruptures of 20 strike-slip earthquakes measured from geodetic imaging data12
A relocated earthquake catalog and ground motion database for the southern East African rift system12
Modeling future economic costs and interdependent industry recovery after earthquakes12
Characterizing uncertainty of general building stock exposure data11
Modeling hospital resources based on global epidemiology after earthquake-related disasters11
Practitioner-friendly design method to improve the seismic performance of RC frame buildings11
Test program on stiffened column bases subjected to cyclic loading11
Rapid earthquake loss assessment based on machine learning and representative sampling11
Novel approach for energy-spectrum-based probabilistic seismic hazard analysis in regions with limited strong earthquake data11
Story loss functions for seismic design and assessment: Development of tools and application11
Seismic safety of informally constructed reinforced concrete houses in Puerto Rico11
Spectral acceleration basin amplification factors for interface Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes in Canada’s 2020 national seismic hazard model10
GMPE-consistent hard-rock site adjustment factors for Western North America10
Evaluation of reduced computational approaches to assessment of tsunami hazard and loss using stochastic source models: Case study for Tofino, British Columbia, Canada, subjected to Cascadia megathrus10
NGA-subduction global ground motion models with regional adjustment factors10
City-scale buildings damage estimation based on broadband physics-based ground motion simulation of 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi, China, earthquake10
A ground motion based procedure to identify the earthquakes that are the most relevant for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis10
Empirical ground-motion basin response in the California Great Valley, Reno, Nevada, and Portland, Oregon10
Risk-targeted hazard for seismic design in New Zealand considering individual and societal risk targets10
Combining observed linear basin amplification factors with 1D nonlinear site-response analyses to predict site response for strong ground motions: Application to Wellington, New Zealand10
A methodology to assess and select seismic fragility curves: Application to the case of Costa Rica10
A borehole array data–based approach for conducting 1D site response analyses II: Accounting for modeling errors10
Assessment of urban seismic resilience of a town in Eastern Turkiye: Turkoglu, Kahramanmaras before and after 6 February 2023 M 7.8 Kahramanmaras earthquake9
Seismic fragility assessment of reinforced concrete wall buildings in Colombia: Insights and implications for earthquake-resistant design9
A database of shake-table tests conducted on unreinforced masonry buildings9
Calibrating collapse and fatality rates for the assessment of fatalities due to earthquakes9
Hazard, exposure, fragility, and damage state homogenization of a virtual oil refinery testbed for seismic risk assessment9
Evaluating the impact of uncertainty in ground motion forecasts for post-earthquake impact modeling applications9
A simplified and versatile element model for elastomeric seismic isolation bearings8
Shear-wave velocity measurements and their uncertainties at six industrial sites8
Multi-criteria decision-making approach for optimal seismic/energy retrofitting of existing buildings8
WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: Vs-0 Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions used in Seismic Site Response Analyses8
A seismological method for estimating the long-period transition period TL in the seismic building code8
Front Matter8
System-wide seismic vulnerability of aging multiple-span multiple-girder bridges in low-to-moderate seismic hazard regions8
A spectral assessment for instant preliminary evaluation of structures after seismic events8
Experimental study and numerical simulation of precast segmental bridge columns with different design details for high seismic zones8
Monitoring of a rehabilitated building in soft soil in Mexico and structural response to the September 2017 earthquakes: Part 1: structural health monitoring system8
Seismic risk assessments for real estate portfolios: Impact of engineering investigation on quality of seismic risk studies8
An equivalent point-source stochastic model of the NGA-East ground-motion models8
A closer look at hazard-consistent ground motion record selection for building-specific risk assessment: Effect of soil characteristics and accelerograms’ scaling8
Effect of soft sediments modeling on the seismic response of a 3D mid-rise RC building: high-resolution physics-based ground-motion simulations and empirical factors8
Implementing the performance-based seismic design for new reinforced concrete structures: Comparison among ASCE/SEI 41, TBI, and LATBSDC8
Seismic performance and damage assessment of bridges during the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Türkiye earthquakes (Mw = 7.8, Mw = 7.6)8
PEER NGA-East database8
The Estimated Carbon Cost of Concrete Building Demolitions following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence7
