Reviews of Geophysics

(The TQCC of Reviews of Geophysics is 38. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Short‐Lived Air Pollutants and Climate Forcers Through the Lens of the COVID‐19 Pandemic390
Managing Induced Seismicity Risks From Enhanced Geothermal Systems: A Good Practice Guideline275
On the Cause of the Mid‐Pleistocene Transition252
Thank You to Our 2021 Peer Reviewers244
Advances in Mapping Lowermost Mantle Convective Flow With Seismic Anisotropy Observations206
Issue Information155
Synthetic Aperture Radar for Geosciences102
Origin, Accretion, and Reworking of Continents97
Polar Vortices in Planetary Atmospheres95
Land Data Assimilation: Harmonizing Theory and Data in Land Surface Process Studies87
Satellite Observations of the Tropical Terrestrial Carbon Balance and Interactions With the Water Cycle During the 21st Century76
Comparison and Synthesis of Sea‐Level and Deep‐Sea Temperature Variations Over the Past 40 Million Years70
The Effects of Changing Environments, Abiotic Stresses, and Management Practices on Cropland Evapotranspiration: A Review68
Achievements and Prospects of Global Broadband Seismographic Networks After 30 Years of Continuous Geophysical Observations68
Global Climate Impacts of Land‐Surface and Atmospheric Processes Over the Tibetan Plateau67
Climate Evolution Through the Onset and Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation60
Closing the Loops on Southern Ocean Dynamics: From the Circumpolar Current to Ice Shelves and From Bottom Mixing to Surface Waves56
Developing, Testing, and Communicating Earthquake Forecasts: Current Practices and Future Directions55
Issue Information54
The Impacts of Erosion on the Carbon Cycle50
Soil Moisture Memory: State‐Of‐The‐Art and the Way Forward49
Nordic Seas Heat Loss, Atlantic Inflow, and Arctic Sea Ice Cover Over the Last Century43
Beyond Carbon: The Contributions of South American Tropical Humid and Subhumid Forests to Ecosystem Services42
Dynamics, Monitoring, and Forecasting of Tephra in the Atmosphere40
Carbon Mineralization in Fractured Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks: A Review38