Probabilistic approach for seismic microzonation integrating 3D geological and geotechnical uncertainty7
Directionality of FIV3 ground-motion intensities during the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye earthquake doublet7
Shear-wave velocity map for Pohang Basin, South Korea, based on the P-wave seismogram method7
The disaster resilience value of shared rooftop solar systems in residential communities7
Analysis of site-response residuals from empirical ground-motion models to account for observed sedimentary basin effects in Wellington, New Zealand7
Ground-motion models for Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes7
Three-dimensional numerical modeling of ground motion in the Valley of Mexico: A case study from the Mw3.2 earthquake of July 17, 20197
Seismic performance of a retrofitted heritage unreinforced masonry building during the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes7
The influence of multiple impedance contrasts on mHVSR site period estimates in the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand and implications for site classification7
Spectral matching RotD100: Effects on bidirectional lateral demand of reinforced concrete frame buildings7
Methods to account for shallow site effects in hybrid broadband ground-motion simulations7
An updated strong-motion database of Türkiye (SMD-TR)6
Methodology for determination of seismic force modification factors in Canada: Performance-based unified procedure6
Fault-displacement models for aggregate and principal displacements6
The 2018 update of the US National Seismic Hazard Model: Ground motion models in the central and eastern US6
Spatial correlation in ground motion prediction errors in Central and Eastern North America6
Evaluation of the P-wave seismogram approach to estimate VS30 in California6
Ground-motions site and event specificity: Insights from assessing a suite of simulated ground motions in the San Francisco Bay Area6
Site-specific selection of conditional spectrum-based motions through modified stochastic ground motion modeling6
Ergodic site response model for subduction zone regions6
Response and failure mechanism of utility tunnel with flexible joints under reverse fault: An experimental, numerical, and analytical investigation6
Dead people aren’t resilient6
How well can we predict earthquake site response so far? Machine learning vs physics-based modeling6
Development of mechanics-based fragility curves for the Italian masonry school asset6
Application of empirical and simulation-based site amplification models for Central and Eastern North America to selected sites6
Use of scenario earthquakes for seismic hazard assessment in low-seismicity, stable continental regions: A case study from Indiana, USA5
Geotechnical reconnaissance of an extensive cover-collapse sinkhole phenomena of 2020–2021 Petrinja earthquake sequence (Central Croatia)5
Design of computer experiments for developing seismic surrogate models5
2D Geotechnical site-response analysis including soil heterogeneity and wave scattering5
National liquefaction loss database and event-level fragility functions5
The US Geological Survey ground failure product: Near-real-time estimates of earthquake-triggered landslides and liquefaction5
A comparison of ground motions predicted through one-dimensional site response analyses and three-dimensional wave propagation simulations at regional scales5
Time-varying damping ratios and velocities in a high-rise during earthquakes and ambient vibrations from coda wave interferometry5
A comparative study of seismic analysis, design, and collapse safety margins of tall buildings in the United States and Japan: Part II: comparison of seismic capacity and collapse safety margin5
Subsurface imaging dataset acquired at the Garner Valley Downhole Array site using a dense network of three-component nodal stations5
Effect of bidirectional excitation on seismic performance of regular RC frame buildings designed for modern codes5
Impact of ground-motion duration on nonlinear structural performance: Part I: spectrally equivalent records and inelastic single-degree-of-freedom systems5
A database of ground motion recordings, site profiles, and amplification factors from the Groningen gas field in the Netherlands5
Deep neural network–powered ground-motion models for acceleration spectrum intensity, Housner’s spectrum intensity, and displacement spectrum intensity5
Large-scale building damage assessment based on recurrent neural networks using SAR coherence time series: A case study of 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquake5
Consequences of consequence models: The impact of economies of scale on seismic loss estimates5
Time-dependent seismic hazard and risk due to wastewater injection in Oklahoma5
Bayesian analysis of ground motion models using chimney fragility curves: 2021, 5.9-Mw Woods Point intraplate earthquake, Victoria, Australia5
Generation of numerical-based capacity fragility curves for different aspect ratios of full-connection gypsum partition walls5
Large-scale damage assessment of buildings considering SSI and site amplification: The case of Thessaloniki5
Regional attenuation models in Central and Eastern North America using the NGA-East database5
Motivators and impediments to seismic retrofit implementation for wood-frame soft-story buildings: A case study in California5
Multi-method site characterization to verify the hard rock (Site Class A) assumption at 25 seismograph stations across Eastern Canada5
Conducting 1D site response analyses to capture 2D VS spatial variability effects5
Performance of water systems during the February 6th Kahramanmaras earthquakes4
Sensitivity of the conditional period selection in the structural response using the CMS as target spectrum4
Horizontal ground-motion model for subduction slab earthquakes using offshore ground motions in the Japan Trench area4
Experimental-based numerical simulation of interacting suspended ceiling-sprinkler piping systems4
Self-centering seismic-resistant structures: Historical overview and state-of-the-art4
Southern California basin and non-basin classification algorithm for ground-motion site amplification model applications4
Performance evaluation of the USGS velocity model for the San Francisco Bay Area4
Correlations between spectrum-based and other ground-motion intensity measures considering various damping ratios4
Site-response high-frequency frontiers and the added value of site-specific earthquake record-based measurements of velocity and attenuation4
Evolution of seismic design codes of highway bridges in Chile4
Three-dimensional path-effect model to simulate ground motion attenuation on the Korean Peninsula4
Probabilistic seismic damage and loss assessment methodology for wastewater network incorporating modeling uncertainty and damage correlations4
Liquefaction-induced ground and building interactions in İskenderun from the 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence4
An equivalent damping ratio that accounts for ground-motion spectral shape for displacement-based design of flag-shaped hysteresis systems4
Probabilistic seismic risk assessment for the Eastern Himalayas, China4
Power demands of structures from the Mw 7.8 earthquake of 6 February 2023 in Türkiye4
Data-Driven Insights Into Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance Findings: 2023 Türkiye Earthquake Sequence4
Reconnaissance-Informed Post-Earthquake Functional Recovery: Observations and Challenges4
Variability and uncertainty of variance components in fixed-effects and mixed-effects ground-motion models4
A regionalized partially nonergodic ground-motion model for subduction earthquakes using the NGA-Sub database4
Integration of rupture directivity models for the US National Seismic Hazard Model4
WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: Statistical Analysis of Japan Wood Frame Building Earthquake Debris Extent and Its Use in Road Networks in Japan4
Mitigating injection-induced seismicity to reduce seismic risk4
The 2023 Alaska National Seismic Hazard Model4
Impact of ground motion uncertainty evolution from post-earthquake data on building damage assessment4
Simplified solution for seismic earth pressures exerted on flexible walls4
Tsunami hazard evaluation of river embankment structures incorporating their vulnerability to seismic strong motion4
Spatial distribution of damage potential of the 2023 Pazarcik Turkey earthquake using inelastic-response spectra of recorded and simulated ground motions4
Rapid Building Damage Estimates From the M7.8 Turkey Earthquake Sequence via Causality-Informed Bayesian Inference From Satellite Imagery4
Shake table tests of seven-story reinforced concrete structures with torsional irregularities: Test program and datasets4
Book review: Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis4
A model for partially dependent component damage fragilities in seismic risk analysis4
A fragility-oriented approach for seismic retrofit design4
An offshore non-ergodic ground motion model for subduction earthquakes in Japan Trench area3
A procedure for matching the near-fault ground motions based on spectral accelerations and instantaneous power3
Selection of random vibration theory procedures for the NGA-East project and ground-motion modeling3
Simulation of near-fault ground motions for randomized directivity parameters3
Effects of probability model misspecification on the number of ground motions required for seismic performance assessment3
Reducing the uncertainties in the NGA-West2 ground motion models by incorporating the frequency and amplitude of the fundamental peak of the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio of surface ground mot3
Data-driven seismic response prediction of structural components3
Toward functional recovery performance in the seismic design of modern tall buildings3
ASCE/SEI 41 assessment of reinforced concrete buildings: Benchmarking nonlinear dynamic procedures with empirical damage observations3
Site parameters applied in NGA-Sub database3
Database for the Fault Displacement Hazard Initiative Project3
Site effects of the Denis-Perron dam (SM-3): A case study in Eastern North America3
Regional-scale fault-to-structure earthquake simulations with the EQSIM framework: Workflow maturation and computational performance on GPU-accelerated exascale platforms3
Performance-based earthquake early warning for tall buildings3
Quantifying the potential benefits of risk-mitigation strategies on present and future seismic losses in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal3
ASCE/SEI 41 assessment of reinforced concrete buildings: Benchmarking linear procedures and FEMA P-2018 with empirical damage observations3
A national seismic risk model for Canada: Methodology and scientific basis3
Inelastic seismic shear amplification due to higher mode effects in reinforced concrete coupled walls3
Statistical analysis and modeling to examine the exterior and interior building damage pertaining to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake3
Seismic design of concrete structures for damage control3
Machine learning–based ground motion models for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions3
Regression-based scenario earthquake selection for regional hazard-consistent risk assessments3
Sociodemographic analysis of unbraced unbolted cripple wall retrofits in the City of Los Angeles3
An analytical model for 2D seismic tunnel-aboveground structure interaction with considering the influence of tunnel longitudinal shear deformation3
Sharing data and code facilitates reproducible and impactful research3
A database and empirical model for earthquake post-loss amplification3
Site-specific adjustment framework for incremental dynamic analysis (SAF-IDA)3
Discussion of Post-earthquake fast damage assessment using residual displacement and seismic energy: Application to Mexico City3
Steel flexure and shear yielding base-mechanism for enhanced seismic resilience of RC core wall high-rise structures3
WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: A Call to Refocus Research Goals for the Development of Seismic Optimization Methods3
Factor Prioritization in FEMA P-58 Loss Estimation2
Book review: The blessings of disaster2
Dynamic updating of post-earthquake damage and functional restoration forecasts of water distribution systems using Bayesian inferencing2
Impact of ground motion directionality (RotDnn) on the coupled and uncoupled inelastic response of RC circular cantilever columns2
Vulnerability of suspension bridges to spatially variable vertical ground motions2
Factors affecting earthquake responders’ building damage information needs and use2
Causal inference on observational data: Opportunities and challenges in earthquake engineering2
Local residents’ immediate responses to the 2018 Indonesia earthquake and tsunami2
Exploring Australian hazard map exceedance using an Atlas of historical ShakeMaps2
Design of tie-columns in confined masonry structures for lateral loads2
Impact of parameter selection on seismic loss and recovery time estimates: A variance-based sensitivity analysis2
A frequency-domain beamforming procedure for extracting Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients and small-strain damping ratio from 2D ambient noise array measurements2
Earthquake-triggered ground-failure inventory associated with the M7.1 2018 Southcentral Alaska earthquake2
Data analytics to investigate the cohort of injection wells with earthquakes in Oklahoma2
Seismic damage and comparison of fragility functions of public and residential buildings damaged by the 2014 Mae Lao (Northern Thailand) earthquake2
Cold-formed steel framed shear wall test database2
Comparison of the simulated seismic behavior of small- and large-scale cripple walls: PEER-CEA Project test programs2
The search for hard-rock kappa (κ) in NGA-East: A semi-automated method for large, challenging datasets in stable continental regions2
Component Restoration Models of Highway Bridges for Resilience Assessment: A Nationwide Expert-Opinion Survey Study and Application2
Innovative EC8-compliant solutions for selection of the optimum retrofitting scheme of buildings with special characteristics2
Seismic risk assessment and mitigation analysis of large public school building portfolios in Metro Manila2
Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete columns with short lap splices2
Seismic performance assessment of base isolation systems in five hospitals during the Mw7.8 and Mw7.6 2023 earthquakes in Southeast Turkey2
Identifying viable financing mechanisms for post-earthquake housing reconstruction in Canada: Case study of a M7 earthquake in British Columbia2
Peculiar characteristics of ground motions in Southern Italy: Insights from global and regional ground motion models2
A detailed damage investigation of an instrumented ductile reinforced concrete building following the M-7.8 Kaikoura earthquake2
An evaluation of partially nonergodic PGA ground-motion models for Japanese megathrust earthquakes2
Experimental study on seismic performance of strengthening masonry wall using hybrid fiber-reinforced reactive powder concrete2
Backbone curve variations on steel building seismic response2
Seismic fragility of bridges: An approach coupling multiple-stripe analysis and Gaussian mixture for multicomponent structures2
Seismic performance assessment of medical equipment using experimentally validated rolling and toppling nonlinear models2
Seismic response prediction using intensity measures: Graphite nuclear reactor core model case study2
A mixed-mode data collection approach for building inventory development: Application to school buildings in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia2